• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    Star Trek Online Anyone else want the Terran Empire-retrofitted Defiant as an option for the Legendary Donnie?

    Star Trek Online Anyone else want the Terran Empire-retrofitted Defiant as an option for the Legendary Donnie?

    Anyone else want the Terran Empire-retrofitted Defiant as an option for the Legendary Donnie?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Stupid question but...

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    Okay, since us console players don't have an accurate way to parse DPS, I judge by speed of the kill with number of shots plus the dmg floater upon hit. However, my question is this: Do each floater count for an individual beam hit? Example: I'm running Ba'ul DBB XV Epic x4 with each being CritDx3, dmg, CritD/dmg. Using BO3 and Narrow Sensor Bands 3, I see ticks of 83k, 75k, 22k, and 47k, so that makes a combined damage output for that shot being 227k? I'm not including the 2 Ba'ul Omni's (1 from set, other from lockbox), the Ba'ul torpedo, or the Ba'ul turret (I'm not using a BA in rear for ship purposes). Am I misunderstanding how it's working? Not that it really matters because I'm thoroughly enjoying my build and ship. I'm just looking for a more rounded, less technical answer. I'm no mathematics expert here (I downright suck at it).

    Anyone care to explain properly? Please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/BioHazard869
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    Dear Kael: all the 'emotions' aside, can we now talk like mature adults? There are 3 simple questions to discuss.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    We all know there was a lot of 'emotions' about the Inquiry. But let's set all of those emotions aside and just focus on actual facts. Specially, 3 simple straight-forward questions:


    1: why was the Inquiry put in a promo pack when it is a normal faction ship?


    For the past 8 years(based on what I've read) all normal faction ships were put in the C-store, and only weird/alien/'out of time'/rare ships were put in boxes. Until now, for some reason. And now that it has happened, there are 2 more obvious questions:


    2: Why was this policy changed?


    3: Does this mean Cryptic will be doing this with normal faction ships from the shows going forward?


    So, here is your chance Kael. Your chance to be honest and talk to your community like mature adults, if you are willing to do so. The ball is in your court!


    edit: to the folks who say "because they are a business and need to make money"


    The thing is, Cryptic has always been a business. Their goal has always been to make money. But for the past 8 years, they still maintained the policy about normal faction ships being in the C-store. So the question is what has changed and why? The answer isn't "their a business and need to make money", because that has always been the case. Something changed with this ship, for some reason.

    submitted by /u/trekkerbob3
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    Apparently the Citadel can be assimilated

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    The big question

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Currently running a beam boat cruiser and even though I looked up several sources for recommendations on reputation gear which looked like a debate war, so I'm currently using the maco impulse engine, maco shield, gamma warp core and a deflector dish from some mission reward, should I keep these items or swap them out for better rep items if there is better options

    submitted by /u/Away_Ship_5272
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    When you're awarded a Horta Hatchling for the first time:

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    She looked better from the top

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Best type of Klingon available in game?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    A open thank you letter to Cryptic from a TOS fan...

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Hey peeps at Cryptic,

    I'm a big fan of the TOS era and having recently created a new TOS character to turn into my main, its was only today I realised how much the love and dedication went into creating K-13. It's packed full of fun Easter eggs, era specific tasks that it's honestly my favourite part of the entire game.

    Luckily being in a fleet and having unlimited access to the station where I can buy era specific items/personnel only just adds to the fun. I really enjoyed the Agents of Yesterday storyline and only wish that we'll see more TOS era content in the future once the Year of Klingon is long since over.

    There is so much I and other die hard Trekkies would love to see from the TOS era that I'm positive that it'll encourage many players who have long since stopped playing to return. There are plenty of content from not only the TOS era but from the TMP saga that would bring so much fun nostalgia when playing STO.

    Anyway if you ever do read this, I just wanted to say thank you Cryptic for K-13 and looking forward to see what you guys do in the future.

    Live long and Prosper!

    submitted by /u/Venusian_Aikido
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    STO: My Solo RP Story

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I've been playing STO on and off for around 6 years. In this time, I've tried to keep my playstyle and crew as lore friendly and immersive as possible. It really adds another layer to the game and I personally get twice the fun and time out of the game because of how I play.

    My character has promoted and been assigned different roles as the game has progressed. Even though the game makes you a Fleet Admiral, I've capped my character at Rear Admiral for now. I feel that's realistic considering you command a small fleet.

    My crew receive promotions and assignments as I progress - as my character has gone up, so have the crew.

    My current assignment and roster is as follows -

    Rear Admiral Trevathon - Flag officer commanding Task Force Bear. Currently on detached service to the Alliance.

    Flag Captain Elisa Flores - Served as XO under RADM Trevathon for five years (real time). Promoted to flag Captain and assigned as CO Flagship (U.S.S. Stormbreaker).

    Commander Kolez - Served five years as second officer/tactical officer. Promoted to XO Flagship in 2020.

    Task Force Bear - U.S.S. Barnstable - U.S.S. Heimdall - U.S.S. Mjolnir - U.S.S. Odin - U.S.S. Spartan - U.S.S. War Bear - U.S.S. Freiga - U.S.S. Loki.

    There's a lot more detail and aspects to it, custom uniforms for crews, detailed descriptions for each bridge officer (essentially personnel files).

    I would recommend trying this kind of playstyle to anyone! It goes a long way towards filling your time and getting more bang for your buck 👍

    submitted by /u/drinkall97
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    Any big Klingon Fleets I can join?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    I'm at level 30, I decided to get back into STO.

    submitted by /u/ThehighGroundisTall
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    The new Inquiry class

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    The new Inquiry class is available in game for couple of days. I already met few of them. Therefore I wanted to ask how does it compare to the rest of the fleet? Other promo ships, Lobi ships, predecessors (Avenger and Arbiter).

    How is the console and trait? Is the ship worth it? Or it's just another overpriced ship in promo box no one care about? Like promo ships releases?

    Thanks in advance for any input.

    submitted by /u/FilipChA
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    Is it worth it

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Just asking if the red angel suit event prize is worth the effort, lately ive really been feeling the grind of most things in the game and I'm really debating wither to even bother with the angel suit event

    submitted by /u/Away_Ship_5272
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    On the shoulders of giants.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    lobi store: new ship vs new space gear

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    I have 1155 lobi and seeing that there is a discount in the lobi store i am think of buying some stuff.

    My charter is federation tactical, i have the kelvin intel dreadnought cruiser and the maquis raider and i a play beam/dual cannons builds. What other ship should i buy from the loby store?

    Some people from the armada chat said to buy space gear instead of a new ship.

    What do you guys think? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/DrManhattQ
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    I actually like the deflector with the Sec 31 shield

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Suggested Episode Order?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I usually run Iconian War first, but is there a suggested order to get the better items first? I tried unsuccessfully to find a list.

    Are there any "Must Haves?"

    submitted by /u/golbezexdeath
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    My kitbash Inquiry (bottom with Arbiter Hull) vs a standard Inquiry. Still have a hard time with that deflector on the standard.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Soo uhh how do I play the game?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I'm a Level 5 Klingon Captain. Is there anything I should know before progressing further into the game?

    submitted by /u/ThehighGroundisTall
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    Looking for Leonard Nemoy sector lines?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Is there anywhere I can listen to all the sector accolade lines? I couldn't find them on youtube. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Starlight_archive
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    So um... Aren't we still considered traitors to the Alliance?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    So aren't we still considered traitors to the Alliance? I find it interesting that we are still working with Alliance members to stop J'ula at Beta Lankal?

    submitted by /u/Fleet_Admiral_Chris
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