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    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Star Trek Online 5 Months From Now...

    Star Trek Online 5 Months From Now...

    5 Months From Now...

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:40 PM PST

    Event campaign reward appearently only includes T6 infinity ships, no promo!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:18 AM PST

    Once again, I'm asking the Devs - Can we get the Calico M960 gun for First Contact day event please ������? It would go great with the shotgun and the Thompson submachine gun ��

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:34 AM PST

    PSA: Contraband/Prisoner turn in at Security Officer have been fixed

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:47 AM PST

    You can now turn in your Prisoners and Contraband as normal. Tested on KDF/FED/ROM. All working normal.

    submitted by /u/WaldoTrek
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    Nice hair "Torek." So, how long have you been spying for the Federation?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 07:51 AM PST

    PSA: Legacy Tokens do not work towards Campaign Progress...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:40 AM PST

    I'm almost certain using Legacy Tokens during previous events gave us Campaign Progress as well. I remember getting the rewards very fast by using the tokens AND playing the events daily.

    This time, however, using the Legacy Tokens didn't give me any progress for the Event Campaign...

    I only got the 50 progress after playing The Breach.


    Not only that, but after claiming the reward and playing the Breach again for 8000 dilithium, I also didn't get the 50 Progress...

    So they've pretty much changed something that only allows 50 progress poitns to be obtained daily, regardless of the method.

    submitted by /u/SuavekS
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    Quick scout around the Spire waiting for downtime

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:42 AM PST

    5 free keys for Console Captains, Enjoy

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:31 AM PST

    New Generation

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:54 PM PST

    I love the Tong'Duj/Kobayashi Maru Freighter...but

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:16 AM PST

    It's missing a Tailor. I wish they would add one to complete this already awesome little ship.

    submitted by /u/DunceCaps
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    Ten Forward weekly 2/24/21

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:09 PM PST

    I missed the first 20 minutes or so, so nothing from that section of the stream

    • They are currently investigating making the new Klingon bridge from the tutorial as a player bridge.
    • Don't foresee a weekend event where they disable TFO/patrol cooldown
    • Disabling player effects in space is a big process because some effects you need to see like gravity well/space tornado so you can know why ships are getting pulled. Game has 25,000 effects that would need to be gone through manually to determine if its essential or not.
    • New Mudd's choice pack being designed. No ETA on release
    • Not sure anyone could go through all uniform pieces to ensure they all have the same color pallet due to how many there are
    • Asked about longer, like 60-90 minute long dungeon like experiences. That isn't what modern MMO markets want. People want shorter experiences they can just come in and do. 20 person, hour long, TFO, would take like 12 weeks of full time work.
    • Temporal Recruit will probably be rerun sometime this year, but wont be the first rerun this year
    • Considering more patrols, ground patrols also
    • Likely to do more TFOs based on episodes like Battle at the Binary Stars/Synth Wave
    • Unlikely to do a Terran/Tal Shiar specific campaign because some people say they want to play evil characters, but most people don't. Hisotrically an issue with City of Villains also, few people bought it/played it. Same thing with Klingons, even with all the recent updates there is a slice of people playing them, but not a large slice. Also goes against the theme of Star Trek. Might not sit well with CBS.Same issue with the Decypher RPG game, CBS didn't like a MU expansion book.
    • Tzenkethi BOFF unlikely due to size/animation rig. Have talked about using the tech used in Quark's Lucky Seven to make a BOFF that only has access to specific powers designed for it.
    • Jessie would like to take a crack at reworking crafting specialization manuals for BOFFs to be less of a hassle
    • Its technically possible to use nemesis like tech to make a MU version of you
    • There is always some sort of reason about why they don't advance the in-game year more often
    • Looking into reworking the Borg at some point
    • Might get Enterprise content at some point
    • Expansions are unlikely at this point
    • New storyline they are doing could possibly tie into Enterprise based on the content of some episodes of ENT
    • Numbers have shown that a lot more people like the new trek then don't
    • Jessie would like to do more Obisek in the future
    • Are aware of how many people want Discovery Androians and Saurians, might be this year if they have time
    • No plans to do a fleet revamp right now
    • New fleet holding maybe
    • Might be able to get fleet marks added to the Borg TFOs
    • Exploration wont come back in the way they was before, old star cluster system had so much data it added multiple days for new builds to process/was also bad content. Questioned how much exploration do we actually see in Star Trek? Exploration is typically just the hook to get people somewhere where something interesting happens for the episode. Charting gaseous anomaly would just be press F, and isn't fun. Jeremy was in on the chat saying every episode of Star trek was an interruption of true exploration. People expect stakes in story, which true exploration doesn't have.
    • Unlikely to see procedurally generated patrols
    • Will look into getting To Hell With Honor into the normal TFO menu
    • Well there ever be a Year of Romulan? They already basically did it by upgrading old Romulan missions with new VA and dialog but it wasn't advertised because Kael wasn't told about it until it was basically done.
    • Unlikely to see a new mega bundle for just one faction, besides maybe Federation, due to playerbase reasons
    • Cross faction ship flying was done to make creating Klingon and Romulan ships easier
    • Increasing the endeavor cap was something they had wanted to do for awhile. Still looking into future cap increases
    • New factions unlikely due to the amount of work needed for it. Probably wouldn't get the return trying to make a Cardassian faction, hence why they are a species unlock
    • To Hell With Honor likely wont ever have the turrets on the consoles due to lower draw amounts on consoles
    • No current information on any upgrades for the next gen consoles. Core programmer team likely going to look into optimizing STO, Neverwitner, etc. for modern systems later this year
    • No plans for an official DPS parser due to various problems
    • There is a list of reasons why Starbase 24 isn't on holodeck, but is on tribble. Needs people to work on it
    • Small ship content might happen, but unlikely due to not being fun/people not liking it. They had an idea for an interesting shuttle thing previously they want to get done
    • Currently looking at the in-game options to improve things like possibly a renderscale slider
    • Unlikely to do a roadmap this year due to needing to be extremely shfitable due to COVID
    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    Ten Forward Weekly 24.02.2021: General Q&A

