• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Star Trek Online If you would like to try an INQUIRY or ANY lobi ship on TRIBBLE read this 😀

    Star Trek Online If you would like to try an INQUIRY or ANY lobi ship on TRIBBLE read this ��

    If you would like to try an INQUIRY or ANY lobi ship on TRIBBLE read this ��

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Weekend repost for any that missed this during the week


    If anyone would like to try out the Inquiry(only about 25 left as of this post) and/or ANY lobi ship on TRIBBLE send an in game mail to captain@the.grand.nagus on TRIBBLE (not live) telling me which ship(s) you want and I will mail you back the ship(s).


    A few important notes:


    1) you may request both (1) Inquiry and (1) lobi ship of your choice. This will be limited to (1) of each type per person so as many people as possible can have an opportunity.


    2) if you are requesting a lobi ship, be sure to name the specific ship you want to try.


    3) please note I am only sending out ships in replies to the mails I receive on TRIBBLE. Posting your in game handle in this thread or in a PM will not result in a ship being sent.


    4) to prevent my inbox from getting full, please do not reply back after I send you the ship. There is no need to send a "thank you" email, but I do ask that you vote up this post so other people will have a chance to see it. I would also love to see your screenshots!


    Ok, that's all for now. Live Long and Prosper!

    submitted by /u/The-Grand-Nagus
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    When the Enemy Boss Escapes with a Scripted Cloak for the 5 Billionth Time

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Mirror Universe Bajor has a real Blade Runner vibe to it... #notmytimeline

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Brace for impact!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    P.S.A Classic STFs are back on Tribble!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Starbase 24, Klingon Scout Force, and Breaking the Planet are back on Tribble. If you have 20 friends who need something to do then why not fire up Tribble and play one of these classic queues.

    submitted by /u/RycarFlareshine
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    Kitty cats stranded on the wrong charakter

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    I need your help: Bought some Ferasan Bridge Officer Requisition Forms a while ago for use on a Ferasan character which I wanted to create at some point. I bought them with a Rom-Fed char because he had the money. Problem: The requisition forms are suddenly character bound, I cannot transfer them to a klingon or put them in my account bank or into a mail. Second problem is: Because they are on a Fed ally character, I cannot use them to transfer them after that. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Spot3_the_Cat
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    I’m 100% sure there’s a mission that rewards you with the Augment Boarding Party training manual for your bridge officers, but can’t remember/find what mission it was

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Am I going mad? Can anyone find what mission it was? I know I didn't get it off the exchange, and I'd like to get it for a new character of mine I just can't remember what mission it might've been that gave it

    EDIT: as some very helpful comments pointed out, it's from a Kelvin Lockbox, not a mission.

    submitted by /u/J4ckC00p3r
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    Looking at Fleet T-6 Ships

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Is there any t6 fleet ship that has 2 lt commander or higher tactical stations? (Federation, Dominion)

    submitted by /u/DirectionLoose
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    Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known..

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Guy i just see that my mission isnt have double xp (for examine i run the new link mission i see a just get 7000xp why it not why it not 10000+xp is my game have a bug or something pls can someone told me or it is my stuid brian understand it wrong )

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Another promo sale

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Math of the Warrior

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:15 PM PDT


    I investigated where a player's time goes in Path of the Warrior. I recorded a run and broke down each activity by time spent. I found that there's some decent stretches of combat but in total it's merely a plurality, not even close to a majority. Path of the Warrior is closer to Ready Room Simulator.


    I sometimes test my ships on Path of the Warrior, a mission wrapper for KDF with optional objectives that involve attacking freighters until they can be looted, jamming transmissions from Federation vessels, and pillaging supply depots. Straightforward Klingon stuff. Anyway, the ship I usually do it with has it down to about 22 minutes, and I was starting to feel like I couldn't do much more to improve it. Boosting damage would put me in danger of destroying cargo ships instead of disabling them (failing the objectives), and I already have a fast ship both in sector (Gamma core) and system space (Competitive engines). I decided it was time to figure out what was taking over 20 minutes when I can pop an enemy vessel in one firing cycle.

