• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    Star Trek Online The best part of this update...Glorious hair!

    Star Trek Online The best part of this update...Glorious hair!

    The best part of this update...Glorious hair!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:21 AM PST

    Bigger isn't always better - Blade of Sto'Vo'Kor

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:21 AM PST

    So, the Imperial Rift Set can be used on low level characters

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:21 PM PST

    No counter for kills, spec points and queues, but one for the character's level

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:42 AM PST

    As the title says, we're left without a counter for all the kills, the spec points AND the queues, but we do get on for the character level.

    Do they think us all so out-of-touch with the game that we don't know where to look to check our level? Even the newest players knows how to do that... Or is it simply that they do not care that one of the most asked things for all the previous Recruitments was a counter for stuff like this?

    We've got to make 2.5k melee kills, another 2.5k with the Ambush buff active, 45 specialization points (which, granted, is the easiest one to keep track of) and 150 random queues... and NONE of this deserved a counter? Truly?

    I mean, I can get understand forcing people to do stuff that they normally would not - melee kills, for example, because melee in this game sucks incredibly bad, but also random queues and endeavors points, (now that I think of it, the latter doesn't seem to have a counter, either) - but at least give us the means of tracking our progress properly. Going from one objective to the other is not enough because yes, I may have claimed the reward for getting 100 melee kills but the next one is at 500... how the hell should I know how many am I missing still? Do I need to pause after EVERY kill to note it down?

    In short: can you PLEASE add the relative counters?

    submitted by /u/AlexRubikoff
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    It appears that the Klingon Recruitment Program's mandatory CPR training is based upon a rather 'heavy-handed' school of medicine!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:11 AM PST

    [RANT] Lock boxes should contain a consistent number of Lobi crystals (10). Opening up a lock box and receiving 4 Lobi, a Rep Pool, and Duty Officer Assignment (that rewards 2 R&D boxes) is like a swift kick in the tribbles.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:45 AM PST

    Knowing that I'm at least gonna get 10 Lobi from each box would incentivize me to purchase lock boxes way more often.

    Yes Cryptic, we know you like money. Let this happen, and you won't regret it.

    submitted by /u/The-Outcazt
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    Dear sto character art devs: please add "boney claws" as a hand option for Disco Klingons

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Picture from the show for reference:


    When I created my dico Klingon yesterday I noticed that the bare hand option had the normal human smooth skin look, which is fine for those that want to use it. But there is already an option that aliens have called "boney claws" that more closely matches how the hands looked in the show, so please add this option to the disco Klingon species as well :)

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Please use this as a promo pic lol

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:49 PM PST

    The new Ambassador-class model is really beautiful!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:13 AM PST

    The new Ambassador-class model is really beautiful! submitted by /u/MasterRevan2015
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    Increase in (arbitrary) bans?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:57 AM PST

    As the title suggests, I and people I know seem to notice an increase in bans lately. People get banned for seemingly arbitrary reasons, or no reason at all. Particularly in my case, my account has been "temporarily suspended" for three days now, with no explanation given whatsoever.

    I've contacted support by submitting a ticket, asking for the reason and the duration of the suspension. I got a mail saying the ticket was received and being reviewed, but so far, I haven't gotten any answer. I've submitted another ticket after some time (days) has passed without receiving any kind of answer, stating that it would be helpful to know what I actually did wrong since keeping me in the dark about both the reason and the duration of the "temporary" suspension is only leading to growing frustration on my part.

    I like playing the game, I like spending my free time on it. I play the game to get away from stress and frustration during the day for a bit. But with restrictions put on it that not only seem to come out of the blue but also offer no explanation whatsoever, the game's shifting from a fun distraction to just another source of stress and frustration that I already have enough of already.

    Has anybody else noticed an increase in bans and/or temporary suspensions of the account without any reason given and without getting answers from support?

    submitted by /u/ShinzonOfRomulus
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    Updates to the Ambassador and Narendra

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:16 AM PST

    Just a couple of dudes, doin' Ambassador stuff...

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:32 PM PST

    The Kamarag should be added to the C-Store or Phoenix Store

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:31 AM PST

    The Kamarag Battlecruiser was introduced with the Ambassador during the 3rd-year anniversary. The T3 and T5 versions of the Kamarag were limited-time rewards for playing the mission "Temporal Ambassador" on a KDF character. As far as I know, there is currently no way to obtain these ships. The only version of the Kamarag that's available is the fleet Kamarag. We now have a new Ambassador reskin and a Klingon Recruitment Event, but still no way to obtain the KDF equivalent of the Ambassador.

    submitted by /u/frtoaster
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    [BUG] & [PSA] They moved the shipyard, except they didn't.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:15 AM PST

    The way Klingon Recruits track melee kills showed up as a trait when I hit 500 kills and unlocked the unique melee trait and unequipped itself, now it's taking up a spot in my trait menu because I'm too afraid kills won't count otherwise

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:22 AM PST

    Zhat Vash Disruptors

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:53 AM PST

    How do they compare to regular disruptors? It seems like with the longer-lasting debuff, they might shine really well in team situations with multiple people using them. How does their 4%x5 damage buff compare to normal disruptors' -10 damage resist?

    submitted by /u/Jotaro_Lincoln
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    DSC Klingon Boffs

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:20 AM PST

    I see they put in a "Klingon (Discovery/TNG) Male/Female" tag on Klingon Captains and Boffs.

    But so far I've only seen TNG-era Klingons for Boffs in the Qo'nos vendors and Exchange. Are there any Discovery-era Boffs versions available anywhere aside from the Miracle Worker promo Boff?

    submitted by /u/AriaMournesong
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    (SPOILERS) A difficult review of STO's current story arc, and the trends that got us here.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    Lemme get this out of the way: the environment art, cutscenes, voice acting, and sound design in Knowledge is Power and Leap of Faith are some of the best this game has ever seen, and some of the best in any MMO, ever. Serious kudos to everyone involved in those specific elements.