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 09:23 PM PST

    Links: Twitch, Facebook [1:40]

    Topic: General Q&A

    Guests: senior content designer Jesse Heinig; systems designer Jeremy Randall joined eventually

    It probably wouldn't turn into one of those monstrosities that are other Q&A streams, when they just jump from topic to topic, resulting in a huge list of text for me to mess up in, right? Right?

    Of course it would.

    • Jesse about Prodigy's character design: interesting one that really shows that they don't have to care about makeup budget.
    • Jesse owns a lego Millennium Falcon that someone anonymously sent him while he was in hospital.
    • One of things systems do, while looking at older content is figuring out what was popular in MMOs when mission was designed, what of that now is outdated and what is now, and what new things they should add in place of outdated ones.
    • They were trying to make proper system when player would be able to call from the pool of their available ships, in a response to long-standing request, but eventually they had to water it down to the current wingmen mechanic with two predetermined ships.
    • Delta recruits would receive some fixing soon.
    • Klingon recruitment event went pretty well. That will positively affect recruitments in general.
      • 25% players made klingon recruit. (Whether it's out of total or active wasn't specified.)
    • Forcas III tournament would return in some new form.
    • Some of audio overlaps on old content happens because 3 years ago they changed the way audio is attached to dialogue.
    • Content relevant to DIS S3 is coming "very soon".
    • Cutscene from Binary at the Binary Stars (recreation of scene from series) was the first one Westin did.
    • Wrath of Kham uniform was supposed to be Playstation exclusive for a time, but right now no one can tell Mike when that exclusivity time should end and they'd be able to bring it to XBox. Mike keeps shaking people.
    • Jesse's working on adding current Klingon tutorial bridge as a regular bridge option.
    • To add option of turning off space effects they'd need to categorize essential and non-essential space effects, because some need to be shown, like gravity well.
    • Analysis of modern MMO playerbase shows that most players would rather play multiple smaller TFOs, as opposed to one huge.
      • That's why ground Borg content is unpopular now.
      • They may still do that eventually, they would even like to, but it won't be a priority.
        • They had some success on champions while revamping some of the old huge missions, which increases probability.
        • Same to elite capabilities tests, like Korfez.
      • Jesse said that if he to make a hour-long TFO that consists of running around on New Romulus (so that there's no need to make new map) he would need twelve weeks of full-time work.
    • Temporal recruitment is probably getting a rerun this year, but it won't be the first one to be rerun.
    • Space patrols are in majority because majority of players prefer space gameplay.
    • BatBS and Synthwave were received well enough that they'll do more of things so heavily based on events from series.
    • First contact day would remain the same this year.
    • About evil factions, like Tal Shiar or Terran Empire: besides the usual "finite amount of time to allocate", there's also an issue of the fact that most players wouldn't want to play unrepentantly evil characters.
      • Cryptic already ran into that issue when they, in response to seemingly popular request, made City of Villains and its relative failure gave them significant troubles.
      • Another issue is that "Star Trek ultimately is a hopeful franchise about brighter future", and problems exist to be solved; it's a heroic story.
      • In fact, CBS are explicitly unwelcome of such approach either, as Jesse learned while working on the Mirror Universe rulebook for old Star Trek tabletop RPG - they didn't want mirror universe to be just violent murderfest.
    • While significant enough slice of players play Klingons to make more exclusive things, it's still pretty small, so they can't afford to make big number of those things.
