• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Star Trek Online I knew it. I knew the Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser reminded me of something from my childhood.

    Star Trek Online I knew it. I knew the Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser reminded me of something from my childhood.

    I knew it. I knew the Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser reminded me of something from my childhood.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Enterprise NX-01 made by me. She's a beauty!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:44 PM PST

    "It's been five years since we lost Leonard Nimoy. So many things have changed since then, but one has not - Leonard was the heart and soul of Trek, and we miss him terribly."

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Admiralty Changes - Old Meta is New Meta

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:00 AM PST

    So off the back of the Admiralty announcement last night, I queued through my dozen active alts for dailies and attempted to consider how the changes would affect my gameplay.

    I suspect I am representative of the target audience for this change - a longtime player with a large stable of admiralty ships built up over the years, who relied almost exclusively on that system to earn dil-for-zen to buy stuff up to and including the Legendary Bundle (which admittedly took months of prep; I started saving around October in the expectation something big was coming).

    The corollary to that is I've also been around long enough to recall that having all my alts hit their 8K per day cap with modest effort predates admiralty - granted that was in a period when contraband turn-in was 4 hourly rather than daily assignment. The real benefit of Admiralty when it appeared was not earning Dil, but the ability to (relatively) quickly and painlessly generate specialization points. Of course, like most people I'd then got used to the dil-based meta.

    One thing which had struck me over the past year was just how lucrative the Admiralty system was for dil generation; nothing else had a comparable effect. Not contraband, not rep marks, not Doffing or even the individual Admiralty assignment rewards. This reached its purest form in the players who maintained large stables of shuttles / T1 ships just to be able to quickly skip through Admiralty missions other than ToDs. This always seemed a bit off-kilter, so part of me is not surprised it's been targeted so harshly.

    What changes then:

    - DOffing suddenly looks more useful again, with the odd 500s from things like forced labour assignments and dilithium mining all helping as well as the obvious Contraband turn-ins. Contraband farming is back on the menu (watches KDF and allied alts saddle up and head off to Fed space again...)

    - Fed admiralty suddenly becomes a lot more useful. If you've capped spec points, simply "levelling" is worth 2880 dil, and with its spec point rewards and high XP payouts, Fed admiralty is the way to go.

    - Ferengi admiralty remains pretty much static; 30K dil over 10 days, assuming you can earn 60K by other means. With 2-3K from DOffing, 2-3 K from Admiralty assignments and "levelling" (per day), getting that 6K per day doesn't look too bad.

    - The practice of deliberately failing non-TOD assignments is now counter-productive. It's still a valid option if you're short of ships, but XP rewards are now a more significant contributor to your dil earning. For an alt who hasn't maxed Spec Points, you want them maxing ASAP to be able to earn more dil.

    So overall it's a time / income hit, certainly, but not "the end of Admiralty" - Admiralty remains the most time efficient means of earning Dil, just not to the insane degree it was. DOffing (which people had been complaining was irrelevant) gets a bit of a boost, especially for KDF characters where the ability to harvest industrial quantities of Contraband is again useful. (Feds; all that contraband is coming from YOUR ships in YOUR space, why do you need Klingons to find it?). I'm probably not going to be earning 96K dil for 30 minutes of mouse clicking, but rather for 60 minutes of rampaging around Fed space. So yes, it's a rebalance - probably the biggest we've seen since Admiralty was introduced in 2015 - but not the apocalypse.

    I am also forced to observe that it's not new players who lose here (who don't have a big Admiralty stable to begin with) nor those who pay cash rather than grinding - it's us veteran freebooters.

    submitted by /u/staq16
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    As of last night (2/26/2020), there is a new World Record in Arena of Sompek.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:32 PM PST

    Much needed update! Thanks Devs!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Time flies����

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:41 PM PST

    Ok, time to move on to constructive criticism about the admiralty change.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:22 AM PST

    I'm not going to lie, these changes affect my playstyle a lot as a dps player who does find that the game has more dil sinks than I can supply already and used the system to get dilithium for things that cost dilithium, but I also understand that I am in a minority in that regard and that Cryptic has the data to know what their economy looks like, and they have the right to make adjustments to it. But that doesn't mean that we can't offer constructive feedback.

    Here is what I think should happen.

    • Make the Klingon admiralty reward an account-bound choice box that either gives a fleet dilithium voucher, or a reputation dilithium voucher to be used on reputation projects. That way we can shuffle them to characters that need them
    • Change the Romulan one to give out phoenix upgrades. I'm shocked they didn't touch that one if they are doing an admiralty pass considering how useless it is now. Have it give out 5 phoenix upgrades or something upgrade related that isn't worthless.
    • Have the ferangi one give a choice between a 30k bonus voucher, or 2 dilithium mining claims. You'll still get 3x as much dil from the voucher, but it means we can park alts at the dil mine and use the vouchers to get refined dil that way.
    submitted by /u/sto_guy
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    Ever since I first saw 'Into Darkness', I've wanted to recreate this shot. Today a fellow player inadvertently helped me out.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:54 PM PST

    Admiralty changes: inconvenient truths from a veteran paper-pusher

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:01 AM PST

    OOTL: Klingon Admiralty 10/10 is being changed from 30k dil to 40k fleet dilithium vouchers, for donation to fleet projects. Ferengi Admiralty 10/10 is being changed from 30k dil to 30k dilithium vouchers, which are slowly released to you as you gain dil from other sources.

    TL;DR at the bottom.

    Dilithium is plentiful. Admiralty is the main culprit. Crit the easy assignments, succeed the rewarding ones, fail the unrewarding ones, and pass the long and unrewarding ones. Combined with events, doffing, and other filler, it's easy to clear an average of 8k per day per toon, even with many toons.