    Materials and Methods

    I recorded a run with OBS at 0.5 FPS and then went through the clip to note starting and ending timestamps of four key event types:

    • Combat: fighting, pillaging frigates, and so on, not necessarily Red Alert.
    • Sector: traveling through sector space to get to the next mission.
    • System: in system space but not doing anything noteworthy. Traveling to the next ship to pop, waiting for the separated saucer of a destroyed cruiser to despawn, warp-out animations, and so on.
    • Load: load screens. Loading a populated area isn't too bad, but when the game has to create a whole instance for you first, that adds a lot to load times.

    I sorted, grouped, and analyzed these data with a few lines of Python.


    Total time was 1346 seconds.

    Total seconds spent in each category:

    • Combat: 511
    • System: 413
    • Load: 310
    • Sector: 112

    Top five longest continuous activities, in seconds:

    • Combat: 97
    • Combat: 97
    • Combat: 60
    • System: 46
    • Load: 41

    Top five shortest continuous activities, in seconds:

    • System: 4
    • Combat: 6
    • Load: 6
    • Load: 7
    • System: 7

    Number of times each activity shows up:

    • Combat: 18
    • System: 22
    • Load: 12
    • Sector: 6

    As you can see, combat is an aggregate time plurality among the four activities but not close to a majority, at about 38%. Traveling between missions in sector space is just 8%, but unskippable animations and inexplicably vast distances in system space account for 30% - almost as much as combat. Load times account for 23% of the Path of the Warrior. There are long stretches of combat compared to other activities, but there are also some short stretches of combat, and a lot of switching between activities, particularly non-combat activities as a whole.


    Path of the Warrior involves surprisingly little war, not to mention agency and fun. The player can't reduce load times of fresh instances, and other activities can be improved up to a point. Sector travel is basically solved with only a Gamma core. Improved slipstream capabilities don't help because each individual leg of the journey between missions is quite short. System time can benefit from some gear and expertise, such as Competitive engines and Evasive Maneuvers, but waiting for Red Alert to end (who's the captain around here?), beam-out animations, and so on are out of the player's control. Combat has the most latitude for variation and improvement, but the endpoint is popping pretty much anything in a few seconds and then not going any higher than that because you don't actually want to pop the cargo ships.

    It would be nice to see some improvement to this for Year of the Klingon, but I suspect that it should really be considered a simple time gate on 4k dil ore (6k with Ferengi Admiralty bonus). Stripping out this mission's downtime would likely boost its popularity for maintaining an ore stockpile, mitigating the anti-inflation benefits of removing direct dil ore rewards from Ferengi and KDF 10/10 Admiralty Tours.


    Raw data:

    0-15 sector 15-54 load 54-64 system 64-161 combat 161-174 load 174-190 sector 190-230 load 230-244 system 244-250 combat 250-281 system 281-314 combat 314-360 system 360-370 combat 370-402 system 402-435 combat 435-454 load 454-472 sector 472-512 load 512-528 system 528-538 combat 538-556 system 556-570 combat 570-583 system 583-592 combat 592-618 system 618-626 combat 626-644 system 644-650 load 650-666 sector 666-706 load 706-723 system 723-820 combat 820-839 system 839-846 load 846-878 sector 878-918 load 918-930 system 930-990 combat 990-994 system 994-1020 combat 1020-1028 system 1028-1045 combat 1045-1052 system 1052-1083 combat 1083-1091 system 1091-1098 load 1098-1113 sector 1113-1154 load 1154-1162 system 1162-1180 combat 1180-1220 system 1220-1228 combat 1228-1250 system 1250-1270 combat 1270-1290 system 1290-1304 combat 1304-1328 system 1328-1346 load 
    submitted by /u/Farranor
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    Crafted omni beam mods

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Hi all! I did some research, and I dived in the Exchange, but without luck...

    I remember, in the past, you could craft an omni beam with special mods, like over, or pen. Today, I only see the standard arc mod on every one. Did they remove the ability to roll those special mods on omni beams?

    submitted by /u/LordVulpius
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    What planet needs to be visited/revisited

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Places/things from the shows I would like to see in STO

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Here are the more interesting things from the shows that I would like to see in STO


    • Automated ship repair station: Would make for a good Halloween type mission. Go there to get your ship repaired, it kidnaps a BOFF, you have to go in and rescue it. Make everything all spooky
    • Cold Station 12: Something that could be used in a storyline with someone raiding it to get the augment embryos/biological weapons. Maybe bring back the Children of Khan arc?


