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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Star Trek Online Ground tip - Don't forget you can put combat pets on your bridge officers

    Star Trek Online Ground tip - Don't forget you can put combat pets on your bridge officers

    Ground tip - Don't forget you can put combat pets on your bridge officers

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Have a ton of combat pets on hand with nowhere to put them? Already using a combat pet and don't want to waste another slot for a more useful device? want to ease your bag space and actually make those combat pets that aren't pulling their own weight useful? Give them to bridge officers!

    That's right, stick them on bridge officers and they'll summon them during combat, you can have a positively massive army of combat pets right out of the gate that way and because of recent increases in length for certain modern pets like the Elachi Walker and the recent Nanopulse Targ (which is very underpowered) on how long they last on the field, they even stick around for a decent amount of time too!

    Edit - It seems as though they've updated every combat pet to last just as long outside of combat as the newest pets, that's pretty awesome!

    submitted by /u/Zageles
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    Me opening 100,000 loot boxes in order to get a ship, maybe weapons or even just a drop of lobi

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:03 PM PST


    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:39 PM PST

    Help identifying unknown equipment...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Help identifying unknown equipment...

    I saw this used in a combat queue, and I was wondering what equipment or item allows you to do this? It seems to be a circumference of crystal-like satellites or something....

    THX !


    submitted by /u/Paul_B_Hartzog
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    The mother Bird of Prey watches over its baby, before nudging it out of the nest to play with others

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:32 PM PST

    Finally able to honestly try STO 10 years after preorder.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Was one of the old pre-release players when the game originally came out, had the digital deluxe and everything at launch. Never really came back after the first couple months, monthly fee got a bit hard to bare in adulting at the time and got busy with other stuff. Hopped back in a few times thinking I would get into it but something always came up pulling me away. Even the last time I bought some stuff to help me along.

    So I'm logged in looking at my character list and I've got a few spread out everywhere. Most from those couple times I jumped in for 2 days. But one mid-leveled, logged in and nothing really in the inventory.

    My first question will be is there anything I should be aware of to should move to my new character before I delete the character list? I want to start fresh obviously. Not sure what is/isn't transferrable or even claimable from my original launch character in 2010, given all the system changes and menus I might not even know are there.

    Secondly, is there any item claims from launch/digital deluxe that aren't claimable from the z-store that I need to get from web access or some such? I can't remember anything anymore really. I'll post links to what the store says I should be able to claim/already own, and again a couple of these were from the last time I thought I was coming back.

    Speaking of item claims, I'm not sure what most of this even is as far as the temporal stuff, boxes and upgrade packs. I have an idea, but I know some games some of this stuff people are like "don't open that until you hit X or you'll ruin it!" kinda thing, notice anything like that here?

    Thanks guys. Now I've got some time aside I want to properly enjoy the game I was so excited to watch get developed and released, so glad it's still around and I've heard it's made some great strides from it's launch form. Anything else important you think I should know to get this 35 year old off to a good start and it would be appreciated.

    Sorry this got a bit winded. Here's what the zstore says I have.








    submitted by /u/TheRustyTigger
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    Ten Forward Weekly 11/25/20

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Yeah I'm late on this one.

    The stream mostly involved Kael talking to STO streamers/content creators who have come together to form a sort of unified group for STO stream/content creators to share information/stuff, so there's not as many notes about the game this week. Still worth a watch for those interested in that stuff.

    • Cryptic has talked about a PVP revamp of using premade ships/recreating famous battles from the TV shows, but the general playerbase dislike of PVP, and the large scale community backlash over the Cooperative TFOs, makes it unlikely when they could put those resources into more missions/TFO etc.
    • Random TFO system was a 3-4 month process for all the various developers involved.
    • An upcoming mission is going to use the Renegades Regret/Quark's Lucky Seven character changing tech.
    • Onslaught Villains from Champions used as an example of how said possible PVP revamp would work.
    • Problem with said PVP revamp isn't getting the tech to work, its all the time needed to make new PVP maps, and enough pre-made builds, to have good variety. Jett could make a lot of builds, but then she wouldn't have time to make new ships, etc.
    • Trouble with trying to nerf the overpowered consoles in PVP is that its stuff people paid for, and STO isn't set up to have different versions of items for PVE and PVP.
    • One of the guests suggested adding more rewards, like Competitive marks, for PVP matches. Kael said he would bring it up.
    • Devs are aware that you can't queue for any of the Competitive TFOs while using a private match of 10 players. Its on the list of known programming issues.
    • Doing something like Twitch drops for STO content creators is up to Perfect World, not Cryptic. Perfect world has asked, and Kael has said they want it, but stuff keeps coming up on Perfect World's side so it gets delayed/pushed back.
    • Kael isn't sure how hard it would be to allow people to rearrange or delete outfits entirely rather then just saving over them.
    • Kael is investigating why Steamrunner ships aren't on Xbox
    • Being able to move Lockbox/promo ships from one character to another is something Kael will ask about. Kael asked if people would pay to move them.
    • Cryptic has had a lot of discussion about account unlock tokens for Lockbox/lobi ships. Those conversations have been had, and Kael has been given a hard no. Its not feasible for business reasons he can't talk about.
    • Someone asked about Andre Emmerson's comments about making STO "the account is the player not the character" comments. Cryptic still believes in that, but some things will likely remain character unlocks for business reasons.
    • Kael mentioned using The Burn as an April's Fools joke where you blow up the moment you log in and the game just says THE BURN!
    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    Bravo six, going dark.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:24 AM PST

