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    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    Star Trek Online Star Trek Online: Legacy Anniversary Event Official Unofficial Bug Report Thread

    Star Trek Online Star Trek Online: Legacy Anniversary Event Official Unofficial Bug Report Thread

    Star Trek Online: Legacy Anniversary Event Official Unofficial Bug Report Thread

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    This is the bug report thread for the Star Trek Online: Legacy Anniversary event. To make your bug reports more useful, please try to follow the following template:


    Platform: Are you playing on PC, Playstation or XBox?

    Character/Account: What character and account the bug was encountered with.

    Bug/Issue Description: Describe the bug in as much detail as possible, ideally including both what should happen versus what does happen.

    Steps to Reproduce: Assuming the bug is reproducible, what steps must be taken to re-encounter it. As basic and 'algorithmic' as possible.

    Additional Media: If there is any supporting media to describe or 'prove' the bug, images or video, they go here.


    This is meant to help your bugs be identified and hopefully fixed quicker, as well as remove some of the clutter/duplicate reports we often see in the megathread which only hinder its usefulness.

    As always, please also submit bug reports through the official channels. Qapla'!

    submitted by /u/KerbherVonBraun
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    Startling revelation about the Probe from ST: Voyage Home

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    It was actually sent by Cryptic as a "Love Letter to the Fans" for the 276th anniversary of STO... but it was only for the whales.

    (I'll see myself out)

    submitted by /u/Fleffle
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    FYI The updated Models and Hull materials are live, and not part of the hero Bundle

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Ten Years of Star Trek Online

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:50 AM PST

    The Warship Voyager skin can be previewed in the shipyard

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    STO 10th Anniversary Tribute by SFC & SirBoulevard

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Heads Up: the new missions have major spoilers for Discovery S2

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:41 AM PST

    This is not a criticism, so far I'm enjoying the first mission. Just wanted people who might care to be aware.

    submitted by /u/Fleffle
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    A really bad idea that actually jolted me awake at 3 in the morning

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:37 AM PST

    For whatever reason, I had a dream about a strain of Tribbles that had the circuitry of a comm-badge infused within them, and thanks to the universal translators inside, the Tribbles learned to communicate properly with Starfleet researchers. This would lead to linguists adding the Tribble syllables and dialect into the computer systems, updating all of the translators, and eventually lead to the first test cases of Tribbles enrolling into Starfleet.

    I woke up around the point where I was playing a set of missions revolving around a potential rift in the Galactic Alliance, involving re-commissioned starships manned entirely by Tribbles simply relaying very fast commands to the ship's computers to execute simple operations. And as a result, the older, supposedly inferior ships were being handled more efficiently than modern ships with bipedal operators. Because what Klingon would accept the idea of Tribbles running starships?

    It wasn't nightmarish, but it was weird enough to wake me up in the middle of the night.

    submitted by /u/ReeseKaine
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    Servers are up!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:21 AM PST

    This New Anniversary Event Should Be Called Legacy of Rubberbanding.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    /u/ambassadorkael fix this shit please?

    MASSIVE rubberbanding in the new episode part 1. Can't revive bridge officer outside several times (6+). Cannot interact with loot boxes or environment mission items without multiple attempts. Move and you get pulled back to previous position multiple times. I have died several times in a single battle, each time attempting to use a heal or stim, only for ability not to fire, and stim not used.

    submitted by /u/millard_audene
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    Star Trek Online: Legacy Launch Trailer

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Star Trek Online: Lagacy

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:27 AM PST

    that's it, that's the joke

    i expect it'll clear up by tomorrow but i can't play with several seconds of delay between dialog so i'll have to wait.

    submitted by /u/PandaPundus
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    The new Borg costume. It's bad guys; it's real bad.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:12 AM PST

    I'll make this short: boffs can't use the costume, and it's in a separate uniform category so no part mixing. It's also bind on pickup, so can only be bought with lobi, not off the exchange.

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Star Trek Online: Legacy

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    Hi-res artwork for the 10th Anniversary Event

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Pretty proud of my new ship: USS Ascension (Sojourner class with Endeavor pylons & Yorktown nacelles)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:53 PM PST

    Just a little light-hearted humor :-)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Star Trek: Legacy Now Live!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST

    The Cost of the Anniversary Bundle isn't viable for me and isn't an isolated matter

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:02 PM PST

    First off: the pricing of all ships is arbitrary and gambling ships aren't worth more than C-Store ships.

