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    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    Star Trek Online I've turned my ship into a futuristic flashlight

    Star Trek Online I've turned my ship into a futuristic flashlight

    I've turned my ship into a futuristic flashlight

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Sad bird looking at all the show-accurate model remasters

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Well, you got caught with a flat! Well, how 'bout that?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    ...as always, we come in peace.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Buyer Beware: The Ruin of Our Enemies

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I recently acquired the starship trait "The Ruin of Our Enemies" and I've done some investigations into how it works that I think might not be general knowledge. At its cheapest, the trait costs 450 Lobi but I'm going to warn you: it has some gotchas. With a lot of people cashing out on their Event Campaign II rewards, I want to spread awareness of this.

    Here is its description:

    When you defeat a foe:

    • +2% Bonus Damage for 30 sec (Timer resets with each successful defeat)

    • Every fifth defeat while active: -15% Recharge Time to Bridge Officer Cooldowns over 5 sec

    On paper, that seems pretty good. Bonus All damage for 30 seconds with no stack limits that refreshes its duration? Yes, please. Extra cooldown reduction, confirmed by Spartan to act as having Photonic Officer II active for 5 seconds? Sure, that's a nice boost.

    The devil is in the details.

    Through video review, I have confirmed the following:

    • YOU must score the killing blow. Just like the Kentari bridge officers, the player ship (or presumably its hangar pets?) must finish off the target. I had a fleetmate do a Japori patrol with me and even on targets where I damaged the hull appreciably, if I didn't score the killing blow, the buff did not activate/or its duration refresh if my fleetmate scored the kill.

    • You must chain your kills while the buff is active to get the cooldown effect. In other words, while the buff duration refreshes on your next kill, if you don't score 5 kills during its activation, no cooldown reduction. If the buff lapses, the counter resets to 0. Sure, the trait stacks infinitely, but that requires you staying in combat and chaining kills.

    For some of you DPS Wizard-lords/Weapon-lords out there, this won't be too much of a problem, especially on builds that effectively one-shot smaller enemies to guarantee kills (Beam Overload? Sci-torps?) If you're not already crushing it in DPS and you plan to fly a bunch of TFOs (i.e. non-solo content0, I would not count on having much uptime on this particular buff and I certainly wouldn't count it as a universal fix-all-my-cooldowns tool as it is simply not reliable. Since this was a rather expensive experiment for me, I hope anyone purchasing this trait walks into it knowing what they're picking up.

    I don't think Cryptic falsely advertised it--it works exactly how it says in the description--but in this case, you really have to know how the mechanic works and that YOU have to land the killing blow, not "You or your allies." And no, having an NPC finish off the target doesn't count as "your" kill.

    submitted by /u/Eph289
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    Couldn't resist adding one

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Hold it Cryptic! All this thing needs is a little bit of JOHNY Reputation to liven things up.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:57 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    I remade my Romulan toon for PC, but better dressed and better looking. J'ross rides again!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    No one expects this one!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Seriously Cryptic!?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Literally only two weeks after putting up the Legendary Bundle for 1 day only at 20% off on the Trek Anniversary you put it up again at 35% off!?

    This is exactly the sort of underhanded sales strategy that builds distrust in your customers.

    submitted by /u/GSD_SteVB
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    Shortcut purchases are so 2018. Bring STO into 2020 by adding Vanity weapon styles to Cstore

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    Kael mentioned on the ps4 stream a few week ago that they are always interested in ways to drop content that will make them a return when I mentioned adding a 10th trait slot to non alien characters as a purchase. Call it genetic enhancement.

    Another item I am fairly sure would sell well would be vanity weapon colors and styles.

    submitted by /u/jonnyu182
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    About the 'keys' issue from the ten forward yesterday

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Kael said everyone who contacted support about keys will receive them.

    I don't know why they wouldn't have just given them to everyone who bought it, but that suggests that now would be a good time for everyone to flood support about this.

    submitted by /u/SQUAWKUCG
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    Everbody always says the pylons on the Universe Class are too small to be structurally intact... then you get close to one.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Ten Forward Weekly 23.09.2020: New Old Klingon Content

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Link: Twitch, Facebook [1:15]

    Theme: New Old Klingon Content

    Guest: (the man, the myth, the legend) senior content designer Jesse Heinig

    Reddit looked like it tried screwing me up hard during this one. Some weird loading/logging issue. IDK. Kept asking me to "Please fix the above requirements". Had to reload page several times.

