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    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:46 AM PST

    Let's get the week started with a new question megathread.

    Post all the questions you may have about anything STO-related. PC? Console? Everyone's welcome to post their questions here.

    Stay safe out there and happy flying.


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    TAC player for 10 years, trying ENG class for the first time

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:01 AM PST

    FED Captains this week in one photo

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:11 PM PST

    Get a T5 Ship, Free! | Star Trek Online

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:47 AM PST

    KDF captains this week be like ...

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST

    The Book of the Dishonored Three: Chapter Three

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:02 AM PST

    QoL Request/Discussion: Do something to the Admiralty System Ship list, please

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Tomorrow's update will increase the number of ASS cards for the players - Yay!
    But I, and certainly others, have quite a long list already. The slider itself has become very small and little scrolling quickly overshoots where I wanted to go and filtering is way too tedious.
    We really need a better interface there, sadly I don't have a good proposal for you - but I throw in some ideas that would probably help me:

    • stack the one time use ships (I try to use them, but they keep coming) so instead of X one-time uses give me one X-time use
    • give me the filters not in the dropdown way they are now but in a 'separate' window on the left of the ship list with checkboxes so that I can quickly filter the list. Also let me tick or untick if the filter should be stored or if I want to see the unfiltered list for next ship (this setting schould be permanent until it's manually changed)
    • make the ship list resizable so that I can have more than on column (not completely sure about that one, but I'd like to try it)

    I know this is somewhat of a first world problem in STO, but I believe long time players can relate. If you have better ideas, that's great because I'm not sure that I like my own ones so much but I'm surely not liking the state of the list now.

    submitted by /u/In-dy
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    Mission idea: Barzan's induction into the Federation

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:46 AM PST

    Mission idea: Barzan's induction into the Federation

    The DSC season 3 episode "Die Trying" revealed that Barzan joined the Federation in the early 25th century - a.k.a. STO era!

    STO could capitalize on that by building a one- or two-part mission around it. On the one hand, it ties into onscreen Trek. On the other, we only know a single fact about the event, so STO's writing team is unencumbered by canon details.

    Assuming the story is set in a post-Klingon Civil War story arc:

    The story may starf off similar to "The Temporal Front", with a conference/ceremony on Barzan itself.

    Our guest character could be a descendant of Commander Nhan's family, voiced by Rachael Ancheril, or another of STO's great voice actors. (Emotion: hope)

    The Barzan wormhole, unstable on both ends, could come into play. Is the enemy trying to stabilize it for their own gains? (Emotion: thrill of action)

    Are the Ferengi (Madran?!) arriving uninvited to claim their rights to the wormhole? (Emotion: surprise, possible comedic element?)

    The cliffhanger is our Hero pursuing the Ferengi and the Enemy through the wormhole arriving in an unexplored system. To underscore the "strangers in a strange land" feeling, the background could a nebula, like the blue one at Deferi Outpost 3.

    Whatever we discover is a great opportunity to bring back old, unused assets, like the Ferengi Station we've not yet encountered: https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Ferengi_Station_1

    Possible rewards:

    • Barzan breather (cosmetic, unlocked in Tailor)


    + canon tie-in

    + optional guest actor

    + using existing Ferengi assets


    submitted by /u/Potential_Ad5058
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    The Caitians must hibernate because they made a sick new ship called the Asleep-class

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:37 PM PST

    I do not regret making this character

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:08 PM PST

    Inventory and Bank Slots For the Anniversary Are Like Getting Socks For Christmas

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:31 PM PST

    They're the best gift, because you really need them. But man, couldn't it have been a Playstation, or a guitar, or a hockey stick, or something?

    submitted by /u/AdmiralAucka
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    Seeing as it is the Year of the Klingon, the Kamarag-class should return as a t6...

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:03 AM PST

    Seeing as it is the Year of the Klingon, the Kamarag-class should return as a t6...

    Honestly, I don't know anyone who was playing in 2013. Obviously, those people are out there (some will read this thread), but I think it's pretty safe to say that a significant chunk of STO's playerbase is newer than that.

    For those unaware, the Kamarag was intended to be the "middle ship" for the Klingons, basically playing the same role as the Ambassador class does between the Constitution and Galaxy (this is if we assume that, in terms of technology [but obviously not overall strength], the bird-of-prey was roughly equivalent to the Excelsior**). The need for such a design is pretty obvious: the K'tinga was basically the same as a refit Constitution, and it made very little sense for the proud Klingons (even humbled by the Praxis disaster) to have been flying K'tingas right up until 2367, when the first Vor'chas appeared.

    I'm the middle child... in a very, very angry family.

