• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 23, 2021

    Star Trek Online And here we are...

    Star Trek Online And here we are...

    And here we are...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:10 PM PST

    If This Bug Doesn't Happen Next Week I'll Be Disappointed

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Temer-Raider for Anniversary!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:33 AM PST

    Dev request: Account unlock Atlas or trait/console packs

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:06 AM PST

    With cross-faction packs (including consoles/traits) going away and the prospect of cheap DPRM consoles for Romulans & KDF going away... perhaps we could at least get an an account unlockable Atlas?

    Obviously the console/trait packs sticking around would be ideal. But barring that, an account unlock Atlas at the very least would be nice to have.

    Wouldn't be bad to have a cheaper account unlockable package with just the DRPM console too.

    A $30-60 one time fee I'd gladly pay for infinite DPRM consoles. But 800M+ EC per alt is just.... well, never going to happen for me. New alts would never get DPRM.

    Honestly something like a repurchasable $20-30 pack for a "pick one of" as account unlock with choices like DPRM, D.O.M.I.N.O, Hull Image Refractors, Cold-Hearted (trait), Plasma Storm (console), etc would probably be a great money making idea for Cryptic and a convenience for players.

    You know, like stuff going away from cheap to acquire cross-faction packs or locked behind epic phoenix token ship unlocks (even when all someone might want is the trait/console). The epic phoenix tokens would retain value for instances where someone might want the actual ship.

    submitted by /u/TiffanyGaming
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    More 'first look' images of the new Klingon M’Chla Refit Bird-of-Prey

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:03 AM PST

    2255/DSC Klingon bridge officers?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:16 AM PST

    When the Cardassians were released as playable species, Cardassian bridge officers were also added to the game - common ones obtainable from the vendor, and Rare/Very Rare obtainable from duty officer assignments.

    With DSC Klingons coming with the next update, can we expect DSC Klingon boffs as well? The only one that exist to my knowledge is the Miracle Worker one from the C-Store.

    If I were to create a DSC Klingon character, I'd like to have an appropriate crew.

    u/ambassadorkael Will this be an option?

    submitted by /u/SuavekS
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    Get 12 Inventory Slots, Free! [Once per account]

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:54 AM PST

    Galactic Red Alert bonus not increasing....!!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:38 AM PST

    The Book of the Dishonored Three, Chapter One

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:19 AM PST

    I'd rock a TOS Gorn if we could fly these!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:15 PM PST

    "To Boldly Go Where No Updates Has Gone Before" -James T. Crypt-

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:18 PM PST

    After the end of S3, decided that my STO Discovery crew also needed an update

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:36 AM PST

    The way factional barriers are being dissolved helps no one who plays

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    This will probably not be a popular take, at first; hell, I'm expecting to be downvoted quite a bit. But whatever, I feel like I have to say it...

    The way that factions are being dissolved, and the way that benefits to one side over the other in a game that was designed with that sort of give-and-take in mind are being removed, is going to screw-over both long-time players and new players, along with everyone else between.

    On the surface, I mean...why not do it, right? It's apparently canonical that both the Romulans and Klingons eventually fall under the Federation's banners, and it allows players to get maximum benefit from their purchase of any given account-bound ship(s), if that's what they're looking for. Realistically, it also (I'm sure) helps relieve any future burden on the devs to create unique new KDF/Rom/Dom ships to counterpart for any new Fed ships--which is a whole different subject for a completely separate post.

    But, as far as players are concerned...there really isn't that much more of a benefit. Admiralty, sure...maybe...but, beyond that, all it inevitably does is create more grief.

    Super realistically, what it ultimately does allow Perfect World Studios and Cryptic Studios to do is maximize their benefits from the Lockbox/Promo Box gambling systems. As examples: instead of a Fed captain being able to buy/acquire a Starship Trait such as "Ceaseless Momentum" from the Exchange or from a salvage pack that they (one way or another) bought, they have to gamble even more to unlock the Na'Qjej (or spend tons in in-game resources); same with the "Dynamic Power Redistributor Module" console on the KDF side--they'd have to acquire the Atlas Prototype Destroyer.

    In my most honest of opinions, this effect is both cynical and gross :(

    If it was actually about cross-faction unity, why not allow for cross-faction teaming, or for cross-faction fleets/armadas? Maybe it's solipsistic of me to claim, but I think those two changes ALONE would drive interest in the game (and consequential profits) for another few years.

    But that's not what's happening...what's happening is a way to milk-and-bilk the actual player base, and to squeeze as much out of us as they quietly can.

    Want a different reaction, or otherwise want to prove that this isn't just a quiet cash-grab? Move important traits and consoles into packs altogether. I mean...I'd hold my breath on that happening, but I hate headaches.

    I'm not ungrateful for the content provided that is free, and I don't mind the money that I've spent on this game because a) I play it and love it, and b) I see it as my investment to keep the game going. But this is actually the lowest I've ever felt about that game, and the worst I've ever viewed PW/CS.

    I don't expect anything to change, but I wanted to make sure I was heard--especially if anyone agrees with me.


    EDIT: proofreading and grammar errors corrected

    submitted by /u/Direwolf016
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    I'm not the first to do this - but I'm still quite pleased.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:33 PM PST

    How will new cross-faction piloting affect reward packs that provide ship based on faction?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:33 AM PST

    An example will best illustrate my question:

    The "Special Requisition Pack - Temporal Science Vessel (T6)" provides one of three ships based on faction of the person opening (Verne/Qul'poH/Sui'Mor). Will this still be the case after the patch? Or will it now be a choice? If so, will this new functionality apply to existing requisition packs? Existing Infinity Prize Pack T6 Packs?