    • Apparently there were some tweet this morning that gave Mike existential crisis over how to pronounce Kael, as he forgot how he pronounces it.
    • They're now reworking the Warzone arc.
    • They're updating missions using knowledge that they learned over the years in gameplay, story and visuals. And also using Westin.
    • "Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning" and "Keep Your Enemies Closer" is merged into the single mission "Mars, the bringer of war", and there's no longer runabout segment.
      • Oooh, I'm looking forward to that one.
      • Latter was originally made to mirror "The Doomsday Device".
        • The BoP segment in TDD itself was made to give Federation players a taste of some uniquely KDF things.
      • Also, attack on DeWitt is now more of a surgical strike.
    • Old Federation missions from "Klingon war" are on a slow burn right now.
      • Guardian of forever WILL return... eventually.
    • Q: "Keal... what will the TOS pure title be called? ;-;." Referring to the bet about getting all reps to T6 while staying in TOS era.
      • A: "I believe that title, if it's been made, will be called "should have left"."
    • They're well aware that Qo'nos layout is questionable, but full remake is a monumental work that would require at least 6 weeks of dedicated work from multiple people, so it'll take some time.
    • Ketha Lowlands map would largely remain the same, and would get minor improvements closer to objects you'd be expected to interact with and pathwork was updated.
    • Problem with keys from carrier bundle was because someone down the line copied text from the older news article and Mike thought that plans for additional item changed again and didn't think to double-check.
      • Apparently, all who contacted support about missing keys got the keys.
    • Lady Sirella would finally be voiced by the original actress. Some other people too.
      • Her model was updated too, to have the same general style as in DS9.
    • In Temporal Ambassador on console there's some software issue specific to consoles. Programmers are looking into it.
    • You now have to locate the romulan spy with scan minigame.
      • After some attempts game starts giving you the exact direction.
    • There are no plans for ENT content, they'll focus on original for the while.
    • Landed Bird of Prey was also updated.
    • Hunt for romulan infiltrator in space would now be in instance map, as opposed to social one, which should resolve some bugs.
    • Contacts from bridge officers were really nice, as they created feeling of crew, but now they are usually by guest character because those could be voiced and that is also nice and important for some people who may even miss pop-up dialogue otherwise.
    • They're not sure that they'll be able to launch STO on newer consoles right from the launch day.
      • Support for the current consoles would continue.
      • If people move to new consoles, they should retain all their things if they use their old accounts.
      • Mike isn't particularly optimistic about backwards compatibility.
    • Forcas III bath'leth tournament would remain.
    • CBS is frowning upon Cryptic putting Starfleet uniform on random people that aren't from Starfleet, so no uniform for, say, remans. Exceptions exist, but they are exceptions.
    • As much as they want to pretty-up STO, it's not just a question of time and work, but also a question of people with low-end computers, and consoles are struggling with a lot of things already.
    • Usually when mission is single-player it's only because there are technical problems that would arise otherwise.
    • Currently there's a bug where K'mtar would join the fight.
      • They already did so that boffs would properly just stand there and cheer for you.
    • Mike vaguely recalls that they had to get special permission to kill Alexander.
      • Jesse recalls that Michael Dorn remarked about this event during the original recording: "Ooh, you did him dirty".
    • More motion captured cut scenes are incoming, even despite logistical issues with the suit itself: they guy who currently has it works on Magic project now, but he still would use it for STO.
      • That suit is one of the most expensive single pieces of equipment in Cryptic right now.
    • Q: "any hints as to who the next Star Trek cast voiceover guest star will be?"
      • A: "Expect the unexpected expected."
      • There'll be two new people for anniversary.
    • New, more show-accurate bridges are smaller then before, as they decided that there would be no large-scale missions there (originally they made so that they could). They are still bigger than originals from shows.
    • They're not doing playable Voth mech suit right now, but now it's possible. Perhaps sometime.
    • If they decide to do such boff, three-legged alien from TAS and LD could use rig they did for the Undine.
    • Mike liked Badgey.
    • Designers need to have any easter eggs they create approved, so that they don't accidentally do something that could cause problems, but they are encouraged to do those once main work is done.
    • Torg's "throne room" is deliberately made to look like Great Hall on Qo'nos to give the feeling of "High Chancellor wannabe".
    • Mission "Alpha" has been retouched, mostly in a way of bug fixes.
      • Originally it was a map of much higher standards than early KDF missions, but required many mechanics and coding specific to it.
      • It still is the same idea, but now there are more pointers as to where to go. Also some art updates.
    • Concern about space abilities creating screen clutter is known and discussed, but no final decision yet.
      • Upon adding new abilities they want them to stand up, but when used together that creates mess we see.
    • Because of architecture differences between PC and consoles, there are couple of things with marks for game engine that are "don't draw that thing while on console".
    • Dual faction system is too hard-coded into the game, so no between-faction teaming or fleets.
    • When there are more than 20 different people in the same instance both server and local loads become massive.
    • TOS aliens would have to use distinctly 60th looking prosthetics and they don't have time to do that.
    • DIS klingons are much closer than they were even last week.
    • They want to return Memory Alpha, but need to remake it first and they can't devote time for that just for the art.
    • Mike got mic problems that made his voice sound weird. Chat: "this is Kael's evil twin, KEAL".
      • Mike: "So my... er... Either apparently I sound like mirror Kael, my evil twin Leak or Kermit the Frog."
        • BTW, Mike, what do you think now that you must've heard that moment in the recording?
    • They have more plans for squadrons, maybe even squadron ship.
    • There's a (good?) chance there'll be something new next week, but that's not confirmed yet in-studio.