    With that said, now I'm gonna do this:

    I've been playing STO since late 2016. Since then, I've been open with my criticisms of the game, and generous with praise - both when earned. I'm not going to go too much into my thoughts on PWE/Cryptic's predatory, gouging, unethical pricing strategies, or the state of this game compared to other similar MMOs. This is all about the writing, structure, and world-building.

    Aside from the quite good Romulan faction story, New Frontiers through Victory Is Life were the narrative highlights of the game. While initially polarizing, The Renegade's Regret was a successfully handled break from the norm, neatly tucked behind the climax of the longest unbroken story chain that the game had yet produced.

    Discovery and the EP changeover interrupted the continuation of the Gamma Quadrant arc, which is still a huge shame, but it makes perfect sense that a currently airing Trek show should become the central narrative fulcrum of the game. Ignoring that would have been straight-up silly. It's just a damned shame that the abysmal writing of Discovery has made its way into this game - which with a few exceptions didn't have the best storytelling to begin with.

    Ever since the Defense of Starbase One, the story quality has been dropping in an uncontrolled tailspin. I don't just mean dialogue: the general over-arching concepts and events of the J'ula arc are baffling to witness and generally excruciating to play through. The new way that mobs are handled only makes it worse; timegated waves of enemies that force you to stay rooted to the spot for a mandatory minimum duration to pad-out the episode lengths only serve to amplify the already substantial pain. The mobs in Knowledge is Power took this trend to a miserably comical place. And then there's the fact that we have to play as J'ula for this entire misadventure.

    I don't know what exactly it is with new Trek stories, but there's a thematic obsession with desperately trying to redeem truly horrific war criminals. Georgiou and J'ula are the most extreme examples.

    The reveal of Aakar as the "real" villain was handled particularly poorly, and reads as an obvious retcon. He's introduced and painted as the villain in the same breath, and we're somehow supposed to believe that he's been fleecing J'ula this whole time. This arc is begging the player to buy the moon-eyed idea that J'ula is not only a red herring, but a sympathetic character. Madness.

    "I'll tear this moon in half! Fire the weapon!"

    She is responsible for countless deaths, and we're essentially mandated to side with her or else we'll all experience bij. Both J'ula and our characters have killed enough people to get our asses nailed to the walls of the Hague for a thousand years, but the game insists on telling us that we're the moral, ethical, valiant team.

    Regarding the actual storytelling of Knowledge is Power and Leap of Faith, I honestly don't know where to begin. We may as well be playing World of Warcraft at this point. We literally go to hell in this episode, and bring back dead people. There's no way it can be handwaved away as a "maybe it was a hallucination" or "maybe it was the Q" - no, we honestly, sincerely travel into the afterlife and bargain with Shrek's Anglerfish for the souls of the long-dead.

    All of this points to a larger trend that seems to have solidified since the beginning of the game's Discovery story content: the game's own narratives being re-defined to follow a tertiary supplemental path to the different show's story arcs. In my opinion, this doesn't really bode well for the game's narrative integrity. There's ten years of established content that could have been very smoothly integrated with the Discovery content, as opposed to slapping it on top.

    We haven't had a compelling in-universe explanation for why or how J'ula was able to accomplish any of the things she's pulled off since arriving in 2410. We've been told she has sympathizers, we've been told she brought a sizable force with her through time, it's been hinted that she's manipulated the Elachi; none of it makes a goddamn licked of sense.

    She's a time-traveling terrorist in an antiquated ship who should have been iced by a Risian pontoon boat within seconds of looking out her window in the future. And now we're being asked to ally with her, sympathize with her, and even fucking play as her. No thanks. Do better, y'all. This is shamefully dumb.


    • Why didn't Tenavik think to clone his mother before?
    • Why did he have her clone just kind of sitting there, ready to go?
    • Why were Klingons fighting over Boreth? Yes, they handwaved an explanation in the beginning, but it made no sense. Why was this happening?
    • Why were we forced to play as J'ula? She's a war criminal who is badly written, unsympathetic, and not fun to play. Why did they force us to do this?
    • How did we go to actual hell and back?
    • How did J'ula accomplish any of the things that she's accomplished since finding herself in a new time, hopelessly outgunned, outteched, and outnumbered?

    Anyway. More New Frontiers and Victory is Life, please.

    submitted by /u/sethandtheswan
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    Gimme an H.. Gimme an M.. Gimme an S! No seriously, please.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    British Denison Smock Vani-- I mean, Zhat Vash Vanity Shield...

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    Why did they record Alexander Siddig for the augment story right before removing it?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:01 AM PST

    I only got to play the revamped Singh storyline once or twice with the addition of Dr. Bashir but it feels weird to me that a game strapped for new content would get a Star Trek actor to participate in revamping an episode and then very shortly afterwards remove that episode.

    submitted by /u/bardbrain
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    Bonus Marks Weekend! | Star Trek Online

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:01 AM PST

    Is the Endeavor recruitment project impossible for players with more than 400 perk points spent?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    Space Above and Beyond in STO now ?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:08 AM PST

    So, the new BoP is Chiggy van Richthofen (if you use the colour of the original STD BoP) and the new Event Ship is the Hammerhead. I cant be the only one seeing it

    submitted by /u/RickVic
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    Afterlife - cannot continue if you DC/Leave mission.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST

    I DCd for some reason while in the middle of the "Afterlife" mission and cannot continue it. If I try to transwarp to the mission start it puts me by Boreth II but there isnt a way to re-enter the mission.

    submitted by /u/jtzako
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