    I like the functionality, and gimmick of Molor's Sword, but for the love of Q, please make it upgradeable.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:35 PM PST

    I typically slot the Emperor's Sword (MK XV EPIC), or Lek's Theowing Knives (MK XV EPIC), in my secondary weapon slot because they have such great stats. But I just can't bring myself to slot Molor's Sword with basically xii very rare stats, with no upgrade option.

    Plz fix this Cryptic.

    submitted by /u/Dizturbed-
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    New Romulus - The Power Source - Unattainable Environment Suits

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:58 AM PST

    New Romulus - The Power Source - Unattainable Environment Suits

    My science officer told me there'd be Environment Suits in this container. There's certainly something in there... but why can't we get them?


    submitted by /u/ibillwilson
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    Glowing slipstream effects in sector space ???

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Here is my 50% off any Tier 6 ship code PC only . 3 codes in comments.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:07 PM PST

    Please reply if the code worked for you. Codes are from Eaglemoss Collections.

    submitted by /u/PlanetaryPeak
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    Drop chance of omni beams from Weapon Special Equipment Packs?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Hi there, the wiki says that Weapon Special Equipment Packs, like the Ba'ul or Discovery have a "small" chance to give an omni beam/wide arc heavy cannon. I couldn't find any other information about that online. Is there any knowledge in the community what "small" practically means? 5%, 1% or even lower? Any ideas or assumptions?

    submitted by /u/Curalcion
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    Have you ever received a Epic Prize token from the Phoenix Prize Pack?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:27 AM PST

    I have never recieved one after hundreds and hundreds of boxes.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/CTek20
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    Absolutely brand new to this game and trying it out! Anything I should know going in?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:15 PM PST

    I want to approach this game right and give it the best possible shake. What should I keep in mind and/or do to really get this game at its best?


    submitted by /u/MarcianTobay
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    Help with the DS9 Bundle

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:44 AM PST

    I bought the DS9 bundle from the zen store a while ago, the one with the Belfast bridge, Bajoran wepons etc. I recently made a Bajoran toon and I can't reclaim the bundle to get the weapons. the button to reclaim it is greyed out and its saying I do not meet the requirements for the items. I'm only level 3 with her so is the issue I have to be a certain level to beable to reclaim the stuff?

    submitted by /u/DaharMasterDahohta
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    Deflector powers!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:13 PM PST

    I just got a hold of the Kelvin heavy destroyer, and she's beautiful and unique with her deflector dish and hull on top of her saucer. This made me look at the deflector like a giant bazooka and I love it.

    So, now I am looking to compile all of the BOFF and console powers that emanate from your ship's dish.

    Tachyon beam, delayed overload cascade, destabilizing resonance beam all stem from the deflector and have a prolonged beam effect. The gravitic console from the Shran does, too, as does the mycelial set from the last event.

    Are there other powers that scream "deflector beam mayhem!!"?

    submitted by /u/doc_nova
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    Fleet Ship Suggestions

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:18 PM PST

    I've unlocked all the fleet modules from the reputation endeavors for my Fed-Romulan (SCI).

    Out of the 13 I have now, what Fleet Ships do you recommend? I'm thinking one will be the T6-T'Varo Warbird, but I haven't decided. It looks like I have enough to get two T6's and have three leftover. If I ever get a fourth, I'd probably get the T5 Ha'Nom or the Ha'Feh Assault (but that won't be for a while).

    submitted by /u/DerrickBelanger
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    Horta pets one per char? since when?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:56 PM PST

    On my main Char 3 of my main Away Team Boffs have the Acid Hora as pet. I played since STO became f2p so i can'T remember wheni got them. But i wanted to buy a 4th one and couldn't because now they are one per char. when did that change?

    submitted by /u/command88
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    Are there any active kdf fleets on Xbox?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:33 PM PST

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