    Wow that was a huge (and time-consuming) one. I really think it's a biggest yet.

    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    As revealed on this week’s Ten Forward...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Shannon Cochran is returning to voice Lady Sirella.

    You know who else she played?


    I mean, Martok was dead until he was actually kept in a House Torg prison.

    Maybe Tal'aura isn't as dead as we've thought she was for the last 27 years...?

    submitted by /u/The_Trekspert
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    The new Nebula-class in-game model is really fab

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    The new Nebula-class in-game model is really fab submitted by /u/MasterRevan2015
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    Are the bellum tac consoles better than the generic type specific ones?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Does the crit chance make up for the lower damage bonus? i'm asking for two reasons:

    • i'm doing a plasma torp build on the legendary warbird, using bellum consoles would open up more possibilities and boost the nanite torp as well

    • i've had the dumbest idea of a competent rainbow boat so i can do any and all space damage endeavor in a single run of a single character. it would look ugly as hell and i'm not sure which of my characters to curse with such abomination, but those are irrelevant details

    submitted by /u/robotka
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    Note from Ten forward Weekly 9/23/2020

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    • New update called "Warzone" internally, revamping the Warzone arc for Klingons
    • Second Star to the Right, Keep Your Enemies Closer, being merged into one mission "Mars, the Bringer of War", other missions staying separate
    • Runabout section is gone, instead its a lightning prison raid to rescue prisoners
    • No timetable for the removed Fed missions, but its not something they have forgotten about
    • First City revamp would be a 6 week project for multiple people, and is something that will take time, which is why they haven't done it yet. But they are aware it sucks
    • Sirella has a new model, and is now voiced by the actual actor from DS9
    • Temporal Ambassador problem on console is a higher level console technical problem they are looking into
    • Kael talked about the "key bundle" problem with the blogs. Apparently a dev simply copy pasted an old blog, and Kael didn't think to ask if that was correct because they had been trying new things with bundles, so he didn't know anything was wrong with it. He also says anyone who bought the bundle while the blog mentioned the keys, and has contacted support, will get their keys
    • Ship Interiors on console aren't there due to memory problems due to a lot of hidden stuff dealing with doff assignments and trophies
    • Kael and Jesse want Targ pets for players
    • No plans for any Enterprise content right now, focusing more on original storylines rather then tying into a show
    • Update coming on 10/6/2020 is implementing some things to try to fix lag issues.
    • Foracs III tournament is still in the game, but the 1st/2nd/3rd place thing is being reworked. Might not make it into this release, but will come later if it isn't
    • Fed allied Romulans and Remans can't wear Starfleet universe because of CBS rules
    • Dorn said "you did him dirty" when recording Alexander's death scene years ago
    • "House Always Wins" big Gorath ground map revamp
    • Can't make a Tuvik BOFF because there is no system to perma kill bridge officers
    • More Martok, Akaar, and Witch of Nimbus
    • Anniversary update(separate update) has two brand new VAs
    • Playable voth mech is technically possible now, not something they are working on
    • Audio team tracking down double audio problems
    • Easter eggs have to be approved to prevent problems
    • Alpha was moved into Warzone arc, slightly retouched, mostly bugfixes, and some new art, but the map itself is the same
    • Cryptic is aware of visual spam annoyances, having discussions about how to fix it
    • Can't add "dual list"(10 man TFOs) to the random TFO list
    • Want to make cross faction fleet etc. etc. but its hard coded into the game
    • Closer to a DSC era klingon faction
    • Plans for more squadron fighters, and a squadron ship at some point
    • Non humanoid BOFFs possible, or closer to being possible, due to the tech used in "Renegades Regret" and "Quark's Lucky Seven"
    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    (Meme) Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    If you dont normally view subreddit styles, you really need to(or Thank you Mods for having a great sense of humor and camaraderie)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Returning to STO Brought Tears To My Eyes

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I hope I'm not being too dramatic here, but let me explain.

