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    Friday, January 17, 2020

    Star Trek Online Another updated model

    Star Trek Online Another updated model

    Another updated model

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:04 PM PST

    Idea: TFOs by ship tier

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:26 AM PST

    World of Warships/Tanks/etc does this as well as a number of other games. Instead of placing us by player level, why can't we have TFO levels by ship tier? I would absolutely love flying my Oberth, Constitution, NX, Constellation, and other ships more often without crippling other people in a pug.

    submitted by /u/B23-7
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    Slight QoL vendor feature

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Not sure how many have noticed, but selling to a "bartender" type NPC brings up your inventory colour-coded according to rarity. Meaning you see item name texts in their rarity color (green/blue/purple). Whereas selling to regular vendor NPCs such as that at ESD shipyard, you do not have that luxury and need to squint hard at the item icons to determine their rarity.

    Would be nice if the colour-coding could be extended to ALL vendors, or even every item ingame (potentially through an option in game settings).

    submitted by /u/zoleman
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    PSA for any African users affected by the WACS break

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:50 PM PST

    Switch to the EU proxy on the STO launcher. It's still slow, but you'll at least be able to log in.

    submitted by /u/Silvicusrex
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    I like to fly my lower-tier ships for fun at times

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:15 AM PST

    What do you do with your lower tier ships?

    submitted by /u/bolpo33
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    Surprised I haven't seen this yet. Now, that's a Star Trek!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Things dissapearing

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:21 AM PST

    I have been on STO since its Beta days and I would like to know if anyone has experienced the following.

    So a couple years back I'd get STO ships in an email. Like a "hey thanks for playing" yadda yadda. They dont give me those anymore.

    Anyhow I had two free ships, the andromeda galaxy and the defiant valiant. Loved them, kitted them out and one day, login and completely gone. Contact cryptic got told my keys were never activated. No record of me owning them.

    Essentially called a liar and well that was it for me and STO for a while, cut through to today and after a long hiatus I start playing again.

    Somethings not right though. Come to find my main toon is gone. Him and all the work with him like the orbital strike trait or other numerous rare or epic traits, gears and his fleet ship and gear. Gone.

    Update: Went to tribble, there he was. Tried to load him, got errors. Now hes gone from there too.

    Anyone else experience this at all, is there a point in asking cryptic this time?

    submitted by /u/TrueReasonableDoubt
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    Technical performance issues on a good rig, please advise

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:37 AM PST

    I hope a technical support request is OK.

    I'm having severe screenfreeze issues in TFOs. To the point where my screen will sometimes just remain completely frozen until a phase has passed. Especially noticeable during "opening moves" of the team, e.g. in phase 1 in ISA or HSA. The game will freeze or have less than one FPS, sometimes for just a few seconds, sometimes until the brunt of the fighting is done.

    I have an I-5 3.8GHz with 16GB DDR3 and a GeForce RTX 2060. My OS runs on an nVME M.2 drive and STO on a SATA SSD raid array. I've ran some benchmarkings and stresstests and find no issues whatsoever. The system seems stable and there's no overheating/throttling happening either. When I check my Windows Task Manager's performance graphs during one of such screenfreezes, none of my resources are maxed out either.

    I tried reducing all graphics slider settings to its minimum but even then the problem persists. I've also tried adding "-d3d11enable 0 -d3d9" to the launcher's command arguments but that both doesn't change anything and seems like really outdated info. Lastly I've of course made sure I run all the latest updates and drivers.

    I'm relatively new to STO and unsure how to best troubleshoot issues with this game. Any advise you could share would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/WebGremlin
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    Make T1-T4 ships relevant again

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    With the existence of scaling T6 ships, flying anything below a T5 is basically malpractice. Yes, I'm aware that it's technically possible to do decent performance on T1-T4 ships if you really know what you're doing, but how many of us are really going to bother doing that? The only time I've flown ships below T5 is when I'm leveling characters, and I don't even do that much anymore. Obviously Cryptic isn't going to roll back ship scaling, even though I would argue they should never have implemented it in the first place.

    But they need to make T1-T4 ships relevant and useful again. As of right now, most of them exist solely as a way to burn through trash Admiralty missions. I can't imagine anyone is buying them from the C-store, which is probably why we see them show up as oddball giveaways or as filler in bundles like the Picard pack. But if they had a real in-game value, I don't think I'm the only one who would look at purchasing them with a less jaundiced eye.

