• Breaking News

    Friday, July 24, 2020

    Star Trek Online Me, doing 2 % of the Damage at most in TFOs

    Star Trek Online Me, doing 2 % of the Damage at most in TFOs

    Me, doing 2 % of the Damage at most in TFOs

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    You See? Everyone That Didn't Get Their Event Dilithium Is Being Taken Care Of...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    I have no use for a Rigelian boff, but I'm tempted to commission him anyway.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    My melee BOFF is fast and furious! Look at her go!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Federation Elite Starter Pack, 1 code to give away.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Righto, I won a single code trying to win something else. So, instead of wasting it(I've used one before) I'll give it away.

    Tell me why you deserve it, or if you have a friend that deserves it. I'll pick later tonight.

    submitted by /u/Lp5757
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    The Ba'ul vanity shield on the Hathos warbird.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Cryptic: congratulations on the new Klingon tutorial, now why isn't the new KDF bridge playable?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    The new tutorial is a lot of fun and the cutscenes are great! The new BoP bridge looks really good, too.

    Why isn't it a playable bridge? Don't let the effort of your artists go to waste! They slaved over this bridge and they nailed it, but it's only visible in the first, non-replayable mission of the KDF tutorial. That means only a small percentage of the playerbase will ever see it.

    Give the bridge its rightful place in the limelight by making it a playable bridge on all KDF ships! Honor to your house! Qapla!

    Edit: they are working on it? Patience to our house!

    submitted by /u/PremedicatedMurder
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    QoL improvements for minor hubs

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Being on the run, most of my main characters are hiding in other hubs at the moment. Spending more time there does highlight how some really could do with some essential functions (and fancy functions - just because you're in hiding doesn't mean you can't glam up. Think Glamping crossed with Walking Dead?);

    • Nimbus: an Exchange (to my knowledge, the only place with a bank that doesn't have an exchange), tailor & ship selector.
    • Drozana: doctor, ship repair and ship customiser.
    • Captain's Table: Transwarp (as there's no mission transwarp)
    • Deferi Borg Invasion Zone: Bank, Mail & Exchange
    • Risa: Some ship services (as we are grinding a new one) and heal/repair (to make it easier to continue things like Adv TFOs during the summer event)

    I'm forever needing services like bank when in the Dyson zones. To get to joint command from the ground bz you either have a long trip over the contested and allied zones, or you go out to the beta quadrant and back in again (4 map transitions). It would be handy if you had a direct shuttle from the ground bz, space bz and contested zones straight into joint command. Alternatively, place some basic services in the ground bz (which at least is easy to get to from the other two zones).

    A DS9 hub system whereby when you go through the docking portals on the promenade you can select a shuttle transport to the Badlands, Deferi, Gon'cra or the Gamma Quadrant (and all those zones have fast travel back to DS9). This would make DS9 a really useful hub for grinding Alpha quadrant battlezones. At very least, you should be able to approach DS9 from the Gamma Quadrant (and vice versa) without having to load the Alpha Quadrant first.

    Finally, as we have free transwarps for anywhere episodes take us, why not just take the cooldown off the regular transwarps and save some hassle?

    What services are your captain in need of in the hole they're hiding in right now?

    submitted by /u/itworksintheory
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    Cryptic: How about adding the old recruitment transponders to Mudd's store?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    I understand and respect the reluctance to rerun the old recruitment events. Lots of dev effort with little or no profit in return.

    I recently (a month ago) ran a couple of old, saved chars through all tasks on both the Temporal and Gamma transponders and they are all still in working order. I did not have any Delta recruit available to test but the number of tasks are few there and you mentioned in a recent patch that you fixed the tasks that were affected by the KDF arc revamp.

    So, how about just putting those old transponders in the Mudd's store? Let us buy them directly, with no need to rerun any old events, and make a profit from them.

    submitted by /u/trekpuppy
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    When ya own the Rhode Island so hard Harry Kim has to relive his worst nightmare

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Has the WPN damage formula changed on console from PC?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    I almost hate to ask this question, but there's a couple of players I know on XBox who are adamantly maintaining that the WPN damage formula on console is now slightly different than it is on PC. Specifically, they are claiming that Weapon Power no longer impacts the damage formula if it is 40 or higher, and subsequently concluding that EPS/PTR no longer has any value beyond having sufficient power to fire your weapons.

    Frankly it makes no sense to me, and I'm not even sure how that would work given that at 40 WPN PWR that would be a .7 modifier compared to say 125 WPN PWR at 1.125 modifier, which would be a noticeable difference. As I have seen no articles or patch notes or official posts from the u/developers otherwise, I don't believe this is true, and can only assume their conclusions are based on what amounts to false assumptions.

    As we don't have an actual parser on console to test this, has anyone heard or read something similar, or can one of the Cryptic developers speak to this?