    The design is, understandably, a bit of a digital kitbash - it has roughly the same familiar bulbous command section as the K'tinga, but the wide 'stance' and glowing nacelles of the Vor'cha. IMO, it's a pretty good looking ship - it's not as iconic as either of the canon vessels, but it looks very proper when set between them.

    Unfortunately the base Kamarag is a t3 ship, and its t5 fleet version - the lone incarnation that might be workable in endgame - was only available as part of a temporary event. Thus, if you want to fly a Kamarag now, you're pretty much out of luck. Needless to say, that's kind of crappy, considering there is a t6 Excelsior, t6 Ambassador, and both the Vor'cha and K'tinga have t6 versions (though the K'tinga really, REALLY needs a legendary update). Basically, the Kamarag is the missing link.

    With Tuesday's patch fast approaching, I think its high time that Cryptic take a look releasing a number of different t6 Klingon vessels that we haven't seen before, the Kamarag being only one of these. After all, the market is now wide open, and this is the Year of the Klingon.

    **The D9 might also be considered the Excelsior-equivalent.

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Do you ever think about how funny BOFF skill cooldowns would be in 'real life?'

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:41 AM PST

    Do you ever think about how funny BOFF skill cooldowns would be in 'real life?'

    "Our phaser barrage has crippled three smaller hostile ships and lowered the shields on the flagship."

    "Excellent, Mr. Worf."

    "Thank you, captain."

    "Now, target their engine and shield systems until we've disabled that cruiser. Fire at Will!!!"

    "One moment captain, I need to take a break for roughly 40 seconds, maybe less depending on how a few semi-random variables."

    "What are you saying, Mr. Worf, is there a problem with the firing controls?"

    "No sir."

    "The phase inducers?"

    "No sir."

    "Then what is the problem?"

    "I'm just a little tired after that last salvo, and I need to take a small rest before firing again."

    "Excuse me, Mr. Worf? We can fly across the galaxy, we can transport matter across space and time, but you are telling me you can't do your job continuously for more than 15 seconds, without needing to pause for a cup of tea? We are the most advanced species in the Federation, with the most advanced technology, and we can't accomplish that? Space is dangerous, filled with many hostile species. Don't you think it would be beneficial to be able to do your job for say, one full minute at least?

    "Good news captain, I am ready to Fire at Will again."


    submitted by /u/gamerpops
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    Oh boy. I am not looking forward to reading that mission report....

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 01:59 PM PST

    Can we have a trait that lengthens the duration of surgical strikes now please

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:24 PM PST

    Are Ba'ul weapons worth their 5% bonus? Even with the 2 piece console omni set? It looks cool using FAW, but doesn't seem to do much extra damage vs just using AP weapons

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST

    What are the best specialty weapons/sets currently?

    I use the ba'aul on my kdf with omni & console 2pc set. I also use the sentry console and 5 AP tac consoles for added ap kick.

    submitted by /u/The-Outcazt
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    My best endeavour reward so far

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:14 PM PST

    Plain text version - The Book of the Dishonored Three: Chapter One

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    From the Holy Writings of Boreth

    The Tales of the Three

    From the journal of Tenavik, Monk of Holy Boreth

    This is the Tale of the Cowardly Life of Dar'uhk

    This is the Tale of the Cowardly Death of Dar'uhk

    Heed the Tale and never forget

    Glory to Kahless. Honour to those that follow his ways. Death to traitors and cowards

    Dar'uhk, may his name live infamy and shame, came to be thirty years before the Hur'q defiled our most scared places.

    The name of his House is lost.

    Like all Klingons, Dar'uhk was trained as a warrior.

    Dar'uhk eschewed this training. He hid from his teachers and learned only enough to survive. He was a coward.

    Dar'uhk The Coward should have been killed as a child. But through luck and cowardice, he lived. His father was a warrior of some repute, who used his reputation to shield the child. As Dar'uhk grew into a man, he used his own cunning and guile to place himself in a position of power on Qo'nos. The sims he committed to receive this position are too numerous to list here.

    While he escaped punishment in life, Dar'uhk was Klingon enough to know he would not escape the fire of Gre'thor. And so he sought to extend his life as long as possible. When danger rose, Dar'uhk was always far away. When challenged, he would convince naïve warriors to fight for him. If they would not, he would win through poison or some other treachery. Never had there been a coward like Dar'uhk.

    Seeking to escape danger forever, Dar'uhk schemed to place himself in charge of the defensive fleet at Holy Boreth. He considered himself sad there, that the might of the Great Houses and the magic of Kahless would protect him. But no one could be protected when the Hur'q came. In great numbers they filled the sky. In packs they blotted out the stars. Nowhere in the Galaxy would be safe from them. No even Holy Boreth.