    • They're working about non-humanoid BOFFs, like tzenkethi or horta. Main issue is that they'd have to redo all animations for new skeleton to be able to interact with them, or place heavy restrictions or even create absolutely new set of powers; either way, that's still a lot of work to do, so we shouldn't expect results soon.
    • Jesse is personally unsatisfied with how specialisation qualifications are crafted, but don't have enough time to seriously look on a solution.
    • Jesse is bit disappointed that Guardian of Forever arc got removed, as he worked on its previous update, but isn't the one who schedules what to do and thus can't just go and update it.
      • Appearance of Guardian in Discovery S3 may have raised the priority of arc's update, but not enough that either Mike or Jesse were made aware of that.
    • Neither Mike nor Jesse know why we had such slow passing of time in game, but they do know that writers had specific reasons.
    • Borg really got powercrept. Cryptic also wants to do something with the borg in terms of content.
    • When Jesse came to Cryptic, he had a list of things that he wants to do with Star Trek. By now, all points are done.
    • Neither Mike nor Jesse have any idea what team that was at the beginning was thinking while making factions so hard-conflicting; the only thing they come up is that this was what MMOs, particularly World of Warcraft, did, dual-faction system was very hot at the time. Mike remarked that the very idea of Federation-Klingon war going on forever seems not Star Trek-ish.
    • While further huge expansions are unlikely at all, more Enterprise content may appear at some point, particularly because there is series' 20th anniversary.
    • Next story arc is heavily in works.
    • In spite of how it may sound, Mike voiced that: it's not Cryptic who's biased to Federation, it's playerbase; in no small part because all of the shows so far were focusing on Starfleet.
    • Obisek as a character was written by Jesse. Originally he was envisioned as a one-off moustache-twirling mini-boss villain to fight in the beginning of Vault arc, but then Jesse thought that it was too boring and decided to add a little depth, people liked the character and now here we are. Jesse would like to do more things with him.
    • Topic of J'ula was touched, and Jesse noted that klingons have vastly different culture compared to modern humanity, which shows actually point at, so just simply judging from our perspective is wrong; and also, though for Starfleet officer such actions would be unforgivable, strictly speaking, she never did anything in STO that wasn't an acceptable thing by the norms of klingon warfare, even though she really did a lot of what would be considered unsavoury and frowned upon.
    • Mike: "I don't like human centipede, and I never seen human centipede". No context, as per Mike's request.
    • The way exploration system was set up, it was stalling everything very much, as build update could take up to several days for a simple fix.
    • If one actually looks at series proper, there's very little routine exploration going on, and usually episodes contain situations when exploration is interrupted or exploration is just a hook to arrive to the place of an actual plot.
    • They would like to add some kind of exploration, but don't want to add something slapped together, and don't have exact ideas and time to work on them to create something significant.
    • It's unlikely that they would do non-federation one-faction megabundle.
      • Crossfaction flying may have raised chances of that; they're still monitoring results.
    • Consoles are generally weaker than PC, so sometimes things have to be reworked to simply run on consoles; removal of turrets on "To Hell with Honor" is one of those things. They already made changes to development process to find out about such issues earlier.
      • They don't have information about the new generation of consoles yet, but since they run on the same servers, some things would be unfixable.
    • They tried making official DPS parser once, but were unable to at the time. Jeremy would like to eventually tackle that problem again.
    • They had ideas how to make shuttles mechanically different from being just regular ships, but smaller, but had to put it on hold.
    • They're currently looking at settings to see what could be improved.