    From that standpoint alone, I take issue with the base price of 30k Zen (not even going to dignify the bloated version that costs 45k Zen with anything more than a mention). The big Discovery bundle was already a prohibitively expensive option in terms of value for money.

    A large chunk of content in this bundle is reselling content that has already been bought by most people like me. The rest is content that has previously been exclusive to the gambling boxes, and now that that market seems to be nearing the end of its lifespan, its being resold as account unlocks (as it should have been in the first place). To summarize: the majority of this content is content that has already been bought to at least some extent by most people that have been playing for some time.

    What particularly stings for me is that I spent 8.4k Zen that I'd saved up the last 18 months on getting the cross-faction flagship bundle last black friday.

    I also bought 10 keys to get lobi to finish the buyout on the eventship, not knowing how long that was going to remain an option or that I would end up getting 3 times the amount of Lobi I'd spent Zen for from the giveaways this week.

    Had I not also bought the 31st century ship bundle during the last ship sale, I might have been in a position to get the cheaper of the two bundles in a few months (if the price didn't increase by then).

    I'd been fine with the changes to T6 ships becoming scaling after I already bought the discovery starter pack with its limited scaling ship, in part because the cost wasn't that large and I would still get value out of it (being the casual altaholic that I am), and because the changes gave more utility to things I already owned. The T6 scaling changes didn't ask me to rebuy something I had already bought several years ago.

    As it stands, the pricing is prohibitive, to the point where I might be able to afford it during a black friday sale 2 years from now if I don't spend Zen on anything else in the meantime.

    With the Dilex being what it is, I'm reliant on my lifetime sub stipend, which seems less and less significant as the game goes on introducing pricier content with greater frequency.

    While the small giveaways have been neat, and the Alliance battlecruiser seems like a decent ship, the bundle and its price have been the biggest reveal this anniversary - and I'm feeling down about it. I've already spent quite a bit of money on this game, and I'm not in a position (not even a matter inclination - just don't have the ability to pay) to spend more.

    While I do appreciate that Cryptic is moving away from the abusive gambling practices, I'm disappointed that their business model seems to exclude people like me.

    I have greatly enjoyed my time with STO, playing on an intermittent but steady basis ever since it went F2P. Limited access to technology and the internet, health problems, school, work, family, STO had been a reliable and approachable game I could come back to and that would be there for me. This is in part because of the wonderful people I've met while playing this game, but also because of the very approachable content structure with regards to missions and gear progression.

    Given the punishing changes, most recently the change to event completion, it seems like the game won't remain something I can continue to play.

    I hope something changes, but I'm not hopeful.

    submitted by /u/pixxel5
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    I got lucky this morning. Twice ;)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:10 AM PST

    New Anniversary Giveaway Up, 5x delta alliance doff packs

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST

    I'm not one to judge other cultures or anything, but...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:05 AM PST

    Unpopular Fact: The Legacy Bundle Is A Bargain.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    One quick note: this post refers only to the basic, 30,000 Zen pack. The 45,000 upgrade pack is a complete rip-off, but that is due to the items that differentiate it from the basic pack as compared to the price between the two. That said, I am only laying out the math on the basic pack here.

    Now, some facts:

    • A ship is valued at (Tier x 500) Zen. That is the price point of a ship, and has been for a long time now. This is something the market has accepted. There are exceptions, but that is a rough guideline.
    • Likewise, a Fleet Ship module (FSM) is worth 500 Zen.
    • A C-Store ship purchase includes a ship skin, a console (or unique weapon, in some cases--but in the interest of brevity I am going to refer to them as consoles), an admiralty card, and a flyable ship if the ship is T5-U or T6.
      • While ships of below T5-U are technically flyable, they are not so for a useful period of time to the average player. These in-game items are what contribute to their value.
      • T6 ships also include a ship trait.
    • Aside from the FSM, the Fleet version of a ship costs 20,000 Fleddits and contains both a flyable ship that replaces the C-Store version and an admiralty card.
      • It is extremely tricky to define the worth of fleddits (they depend heavily on what is donated to generate them), so for the purpose of this post they are defined as having a value of 0.
    • We do not yet know all of the ships in this pack, and there may well be ships included that were previously lockbox-only. For the purpose of this post, they will be valued the same as C-Store ships.
      • This is almost certainly wrong, according to the market, but it makes the estimate more conservative anyway. (In other words, if you value them more highly then the bundle is worth more to you anyway.)