    As the Hur'q's terrible fleet approached, Dar'uhk watched the end of honourable Klingon ship after honourable Klingon ship. Only his flagship remained. Dar'uhk and his warriors were the last hope for Holy Boreth. He knew what a true son of Kahless would do. But Dar'uhk the Coward gave the order to retreat. His men, true Klingons all, turned on him and Dar'uhk found himself alone and challenged. He stole a shuttle and fled to the planet below.

    Holy Boreth was not welcoming to Dar'uhk. As the Hur'q invasion began, the coward struggled towards the Monastery. Towards safety. But the Monks of Boreth, in their infinite wisdom, already knew of Dar'uhk's betrayal. Such was the depth of his depravity, that he petitioned them to become a monk, to escape his fate. Why the monks accepted is known only to them, but Dar'uhk did not take long to betray them. He attempted to steal a time crystal and escape.

    Touching a time crystal on Holy Boreth is an act reserved for only the most deserving. Dar'uhk knew this, but he believe the power of the crystal would protect him. It did not. Dar'uhk the Coward found himself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by smoke and fire. He knew at once that he had found his just reward in Gre'thor. Before him stood a pale figure, a creature beaten down by the whips and chains of punishment. Before him stood Dar'uhk the Coward, suffering eternally in Gre'thor.

    The creature shuffled towards him, and Dar'uhk found himself engaged in mortal battle against himself. He bested his future self, beaten down by time, but as he turned, another spectre appeared. Before him, he saw a young child, weeping and crouched under a stone. Before him stone Dar'uhk the Coward hiding from his teachers. The child ran at him, and once again he found himself fighting for his life.

    Dar'uhk had never once fought for his life, but now he had done so twice. As the child he was fell before him. Dar'uhk began to understand. The child he was in the past should have died, as should the man he was in the present. The man who now stood before him.

    For indeed, a third spectre stood in front of him. Dar'uhk the Coward, Bat'leth in hand, fear and cowardice in his eyes. As Dar'uhk defeated himself for a third time, the trust of Kahless, the truth he had been fleeing from all of his life, finally revealed itself to him. Running would not save him. Only death would.

    Dar'uhk emerged from his vision and stared into the sky. The Hur'q were coming. His ship was alone, making a desperate last stand. The desperate, clinging fear that had held him his entire life should have been melted away by the Light of Kahless, but Dar'uhk, despite everything, was still a coward. Now he knew there was no sanctuary from him on Holy Boreth. He took flight, stealing a shuttle and trying to flee into space. Tracking him from the Flagship, his own second in command gave the glorious order to fire on the shuttle and destroy him.

    At last, in his attempt at flight, Dar'uhk had stumbled onto doing something truly Klingon. His shuttle, disabled by the disruptor burst, careened into a Hur'q flagship. It was just enough to turn the Hurq's coordinated assault into disarray. They brave warriors on his flagship gave their lives, but they turned the tide of the Hur'q invasion of Holy Boreth.

    They secured their place in Sto-vo-kor.

    In the darkness of Gre'thor, Dar'uhk the Coward now sits. The future he saw for himself could have been avoided. He could have changed his ways. He could have accepted death. He could have been a Klingon. Heed these words, and never forget. Remain Klingon.

    Edit: link to Chapter Two

    submitted by /u/gr3gr1
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    Plain text version - The Book of the Dishonored Three: Chapter Two

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 01:25 PM PST

    Chapter One

    This is the tale of the treacherous life of A'hoz.

    This is the tale of the treacherous death of A'hoz.

    Heed the tale and never forget.

    Glory to Kahless. Honour to those that follow his ways. Death to traitors and cowards.

    The warrior known as A'hoz was born in shackles. His mother had been taken prisoner by Molor, to feed his disgusting appetite for sacrifices. In those dungeons, A'hoz was born, and raised without seeing the light of Jul for himself. His mother was sacrificed, but his jailers kept him alive, for reasons now lost to time.

    A'hoz grew as a slave, and became a personal favourite of Molor's. He offered his twisted master platitudes and brought him sacrifices, free Klingons captured in dishonourable combat. He and his troop of slaves would come upon them in the night, while they slept, and bind them to be brought to Molor alive. Thus were none of these warriors granted a true death.

    As A'hoz grew in power and influence, he began to fancy himself a member of the Court of Molor. This was his mistake. Molor did not see him as anything more than a tool, for Molor is incapable of brotherhood. Still, A'hoz clung to whatever power he could, granting himself slaves of his own, and riches to adorn his body.