    Or, in cases where "mirror" ships exist between factions (vary only in skin) will toons still be limited to their faction's variant? Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/DamnDams
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    Dear Devs, a QoL upgrade request.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 04:11 PM PST

    Now that all ships are becoming playable by all toons, can we have it such that all T5 mastery traits on account wide ships go to the Dil Reclaim store, so we only have to unlock a trait once?

    submitted by /u/nuublarg
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    OK, HOW exactly did my main toon end up on the title screen???

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:23 PM PST

    im making a xbox fleet wolud any one like to join

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Does 'all ships' mean ALL ships?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:08 PM PST

    Honestly, I didn't think the official announcement would be so vague on this point, but it seems to be. This quote:

    Since players will now have a way to access Starships they previously could not, we have chosen to remove many "Cross-Faction Packs" that were previously available in places like the Lobi Store, and some Lock Box or Promo Packs. The packs we're referring to are those that contained only the Console, Starship Trait, and similar items, and were offered to members of the opposite faction when a certain premium Starship could not be flown by their chosen faction.

    Existing versions of these packs will remain unchanged, but new ones will no longer be accessible. To unlock the features they previously contained, you may now obtain the Starship with which they are associated.

    ... would seem to indicated to me that some lockboxes have been revisited. But does that mean that the "you get a ship assigned to you based on faction" restrictions have been dropped? Will we be able to select such ships upon opening a given box (I would hope)? I'd like to think that "all ships on all characters" means just that... but maybe it actually doesn't mean that?

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Nausicaan questions

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:18 AM PST

    I'm playing as a KDF Gorn and I'd like ti be as lesse Klingon as possible. a) Are Nausicaan ships worth the dilithium they cost? b) How do I get Nausicaan bridge officers?

    submitted by /u/DandozWar
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    What's a good ship set from Reps or missions?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:41 AM PST

    I got a Hirogen Heavy Escort recently, Though I do plan on keeping it's default weapons (Till I can upgrade or replace em with Ba'ul weapons), I want to give it better shields and etc.

    I'm not sure what to get, Considering there's a lot of neat stuff you can get from the mission arcs and reps too.

    submitted by /u/ThehighGroundisTall
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    Giveaway! - Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort (or Mirror Warbird, APU Cruiser etc.)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 06:52 PM PST


    /u/BClark09 has graciously offered not give away not one, but two T5 ship selections! Available selections are a little different since his is a Federation pack, so T5 Mirror Universe Federation ships are available instead of Mirror Universe Warbirds. I still recommend the Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort though!

    Congrats to /u/Redditor4287, ship winner number one!

    Congrats to u/person_of_uninterest and u/themadowl! Winners of ship 2 and 3!

    All winners please send me your handles and ship selection so we can distribute your prizes!

    Hey Everyone! I decided to play some STO scratch tickets and won a T5 ship! I already have all the T5 ships that I want, so I decided I will do a giveaway rather than make a couple million on the exchange. I will arbitrarily choose from one of the people who replies to this thread.

    How to enter:

    Post a reply here. Nothing offensive. It can be short, it can be long. It can be about why you like Star Trek, why you like STO, why you like me (be tasteful), why Tuvix should not have been killed, how you became immoral enough to believe Tuvix should be killed, It could be a short story about your favorite toon, it could just be "Hello" Any entry received before 1 AM EST Saturday Jan 23, 2021 will be considered.

    Only top-level replies will be considered. One entry per person.

    I'm not promising that I will choose the winner on any criteria. It might be random, I might pick a favorite reply. Winner will receive a reply indicating they have won. Other entrants may still receive replies because I'm chatty and I like Star Trek.

    One last thing: I'd prefer to give the ship away to a fairly new player. Most of us who have been around for a while can pick up one of these on the exchange and may not even care. To someone fairly new, this might be their first true end-game capable ship. At the very least, only enter if you actually want the ship. Please don't enter if your intention is just to cash in on the 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 EC that these ships sell for.

    The Prize

    While I recommend that the winner choose the Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort since it's a fun little ship and the only prize ship remaining that upgrades to T5-U FOR FREE the available options for this giveaway are:

    • Cross-Faction Ships that Upgrade to 5U for Free
      • Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort
    • Cross-Faction Ships that Require a Token to Upgrade
      • Lukari N'kaam Scout Ship
      • Sphere Builder Arehbes Destroyer
      • Tholian Meshweave
      • Nihydron Destroyer
      • Malon Battlecruiser
      • APU Cruiser
      • Kazon Heavy Raider
    • Romulan Republic Warbirds that Cannot be Upgraded (note, these can currently only be opened by Romulans. Not certain how any recent announcements change this, since these did not become cross-faction when other warbirds did)
      • Mirror Universe T'Varo Light Warbird Retrofit (T5, not upgradeable)
      • Mirror Universe Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit (T5, not upgradeable)
      • Mirror Universe Dhelan Warbird Retrofit (T5, not upgradeable)
      • Mirror Universe Ha'feh Warbird (T5, not upgradeable)
      • Mirror Universe Ha'nom Warbird (T5, not upgradeable)
      • Mirror Universe Ha'apax Warbird (T5, not upgradeable)


    submitted by /u/ErikRogers
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