    Dilithium is nearly useless. Upgrades, fleet projects no one wants to donate to, lowbie ships in the shipyard, a Phoenix store that Cryptic has abandoned in favor of Mudd's, useless knickknacks like EV suits, and so on. Cool new things are purchased with Zen or metrics, not dilithium.

    Any d/z price in the Dilithium Exchange is fine, other than the caps. Intermediate values simply represent supply and demand, while capped values mean a bad deal for buyers or sellers and would thus dry up the market. We're currently at the high end of the cap, because Cryptic/PWE are a bunch of Golgafrinchams. If you don't know who the Golgafrinchams are, they're a species in the Hitchhiker's Guide universe who gave rise to humanity. They're a bunch of managers and laborers who were deemed useless by their smarter brethren and fooled into leaving their home planet, crash-landing on prehistoric Earth. They soon declared leaves (as in, from trees) as their official currency. They solved the resulting hyperinflation by burning down trees.

    Once the fire dies down and ore stockpiles zero out, dilithium will still be so close to useless that it's almost just proof-of-work like a blockchain currency, but supply will be lower, so d/z will go down.

    The new Ferengi 10/10 reward is ostensibly equivalent to the current one, but you'll need to generate dil in other ways as well in order to unlock it, so no more "log in, do Admiralty, log out." The Fed 10/10 reward will continue to grant 5760 dil ore for toons with maxed spec points, becoming the only 10/10 to directly grant actual dil ore after the patch. The Romulan 10/10 reward will still allow you to upgrade items without dipping into your regular 8k per day of dil, although that's useless for people who don't have anything to upgrade. Similarly, the new KDF 10/10 reward allows contribution to fleet projects outside of the 8k cap, while being useless for those not in growing fleets.

    Since the Ferengi 10/10 dil vouchers grant their dil at a 2:1 ratio (earn 6000 dil from other sources, get 3000 from the voucher), you'll end up with a growing pile of vouchers (if you don't earn ore quickly enough to use up the voucher before you get another) and/or dil ore (if you consume the voucher by earning more ore than you can refine). (The magic number for peak efficiency would've been 5:3.) For players in a growing fleet that needs dil, the KDF 10/10 is 33% better than before, but that's not going to be everyone - far from everyone, I'd guess.

    Active players with few characters will not only still be swimming in dil, the fleet vouchers will be extra dil outside of the 8k cap if they want to do that.

    Players with many toons in complete fleets that hit the refine cap every day with a few minutes of Admiralty and some filler tasks, like myself, will see our average ore generation plummet.

    TL;DR: Dil has high supply and low demand. The patch will greatly reduce the supply for most players, but we don't have much use for it anyway.

    submitted by /u/Farranor
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    When you're Fed, but you've just slaughtered your 3 millionth alien

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST

    After the Admiralty nerf pls at least adjust the dilithium prices for fleet/rep gear

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:28 AM PST

    not everyone was using the campaigns only for trading dili to zen. the prices for fleet and reputation gear are too high after this change.

    really regretting buying the legendary bundle after this...

    submitted by /u/lonelysundowner
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    Are they about to make the lobi ships account/character bound?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    With the event 2 campaign thing coming up they said you will be able to choose 1000 lobi instead of a t6 ship token. right now you can sell lobi ships on the exchange, in the post about the upcoming admiralty weekend they also said they wanted to "balance the economy", is this lobi giveway going to be a excuse to further "balance the economy" by removing the sale of lobi ships?

    submitted by /u/Hilar100
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    Space barbie fans rejoice! New styles coming tomorrow, including the "data"

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Stuck at patching

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Stuck at patching

    Anyone else stuck trying to patch the game? Started it up and it just sits there doing nothing


    submitted by /u/mcfeely
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    "All good things...must come to an end"

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Scaling dilithium box bugged

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I logged on in time to get the last omega capture Nd upon completion got a scaling dilithium box but it doesn't open by clicking on it or selecting use.

    submitted by /u/Race-b
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    Section 31 Drone ship announced

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    So...why can't we re-engineer mission rewards again?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:31 PM PST

    If it's because they are often part of a set bonus, that doesn't pan out since we can re-engineer Reputation items that are always part of a set bonus. Doesn't really make much sense to me.

    submitted by /u/ScherzicScherzo
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    Legendary bundles, admiralty nerfs, no more real seasons...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:15 PM PST

    I take back everything I said about the game being f2p friendly. The admiralty changes make it no longer possible to make reasonable progress simply by playing.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    The amount of dilithium a character needs to get all the things they need (trait unlocks, rep gear, fleet gear, upgrades, etc), is astronomical. Taking away the ability of people to make more than 8k dilithium a day without crazy grinding is how this game dies.

    This is a horrible mistake. I'm seriously thinking about quitting and shutting down my YouTube channel. I wish I hadn't just given them $200 for the legendary bundle. Lesson learned I guess.

    For the record, I've spent thousands and don't buy zen with dil. I use dil for things that cost dil. As far as I'm concerned they can shut the dilex down as long as they give us a way to transfer dilithium between characters on the same account.

    I made a controversial thread a while back warning not to depend on the dilex. This is the worst way for them to try and fix it.

    submitted by /u/sto_guy
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    PC Patch Notes for 2/27/20

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:48 PM PST

    Admiralty stats of Legendary MW Cruiser (Sovereign) are too low

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:59 AM PST

    the combined value of this admiralty ship is only 99 points!

    other legendary ships have a value of about 120 points^^

    submitted by /u/Battleangel_99
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