    The court of Molor, lead by its terrible ruler, held all of Qo'nos within a clenched fist. For the Klingon people, there was no escape but to serve him. But in secret, some worked against him. The battle against Molor's rule was done through sedition and a knife in the back, and this was doomed to fail. Still, in their war, the rebels manged to strike a few blows to Molor's empire.

    Their greatest strike was against a factory where Molor produced the weapons for his army. In the night, they stepped in darkness, slew the guards, and stole away with a great many Mek'leths and other weapons. And they took one prisoner – A'hoz.

    In the rebel's secret camp, A'hoz was caged, but not beaten. He was fed, and given care for his wounds. In his months of captivity, A'hoz's hearts began to waver. The slave began to see what it was to be free, and he grew fond, even friendly, with his captors. Where once he had refused to tell them anything, he began to give them the secrets of Molor's Palace This was his first betrayal.

    The rebels planned their most daring raid yet. On the information given to them by A'hoz, they believed they could slip into Molor's Palace and kill him while he slept. This is foolishness. Only Kahless could have ever killed Molor. But nonetheless, the rebels believed.

    The took A'hoz, unchained and free, as a guide into the palace. On the darkest night of the year, when Praxis was at her dimmest, they slipped through the gates and into the palace. The crept, silently, murdering as they went, heading to the chamber of Molor.

    They came to the golden doors that marked where Molor slept, and A'hoz began to doubt. He had seen his former master in combat and being this close to his bed made him afraid. The rebels, he knew, were going to die and he with them. And so, A'hoz concocted his second betrayal. As the rebels began to open the door, he called Molor's name.

    The rebels attempted to silence A'hoz's cries but they were too late. Molor burst from his room and slaughtered them all as A'hoz cowered. The rebellion, however dishonourable, was now over. Molor laughed, and thanks A'hoz for his service. The slave would be granted new heights of power, made a lord among Klingons.

    A'hoz hurriedly accepted this offer, with no though of rebellion any more on his mind. He tanked Molor for sparing him and turned to go. And in that moment, Molor struck, burying his mek'leth deep in A'hoz's back, laughing all the while.

    The way of Kahless was not yet proclaimed – that would not be until Molor was dead – but Grethor existed, nonetheless, claiming Klingons who did not deserve the Halls of Sto-vo-kor. A'hoz found himself there, surrounded by fire, the weapon of Molor still stuck firmly in his back.

    A'hoz still sands at his post in Grethor. When any Klingon betrays another with a knife in the back, that weapon is give to A'hoz, stabbed into his back to match Molor's weapon. He carries with him every sin we ever commit. And he deserves each one.

    The treacherous A'hoz could have lived a good life. As a child, he could have battled Molor and died honourably. As a man, he could have battled Molor and died honourably. But he chose the path of treachery, and now that treachery lives forever in him. He could have been a Klingon. Heed these words, and never forget. Remain Klingon.

    submitted by /u/gr3gr1
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    Question regarding Command Any Ship and the Dominion Vanguard ships

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:18 AM PST

    Once we unlock the Command Any Ship feature will the original Vanguard ships still require Tier 6 Mastery to use on all characters, or will unlocking CAS be enough?

    submitted by /u/evilmark443
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    Tailor broken?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Is the tailor broken? Every time I try to change the outfit on one of my Boffs nothing happens?

    submitted by /u/SaltyPill1337
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    Help with lifetime sub

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:12 AM PST

    I've purchased the lifetime sub but never got access to any of the benefits or rewards, I have a level 65 character but no rewards are in the game for me, is there anyway way to fix fibs this?

    submitted by /u/Avester_gg
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    Is there any change we can get the proper sound effects for the pulse phasers?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:55 PM PST

    How in the hell do I beat the Lukara?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:05 AM PST

    I'm on the Downfall mission, fighting the Lukara with a Level 65 Starfleet toon in a Sovereign-class. All my weapons are Level 13 (4x disruptor-tetryon beam mix with +30% consoles on both and 4x quantum torpedoes with +26.2% console). My shields are Level 12. When I start the fight, I use my tachyon beam, high yield torpedo, beam overload, aceton beam, and directed energy modulation, then activate my Delta Quadrant beacon, launch a heavy phaser turret, and launch boarding party shuttles. Occasionally, I'll launch Scorpion fighters. The most I can ever get this SOB down to is about 75% until my Delta Quadrant ships go away and the thing slowly regens back to 100%. I can barely even dent the shields. I might as well be throwing pebbles at the hull until it finally locks onto me and launches its fighters, which I can survive for about 3-4 minutes, at most.

    Is anyone else running into the same problem?

    submitted by /u/battleax86
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