    I'm also sorry this is a total rant, just a word dump, word vomit, I just wanna explain how happy I am to be back.

    I played STO on and off since 2012, but then couldn't play anymore after 2018 when my laptop got stolen. At the time, and for about a year before that, I was living abroad and homeless. I left the US to move to Germany as a simultaneous act of desperation to escape my mother's 2016 alcoholic relapse but also to escape my toxic, narcissistic, destructive family, relapse notwithstanding. I tried running from them, from running from my past and problems, and I'm sure at least some of you know that never, ever works out. So I came to Germany with nothing and bounced house to house, couch to couch, trying to survive. In that time, I faced homelessness, trying to live in a foreign country with nothing, and the grim realization that if even if I went back to the US, either because I was homesick or because the government kicked me out, I'd have nothing and no one to go back to. "Surely someone would-" No. No one. I'd get off the plane, leave the airport, and go straight to a homeless shelter. I don't even know how I survived, I had people in the US and Germany both sending me money, even if it was just 10 bucks, just so I could eat. Slept in a shelter a double handful of times. And even those who were rooting for me had no idea how I was gonna pull this off.

    Because of my living situation, I became extremely suicidal. I never told anyone in RedditChat (I seem to remember a regular getting made fun of for saying he was suicidal by another regular, this was way back when but still, I didn't want to be next in case that person still plays, I don't know what I would have done) or not really in person but like, I honestly had a plan and everything. I knew I couldn't obtain a firearm but there"s plenty of bridges to jump off of and trains to step in front of (I am aware how horribly traumatic that is to the driver, I honestly didn't care). Date, time, list of people I'd bid farewell to, everything. And I swear the only reason I didn't actually do it was because of hang out in STO or other online games, or just on Discord, that helped me feel like I had friends, even if I couldn't touch them or hug them or kiss them or go to a bar and drink with them, they're there. And they care. And I'm sure if I'd actually told someone I wanted to end my life then they'd have done every conceivable thing to help me from wherever they were. But they were there, and I wasn't so alone and there were, in fact, people who would miss me if I was gone.

    Then my laptop got stolen, so I lost that, too. But by now I had kinda pulled myself together and my immigration story was getting better by the day so I was stable enough to push through and keep bettering myself. Now, a year and a half later, I'm downloading STO on the PC I just finished building and I honestly wept a little. I don't know if that's me being dramatic or emotional but it was like, holy shit dude, you actually made it. This was this horrible time of your life, so horrible you wanted to kill yourself, and you pulled through. You did it. Especially this year, when so many have lost so much, you still pulled something together through....I don't know, luck, endurance, resilience, who knows. Sure enough, here you are about to log into ESD again and pick up a phaser and a combadge and get right back at it. You made it, man. You survived.

    I'm sorry there is no real moral or point to this story, I just wanted to share it with you all.

    I don't even know if anyone I know still plays. I doubt they do. Hell maybe it's better that way, honestly some part of me wants to make a new account anyway, not just character, and just experience everything from Day 1 brand new all over again.

    But I don't know. I'm just happy to be back.

    EDIT: Thank you all for your warm welcomes and support. It means a lot. Really.

    EDIT 2: I've officially touched down in ESD. Stuck to boring old Fed for now, though I am interested to see what a Dominion character plays like. But I've back in and officially in the channel, looking forward to seeing you all there.

    submitted by /u/GuyTiberiusKirk
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    So NX 01 refit starship trait

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    I just got the NX 01 refit and unlocked the star ship trait for it. Can anyone tell me how to properly use it or how I can max out it's procs ? I'm running and all 5 beam build and 2 omni with no cannons. Should I possibly run one cannon to help with the procs or just stick to the beam build

    submitted by /u/Henryhitter420
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    Extra Dyson Marks upon login after todays patch

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    My apologies if this has been addressed in a different thread.

    I logged in after the patch this am to find myself granted 750 dyson marks, some voth implants, 32k dil ore, and 40k ec. Anybody else see this as well?

    submitted by /u/digifiend
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