    In order to properly calculate the value of the bundle we need to ask one question: how much of a ship's value is in its admiralty card? This answer is going to vary from player to player. Fortunately, math is perfectly happy to accept variables. Hence, in all following calculations, the variable "a" is defined as a number from 0.00 to 1.00 representing the percentage of a ship's value that comes from its admiralty card.

    Likewise, each ship is going to come with an average of three other costumes/consoles: its alternate at-tier version, its T5 version, and its T6 version. While not every ship in the bundle may have all of those, the sheer number of confirmed included Galaxy variants alone drags the average up to that point. Thus, our math will assume three other costume/console sets: one T5, one T6, and one of an unknown tier. The variable "t" represents that tier in our math below.

    And now, math!

    The Legacy pack contains 10 ships of Fleet T6 level (which is worth a C-Store T6 and a FSM put together, minus the cost of one admiralty card). It also includes all other costumes and consoles for C-Store versions of those ships. Thus, the total cost of each ship is the following (all values in Zen):

    3,000 + (500 - 500a) + (3,000 - 3,000a) + (2,500 - 2,500a) + (500t - 500at)

    Combining like terms gives us:

    9,000 - 6,000a + 500t - 500at

    Unfortunately, the value of t is going to vary from ship to ship--therefore, we cannot accurately calculate it out. It may be anywhere from 4 (for a T4 ship, e.g. the Galaxy) to 0 (for a ship that does not have a C-Store equivalent below T5). Fortunately, plugging in various values for a gives us the ability to simplify even further.

    If You ONLY Value T1-4 Ships For Their Admiralty Cards

    This makes the math extremely easy: the case when Admiralty is 100% of a ship's value means that a = 1.00, and we can simplify to:

    9,000 - 6,000 + 500t - 500t

    ...Which of course simplifies to 3,000 per ship in the bundle. Thus, for all ten ships, in this case the total value of the bundle is 30,000 Zen... which is the non-sale price of the bundle. Thus, if you only care about admiralty cards, the bundle is a medium-to-large savings any time it is on sale.

    If You Value T1-4 Admiralty Cards Equally To Consoles and Skins

    In other words, if you consider a to be 50% or .50:

    9,000 - 3,000 + 500t - 250t

    This simplifies to 6,000 + 250t, which means the total value of each ship in the bundle is at least 6,000 Zen. In this case, the total value of the bundle is at least 60,000 Zen--so the bundle is a >50% savings, even when not on sale. This is also a greater savings than past megabundles.

    If You Value T1-4 Ships For Everything BUT Their Admiralty Cards

    I have no idea who this is, but I assume someone, somewhere does not care about admiralty cards. In this case, a = 0 and each ship is worth 9,000 + 500t. For that person, the value of the bundle is at least 90,000 Zen and they should fetch their credit cards right now.

    Conclusion (tl;dr)

    • For all players, the basic Legacy bundle is a fair price at full price.
    • For players who care about anything besides admiralty, the Legacy bundle is a good to fantastic deal at full price.
    • For all players, the Legacy bundle is a fantastic deal at sale price.
    submitted by /u/tsuyoshikentsu
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    Anyone else having login issues?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:32 AM PST

    I've been trying to boot up my characters for 10 minutes now, I keep getting errors. First the map didn't work, then I got in but nothing loaded and it booted me out after a minute. This is annoying.

    submitted by /u/IamSagittare
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    I warped into somewhere unexpected

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    So... does Borg Exoskeletal Frame unlock a costume or something...?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:48 AM PST

    The Lockbox Blog there is a picture of Borg Exoskeletal Frame. In the game the item doesn't mention anything about unlocking a costume, or any type of visual. There's also no separate costume or anything like that.

    Anyone bought and checked it? Does it unlock anything?

    submitted by /u/SuavekS
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