• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    Star Trek Online I think this fits the mood of the sub

    Star Trek Online I think this fits the mood of the sub

    I think this fits the mood of the sub

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    This is almost more comedic than the error.... (blog edited to just remove the armor lol)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    The real tragedy is that Iconian Civilization fell when they had just discovered Ska

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    No one told me that the Elachi Walker Combat Pet friggin' TRANSFORMS when you summon it

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Genuine question - when was the last time there was an announcement that wasn’t met with enormous backlash?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    I only started playing earlier this year, so obviously I don't know if anything's changed from the old norm or things have always been this way, but every time there's been an announcement, it seems to be hit with this wall of community-wide backlash and I'm struggling to remember if I've ever seen an announcement that's universally, or at least near enough, gone down well. I'm not disagreeing with the backlash, most of it is incredibly justified, it just seems odd that in the time I've been playing every single choice Cryptic have made and everything they've added to the game has gone down pretty disastrously

    submitted by /u/J4ckC00p3r
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    I may have found a bug at the Captain's Table

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Is Cryptic "treating your money with respect"?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    I posted this as a comment in one of the threads about the rep buy-out, but I feel it's worth discussion on its own.

    Cyberpunk 2077 said something that struck me as profound when a minor controversy sprung up around monetization and microtransactions in their games:

    Cyberpunk multiplayer/online, which is a separate project, will have some microtransactions, but we said that a year ago already. Like always, expect us treating your money with respect.


    (Emphasis mine.)

    I don't mind paying money for a game, and I have spent far more on STO than I have on any other game; hell, over the many years I've been playing, I've spent more on the game than I've spent on any single gaming computer build. But for the most part I don't regret it, because I felt that, to an extent, they were treating my money with respect. Ships are $30, yeah, and most AAA games cost about the same as two ships in STO, but I understood the value proposition and never felt they were taking advantage of me. Some things, like the expansion bundles, made for great values in the game and I never had any trouble recommending them to people who planned to stick around for a while.

    But lately, this has changed. They are not treating my money, or my time, with respect. The Discovery bundle was a pale imitation compared to the Gamma bundle; the Picard bundle, with one T6 and a single-character unlock of the Tommy gun, was insulting; and the Romulan "Legendary" bundle, with a single ship and little else of value, was ridiculous. Mudd's Market amplifies the offense, with its false-advertising gimmick and stupidly high prices even on sale. Endless grind from events wrapped in FOMO, with $20 buyouts (for the full event rewards) or $80 buyouts of just the event item in Mudd's at some indeterminate time. Phoenix tokens with ridiculously low chances for single-character unlocks at the highest tiers. An incredibly underwhelming Carrier pack that does nothing interesting for the game (but the art is great). An unresolved bug list several pages long. Constant errors in the game notifications. The list goes on.

    And now this. $30, to skip 20 days of clicking to get a rep to T5. A single rep on a single character. That means that if you wanted to fast-track a single character to T5 in all reps it would cost $390. And out of that you would get some marks, ~400k dilithium (worth about $10), some traits, and another 30 days of clicking to reach T6. The value proposition just is not there. If it were $10 per rep, or $50 for all reps, and all to T6, that would have been understandable. But $30 for each and almost $400 for all? There's nothing understandable for that.

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, one of the devs said "the account is the player". I was very optimistic after that, but I haven't seen any real material progress in that direction. Yeah, we get events that can be completed by different characters, and reputation sponsorships, and endeavours can be spread across the account too, but that's just minor stuff. Trait unlocks are per character; lockbox and lobi ships are per character, despite each one costing upwards of $200-300, and those aren't even character unlocks - delete them and they're gone forever. Phoenix ships are single character unlocks, something that bothers me even speaking as someone that got all of them from events. And now this - the price of a full T6 ship, or four hours of working at minimum wage, just for the reward of not having to click through reps for 20 days.