    *With shudder* They... just... kept... going...

    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    AI in Ragnarok

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:13 AM PST

    The friendly AI in the mission Ragnarok (Future Proof) rarely fires at enemies and doesn't get targeted either, making the mission extremely hard

    submitted by /u/Chill4x
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    Anyone else's ship "shaking" during normal flight, full impulse, or turning?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:42 AM PST

    As of the last few updates / patches, my ships are now doing this weird kind of "vibration" while turning and flying, whether at throttle, full impulse, or slipstream, but it's most noticeable at throttle and full impulse.

    It's a little weird. Is this happening to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/sethandtheswan
    [link] [comments]

    Twitter: Quick clarification, Captains: The reward for the 2021 Meta Event, if you choose a Lock Box or Promo ship, will only include ships released up until 12/31/20. Ships released after that date will not be included.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:07 PM PST

    Think I'll take Q's place now he's gone :(

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:14 AM PST

    A message from Proconsul D'tan

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:14 AM PST

    PC Patch Notes 2/25

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:49 PM PST


    No fix for DOFF assignments??

    Edit: They fixed DOFF assignments and level 11 DOFF issues.


    Resolved an issue that would sometimes prevent rerolling a Personal Endeavor.

    Resolved an issue that was causing the Jem'Hadar Fighter to have no equipment when commissioned.

    Resolved an issue that was causing the animations on pilot maneuvers performed by the Kelvin Timeline D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey to be delayed by a few seconds when executed.

    Addressed an issue that caused certain ships in "Storming the Spire" TFO to move at high speeds even in combat.

    Resolved an issue that was causing the Ship Requisition filters to use incorrect terminology for each faction.

    Resolved an issue where Improved Warrior's Blood was named Warrior's Blood This is a display issue only.

    submitted by /u/CTek20
    [link] [comments]

    tactical khopesh build

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:28 AM PST

    hey all,

    returning newbie here. I have a t6 khopesh already, it's full of beams because, well, I like beams (I'm aware that cannons would be better, I intend to replace them and swap onto another t6 ship) but I've been looking at various builds and they seem to be populated with the pvp reward reflectors et al.

    are fleet modules just as good, or can anyone recommend a set? I'm grinding then iconian set at the moment but not sure as it's any good for this type of ship.

    submitted by /u/Haldee007
    [link] [comments]

    Sitting inside the ground

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:21 AM PST

    Starfleet bridges on KDF ships

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:33 AM PST

    With the ships being cross faction I was kinda hoping to use the Belfast bridge on the Gorn multi mission explorer for a 'Galactica' feel, only to find out that wasn't possible yet. Any chance that may be added in the future?

    submitted by /u/ItchyWorldliness911
    [link] [comments]

    Event Rewards Ask

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:59 AM PST

    I know this is a big ask, but is it possible to add in Account Unlocks for Missing Historical Events? All these ships are outdated but it would be a nice pickup for those that came to STO late and still are trying to compete sets.

    • 2AE2012 Odyssey Star Cruiser [T5]
    • 2AE2012 Bortas Battle Cruiser [T5]
    • W2012-2013 Breen Chel Grett Warship
    • 3AE2013 Support Cruiser Retrofit [T5]
    • 3AE2013 Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit [T5]
    • S2013 Risian Corvette [T5]
    • W2013-2014 Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider
    • S2014 Risian Luxury Cruiser [T5]
    • 4AE2014 Solanae Dyson Science Destroyer [T5][FED]
    • 4AE2014 Nov Dyson Science Destroyer [T5][KDF]
    • 4AE2014 Aves Dyson Science Destroyer [T5][ROM]
    • W2014-2015 Breen Sarr Theln Carrier
    • 5AE2015 Kobali Samsar Cruiser [T5]
    submitted by /u/tobywitczak
    [link] [comments]

    DOFF Dump after patch? (Level 65 - why?)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:55 AM PST

    PS4 (console?) Ship Bundles appear to be 35% off currently

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:37 AM PST

    Was this announced somewhere, and I missed it? Regardless...sale!

    Edit: just saw it in the in-game news. Goes until March 1st.

    submitted by /u/MyHammyVise
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