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    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    Star Trek Online After 10 years of playing STO I decided to opt for lifetime and got banned for it.

    Star Trek Online After 10 years of playing STO I decided to opt for lifetime and got banned for it.

    After 10 years of playing STO I decided to opt for lifetime and got banned for it.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:33 PM PST

    After 10 years of playing STO I decided to opt for lifetime and got banned for it.

    Im a mature gamer from Norway. Trek fan. Husband and Father to trek fans also :)

    10 Years I spent playing STO. Being a subscriber intermittently and also occationally spending Zen to support their business so I would be able to continue play STO.

    Then suddenly my wife decides to buy a lifetime subscription for Christmas during a discounted offer in November 2020. (She is pretty great :) ) Very happy to have received such a generous gift I log in to STO and pay for lifetime.


    But when I log in many of the items/services you get as a lifetime subscriber were missing. For instance my account shared bank slots for instance are the same I bought using Zen many years ago and no new ones have been added. (I paid for Silver which granted 10, then bought 10 using ZEN when I had a Silver account) I write support right away to explain. But only get responses with links I had to read and no solution.

    I try again later now in January and ask that they either deliver the full product or refund me and turn my account back to non lifetime. (I have not used my account in this period other than to document the missing services for the support team). Their only response from the GMs were I had gotten all the lifetime rewards added and they could not honour my request. This was however not the case, which I again tried to explain, this time with undisputible evidence (screenshots). This resulted in only got the same response. I then explained if they would not listen, look at the evidence, fix the issue or refund me I would have to contact my bank or solve this in some other way. The response to this was that any attempts on my part to get my money back would have serious repercussion to my account :O.

    Not beeing familiar with consumer rights in the states I contact a lawyer in California for advice. The advice is as follows. Try to first reach a resolution by sending a formal complaint, document the steps as this will be important further down the road. If that doesn't work contact the better business bureau then the Federal Trade Commission as the BBB has no actual power and then finally the Attorney Generals Office.

    So I write a formal letter explaining that the product I bought has yet to be delivered in full and that they have 7 days to either refund or deliver the product and reach a solution.


    This was their final response :

    DragonAsh (Arc Games)

    Jan 8, 2021, 19:01 PST

    After further review, we've granted a refund to your account. However the account will be banned. The funds should be visible in 5-7 business days. Feel free to contact us again if you have further questions.

    Thank you for playing.

    Regards,GM DragonAshSenior Game Master



    I doubt they even took the time to look at the issue. Im simply at a loss of words. The lawyer explains that any other actions than the ones listed above would be very costly (more than lifetime) but also mentions that its a fairly easy case as the evidence is all there.

    Im just surprised that instead of just delivering a few missing inventory slots and other missing items they would rather refund and BAN someone who has supported the game since its launch.

    Perhaps there are other angles im not taking into consideration or laws in your country. But any advice here would be appreciated as I continue pursing this trough your consumer rights system.

    submitted by /u/MattPoly
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    I am loving this game. A bit behind as I'm new but love it!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:32 AM PST

    Very specific question but has anyone had problems connecting to STO from Cluj Romania ?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:11 AM PST

    I've installed STO on my laptop it worked fine on the very first login, then I constantly had an error with login in specifically getting my characters.

    Afterwards it was the holidays and I spent a lot of time away from my apartment, I noticed that I had no problem whatsoever connecting and playing the game, it's the same laptop, what differed was that the network was from another provider.

    I've confirmed that since I'm back in Cluj, my internet is from Vodafone the former UPC, I can't connect to STO again with the exact same "we can't fetch your characters" error.

    No other game/application has any problems I'm not being prompted to give extra permissions or anything.

    I'm hoping it's a big city some fellow players might see this and tell me if they have similar problems.

    submitted by /u/Hero_Of_Shadows
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    Demorecord question

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:51 AM PST

    Is there a way to get screenshots from demorecord without the UI obscuring part of the image?

    submitted by /u/Vulcanalia
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    What would you all think if STO added a feature to see the stats of a build before you commit to buying? It would let add any console or weapon for that ship and see the stats. If you play EVE think the ship simulation fitting window.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:46 AM PST

    Wow the battlecruisers get shorter and shorter

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:48 AM PST

    Could we get a unified Event Reclaim Store?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:31 PM PST

    Right now it's kind of split between the reclaim and the "Reclaim Rewards" in the Events tab - only some stuff is in the Dilithium reclaim and all is in the button.