    I've included the WPN damage formula below for reference.

    [D] = [Base] * (([WpnPwr]+100)/200) * (1+∑[A]) * (1+∑[B]) * (1+Π[F]) * ([R])

    submitted by /u/Mournblood
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    Screenshot QOL suggestion - a button to force a BOP to go "Wings down." Related, a D4x with the Ba'ul vanity shield.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:07 PM PDT


    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Hey all! Since I'm sure I'm not the only one that enjoys the TOS side of star trek a lot, I'm probably not the only one that runs a TOS theme'd Klingon character and bridge crew!

    We know that the map environment/Art already exists for a Klingon TOS bridge interior, since we've been on one during one of the temporal missions.

    How about giving bridges a visit again (they've really been forgotten about lately.. I mean have you seen the sad excuse for a bridge on the Alliance Khitomer vessel?) and allow us to make that an interior?

    Example: I fly the temporal D7 Cruiser and I find it very jarring when I go to my bridge and we're stuck with this MASSIVE Bortasque' bridge.

    Thanks for reading, please can we make this a reality for YOTK?

    submitted by /u/TomLoco
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    How does the research lab special project work?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Not so long ago I accidentally chose something other than the combat boost for our fleet mistaking it for an open slot for an open project slot. I am wondering how does the system work and if there is a way to remove special assignments if the mods need to just so I don't screw up again.

    submitted by /u/Dove_Agency
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    The Wisdom of Picard

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Sometimes you just need to assimilate something (then have it dry hump your starship...)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    10th Anniversary Legendary Starship Bundle Inquiry

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    My question:
    How often is the 10th Anniversary Legendary Starship Bundle available through the C-Store? When will the next one be, and is there a schedule where said bundle gets placed in the C-Store?

    submitted by /u/roninwolf1981
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    This dilithium bug has left a bad taste in my mouth, but not for the reason you might think

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Like many others, I didn't get the dilithium for doing the event the last couple of days. I've since found out it was due to a bug/exploit, and I understand they had to turn the rewards off. I get it.

    What I don't understand is why they didn't even bother to tell people they were turned off. They knew it and just let people waste their time. They also don't even bother to say 'sorry'.

    I know they don't "owe" us anything, even an apology. But when you bump into someone on the street you still say 'sorry' even if it wasn't on purpose. Why do they not even treat us with the common courtesy they would a stranger on the street?

    submitted by /u/trekkerbob3
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    Space Trucker Idea

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    Thinking of making a space trucker/freighter captain who uses the Kobayashi Maru. How is the ship to those who have used it?

    submitted by /u/celestialteapot
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    New reputations?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Have the devs mention anything about a new reputation? Personally a Khitomer alliance themed reputation would be pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/JimbobXBubbaloo
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    Mission Idea: Hijacked ship

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    There's been many Star Trek episodes where the ship is taken over by an enemy, and the crew has to come up with a sneaky plan to regain control, or borrow another ship to pursue the hijackers. I think it would be a really enjoyable experience to do this with our own ships, for example going aboard the Enterprise and fighting our own ship, the mission taking into account it's tactical capability.

    submitted by /u/Iliketrains1701
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    Bonus Dilithium Weekend!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Mudd's Market: What would your fantasy bundle consist of?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    The new concept of account-unlocked premium ships (Lockbox/Lobi/Promo) being sold as a part of a bundle in Mudd's Market is a good one.

    Combining these ships with premium consumables (master keys, ultimate tech upgrades, Lobi crystals, Epic Phoenix tokens & C-Store T6 ship coupons) means there's something for everyone (just don't buy it at full price)

    The premise is that you pick three of the items when you open the pack.


    The premier bundle was the "Stealing Time" bundle, allowing you to choose three items from the following:

    • Temporal Destroyer

    • Temporal Science Vessel

    • Amarie-class Smuggler's heavy escort

    • Pack of 2 (two) Zen Store T6 Ship 100% Off Coupons

    • Pack of 10 Ultimate Tech Upgrades

    • 1 Epic Prize Token - Phoenix Prize Pack

    This bundle is scheduled to be removed from Mudd's Market August 4.


    The upcoming "Faith of the heart" bundle (coming August 4th) will allow you to choose three items from the following:

    • NX Refit [T6]

    • Xindi-Reptilian Sistruus Escort [T6]

    • Elachi S'ateth Escort [T6]

    • Pack of 50 Master keys

    • Pack of 300 Lobi crystals

    • Pack of 10 "Gold Tech Upgrades" (I assume they mean "Ultimate Tech Upgrades")


    So, to the point; What would your "Mudd's Pick Three" bundle consist of?

    submitted by /u/Sheezdudeln
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    New Romulus: Mountain Base. Ugh.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I am way too quick to hit the "exit base" button on that mission. I had to fight through that same pass three times today.

    submitted by /u/Hinermad
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