    This game, and its leadership, do not respect my money or my time. And that is disappointing. Oh, I'm not planning on quitting; I've been playing for a long time and it's my easiest, primary escape when I have a few minutes to play. And my daughter has just started playing, so this just gives me one more thing to tell her to avoid, one more life lesson about greed and selfishness and companies that don't treat their customers, or their customers' money, with respect. So I don't see any reason to pay any more money to support the game, or any reason to suggest other people try it. And that is sad.

    submitted by /u/Perrin42
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    The seventh time I've done this...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    When Non-Combat pets now have the maintenance cycle of Admiralty Ships

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    This season is getting too meta...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Red Alert,all hands to Battlestations!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    My Event Campaign II Prize (USS Pegasus | Arbiter Class)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Hey Cryptic you know what might have made the rep buyout more palatable..

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    How about throwing in the *ability to earn* those extra Omega Rep armours. Not free, just the ability to earn them. You spent time creating a pay to skip system.....divert just a *little* of that time to reenabling those huh? The assets are just there doing nothing.

    submitted by /u/green_dragon527
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    Arbiter vs Kelvin Intel battle cruiser

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Love to hear the opinions why one is better than the other

    submitted by /u/Away_Ship_5272
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    TOS Donnie Wallpaper for this awesome subreddit! (Shot on the XBOX One)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Returnee unsure what to do with the accumulated Zen

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    I was so excited for STO that I bought the LTS as soon as it was available. Then the game couldn't really engage me and I left quite soon. I've now almost 51k Zen and no idea how to best put it to use. Make it to money (if so, how)? Or buy myself a very expensive ship which I can use from lowbie to forever? As far as I saw I can't buy a ship and sell it in trade network, right? Should I buy lockboxes/keys or whatever the equivalent here is? Convert to dilithium ore? Any input is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Kraechz
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    Boff Specialization Qualifications Capped or Not Working?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    Strange question. Is there a cap on how many Boffs can have a specialization? I bought a new ship with an Intel seat, but I can't get any of my Boffs to take a the qualification.

    I have 4 boffs with qualifications, Bashier hologram, Nog Hologram, a Science/Pilot and a Tactical/Miracle Worker. So I have a couple that took, but they don't now. Is there a cap on how many specialized Boffs you can have?

    submitted by /u/airbornchaos
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    How do I get Klingon Honor Guard costume and is it only avaible for KDF?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    The Lost City of Paradise is one of my favorite missions. Are there other missions like it?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    The Lost City of Paradise section of the game is super fun. It has lots of fighting, but also a variety of quests like running, and a dance puzzle. Its a decent (and easy) place to grind for hyposprays, batteries and even dilithum. And its onje of the few places where you can hang out and show off your whole away team to other players, which is sometimes fun to do.

    the whole "Wasteland" story arc is fun. Where you track down a crime syndicate and fight rock throwing gorn.

    Is it the best arc in the game? I've never gotten over level 60 so I dont know.

    submitted by /u/Glip-Glops
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    After load this mission it stuck like in 2 picture and i see a "patching 9, 0 bytes/s" on my conner left screen is a bug or something

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    AMA Request: Andre Emmerson

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I think there's a lot of frustration in the community about some recent choices made in regard to the direction of the game. I think a great way to allay this negativity is to have a meeting directly with the game's decision maker.

    submitted by /u/refugeeinaudacity
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    I have some question it sound so stupid so...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    I new to this game so How i can have a new ship it gain for we do more mission or we must buy it

    submitted by /u/sodddda
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    Theory: Legendary Ambassador

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    As you may have seen, there was a tease photo in which the Ambassador was amongst the ships that were recently part of the "museum" and the Legendary pack. I think this is for two reasons:

    1) They probably ARE going to have a KDF legendary pack. I'd guess Vor'cha, D7 (TOS/Kelvin/Disco), BoP, Sarcophagus, Negh'var, D4X BoP, and Bortas'qu. These could almost be copy and pasted from the fed versions except for one that would be all new, the Vor'cha. This all leads me to believe that:

    2) sometime after the KDF bundle they will offer a solo ship legendary pack for the Ambassador class using whatever they came up with for the Vor'cha. And, as an Xbox player, I'd love if they added the red motion picture uniforms in with it!

    submitted by /u/DarthRitus
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