    • Sphere: Big space entity that could be used as a narrative mcguffin to get information we need to stop some enemy
    • Ba'ul/Kelpians: Would be interesting to see what has happened to them in the 100+ years since the Red Angel destroyed the Ba'ul's technology.
    • Talosians: Classic Trek race, would be perfect for an anniversary mission like Measure of Morality.


    • Iotians: Great anniversary mission scenarios. See them all dressed up in TOS era outfits/tech, have to try to fix their culture again.
    • Kelvans: One of the few canon races that would probably put up a fight against the Alliance. Have them invade the Milky Way because they had to bail out of Andromeda early due to the rising radiation levels.


    • Sheliak: Another race Cryptic could use for a big story arc, especially with how easily aggravated they seemd to be in TNG.
    • Gomtuu: Would be cool to run into one of these(maybe not the same one as in TNG), like we have the Gekli and the Farpoint Jellies.


    • Prophets vs Pah Wraiths: probably going to be tied up with the Mirror Leeta storyline, but still here just in case it isn't.


    • Nacene: Some of them come into the Milky Way looking for the Caretaker and the other one
    • Telepahic pitcher plant: Side mission to end this giant ship consuming monster for good
    • Think Tank: Still angry over Voyager turning the Hazari against them. Using their technology and intelligence to manipulate DQ races against the Alliance.
    • Tsunkatse: Get captured and forced to fight in some Tsunkatse matches like the Coliseum mission, but better.

    While Lower Decks has been a fun show so far, its been so closed narrative wise that there isn't much I could see them doing in STO for story content. Picard is a touchy subject because who knows what they could do with the synths/Zhat Vash in S2.

    What would y'all like to see, and why?

    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    PC - Klingon Elite Starter Pack - looks like a good deal

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    One of the current Humble Bundle game bundles includes a Klingon Elite starter Pack

    o T6 Kor Bird-of-Prey (Scales as you level)

    o 12 Inventory Slots

    o 12 Bank Slots

    o 2 Bridge Officer Slots

    o 1 Borg Bridge Officer

    o 14 Mark II Very Rare Space Gear

    o 7 Mark II Very Rare Ground Gear

    o Academy Uniform

    It's in the middle tier so it's like £4/$5 and you get about 8 other games with it too. Thought it might be useful for some?


    submitted by /u/cgbrannigan
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    Summer and Winter 2021: Epic Phoenix Ship Account Unlock token?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Over on console, for Event Campaign I, we got an Epic Phoenix Prize Pack Token that was an account-unlock.

    What would you think if, on PC and Console, for Summer and Winter 2021 they did that again, instead of new Event ships? Let Thomas and Donnie and Borticus and all them work on other stuff instead of Event ships, and let us get either an Epic Account Unlock Phoenix Token OR 900 Lobi Crystals (one ship). So, either way we (ostensibly) get a ship, but for those who either don't want one or have them all, they can get a T6 from the Lobi Store.


    (And do feel free to use this, Cryptic folks; consider this my written statement discharging any and all, if any exist, legal claims I may have on this. Or if this was already the plan, cool! Just means we think alike! I won't raise hell over it. And if I need to sign any paperwork that formally discharges me of legal rights or whatever and NDAs me, just ask for my email and you'll get the paperwork back in under 24 hours, assuming electronic signature.)

    submitted by /u/The_Trekspert
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    Just noticed something weird with the Platinum vanity shield

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    What is Star Trek Online like?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    So I know I sound like a complete dummy to anyone who's played before, but I'm wondering if this game has any sort of sandbox mode. Id really like to be able to just throw any ship I like into an AI match and mess around with combat and what not, however I'm sure thats probably not the case

    submitted by /u/EnjoyableMuffin
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    Newbie: Which ships are tanks

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    In STO, what ships are the king of defense. Put another way, which ship can take the most amount of punishment.

    Also, while I have your attention. What combination of shields, weapons, crew, you name it. Make an already tank ship more tank.

    submitted by /u/General_Fear
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    Why is the Romulan Battle Cloak still broken (won't decloak), but the Klingon Battle Cloak works just fine?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Is there a reason Cryptic can't or won't fix the Rom cloak? If it's not broke why won't it decloak??

    What makes the Klingon one work then?

    This has been going on over a year.

    submitted by /u/EternalOutcast
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