    Can we get a permanent fixture in the Events tab for reclaiming rewards, instead of a mildly-inconvenient button in the event itself?

    And make the Dilithium reclaim just for, like, Experimental Weapons and Advanced Phasers and such?

    (And maybe some sort of permanent Lobi store option, even just for browsing?)

    submitted by /u/The_Trekspert
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    Gameprint temporal starship capture requests

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:04 AM PST

    Does anybody have the following ships ingame that they'd be willing to upload to Mixed Dimensions? Ideally with their default hull materials (i.e. all the 29th C Klingon ships are already there but they have all been uploaded with the Korath material).

    • Durgath
    • Sui'Mor
    • Krenn
    • Qul'poH
    • Chargh'poH
    • Rozhenko
    submitted by /u/Artan42
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    Need help choosing a T6 Ship (Infinity Prize Pack)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:30 AM PST

    Hi Folks,

    So I recently returned to the game after a significant amount of time off, and I feel a bit overwhelmed.

    I'm a Fed Human Tactical who likes to play beam boats. I absolutely loved the Enterprise E movies so I run all Phaser Beam arrays for that full vanilla federation experience.

    What would be the best ship for this from this pack? I must admit that I haven't the first clue, as I usually buy ships based off of how they look rather than abilities. And googling abilities hasn't done much as I'm not as knowledgeable as I once was.

    Any help would be immensely appreciated!

    submitted by /u/that_bermudian
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    No prompt to Play Dabo at any locations.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:07 PM PST

    I've went to all the tables in the game and none of them will let me play. Is there a prior mission requirement before you're allowed to play?

    submitted by /u/MillenniumKenobi
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    No Starfleet Livery on 31st Century Ships?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:00 PM PST

    Just a quick random question but, I thought the 31st Century vessels had Livery on them from 31st century Starfleet much like the Wells Class ship.

    submitted by /u/SRGFernandez
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    Weapons not firing in combat: Random

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:12 PM PST

    (Edit: Question answered - Iconians)

    This happens nearly every battle I'm in (Edit: Nearly, being because I was fighting Inconians, from what i've just learned). My weapon power isn't being drained and I don't see any debuff, though could be missing it.

    My weapons work 100% of the time except for random intervals. I have target lock and my beams aren't on CD or anything. Just when I try to fire my weapons nothing happens for a solid 4-5 seconds. I'm just flying around doing nothing while this happens.

    I could be missing a debuff causing my weapons to malfunction. Though I've noticed it doesn't matter if my shields are down/up same with hull. Just odd that all of a sudden I can't fire any of my weapons. I think they become greyed out when this happens.

    Again sorry if its just a debuff or something, I'm not experienced enough to know why this is happening, could also just be the game.

    submitted by /u/AlchemySoundedGood
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    Admiralty track for max EC payout?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:55 PM PST

    Question is in the title. One my of characters needs more dilore like a hole in the head. If I'm interested in admiralty for the passive EC, which is the best track? Gut tells me Romulan Republic, but I was wondering if anyone had anything more quantitative. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lantzhole
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    If you had to tell someone about STO, when they never herd of it before, what would you tell them?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    Cryptic? I don't know what this is but we need the USS Elkins!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:23 PM PST

    Quick question, can you customize the uniforms of the 23c BOFFs from K-13?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:57 PM PST

    Answered. Thanks, y'all!

    submitted by /u/Elda-Taluta
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    Customization background

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:46 AM PST

    I remember someone asking for a Photo Mode recently and wondered why not add the ability to change the background in the Tailor and Ship Customization, instead of always having the same Starbase/Holodeck background?

    Add an option in the customization screen to scroll through a variety of ship interiors and space/ground locations, along with a "No Background" option that only has the ship/officer.

    I don't believe these backgrounds have ever really changed during the game's life, unlike the character select screen.

    submitted by /u/Vulcanalia
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    how about a 32nd century vanity shield

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:39 AM PST

    like the title says maybe we could have this and give ships a 32nd century look like Discovery-A

    submitted by /u/jimy55
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