    So here's my proposal: a form of Mastery system for lower-tier ships. It's probably too much of a hassle to freshly implement Mastery on every ship below T5, so it would make more sense to jury-rig it in the form of an accolade. Basically, something like "Gain x amount of XP while flying a T1 ship at character level 0-9," T2 ship at level 10-19, T3 ship at level 20-29, so and and so forth. And for each successful accolade, we would unlock a trait which--and I consider this to be very important--would be slotted down in the "Other" section as an always-on trait like the one you get from Tour The Galaxy. This could be either a significant passive bonus (meaning better than the ones we get for accolades currently, better than what we get for spending on Perk Point) or a minor active skill. If Cryptic wanted to get more in-depth, they could even have the accolades (and trait rewards) be specific to individual ships. I do think it's pretty important to limit these pseudo-masteries to flying the ships at their appropriate character levels. You don't want to incentivize people flying lower-tier ships in pickup queues at level 65, given that a lot of folks (including me sometimes) don't even know how to build T5 and T6 ships properly, and Cryptic doesn't want us to have so much of a reason to focus on T1-T4 ships that we stop buying T5 and T6 ships.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/John-Zero
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    Does this game still work on Windows 7?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST

    I had a w7 deskstop I stopped using a while ago because the game would freeze after a certain update and I recall reading some others having the same issue but lost track. Does anyone know if this was ever fixed and if the game works with W7 currently?

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Captain Picard Pack

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Is it worth it for a new player to purchase this pack? Big fan :)

    submitted by /u/PredsFanThatHatesPK
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    Will the Anniversary Update be in Season 18, a new Season 19, or perhaps even Expansion 5?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I'm just curious about this and wondered if anyone who knew had shared with the rest of us. I expect the Anniversary to be a new Season 19 (and really doubt it's E5), but wasn't sure.

    submitted by /u/OrdinarilyBob
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    Automated AFK Reporting System

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:04 AM PST

    We all know at some point you end up in a TFO where one of the players goes AFK. It gets double worse when the AFK forces everyone else to quit the TFO because of a TFO trigger event that the AFK will never trigger

    This just happened recently to me with "Into the Hive" TFO. Five players joined and only four of them went into the first area, the 5th one just stayed at the start location and AFKing. Making it impossible to continue the TFO

    We can report the person as AFKing right now, but because the issue arise that the people that were doing the event need to bail they get penalized with a 30 minute cool down on all TFO because or one person.

    I purpose creating a systems add in where a Majority of Players can Force Eject AFK for the TFO and report them at the same time.

    • Soon as one person reports the AFKer, All other player will receive a popup and asks them to confirm that the player in question is indeed AFKing.
    • If the majority of players confirm this, then the person is reported and ejected from the TFO and new player from the join random TFO query added.
    • To limit the potential abuse of the system there could be asset of criteria that needs to be met. Like must do 5% of total damage, must show activate (are they pressing commands not just setting course to walk into the wall.)

    This is just my QnD idea for a system to make these issues less of a pain for people trying to play the game.

    I would be interested in other peoples ideas on how to automate this process.

    submitted by /u/tobywitczak
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    What Uniform is this and how do i get it ?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Bridge Officer

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:12 AM PST

    How do ich "craft" Bridge Officer?

    submitted by /u/Prismacola
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    Anyone here got Tholian Tarantula + Section 31 vanity Shield?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Been wanting to get the S31 vanity shield for my tarantula but I have no idea what it would look like. If anyone has both, would be nice to see.

    submitted by /u/dvlx_a
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    Ships disappearing from Admiralty roster (and a QoL request)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:58 AM PST

    K, so this is a bit of a weird one, and I'm not even sure when it happened.

    I have the old T5 Scimi pack, and I know I've claimed all the ships in the pack as I've kept the ship more or less on stand-by in case I want to try something with it (might as well use those ship slots, right?) and it makes a handy storage location for the ship-line-specific consoles (Cloaked Barrage, Secondary shields, and Singularity Distributor) however... Upon doing admiralty on a toon recently, I now only see the Scimi, not the Falchion or Tulwar.
    For the sake of completion, I picked up the Scimi bundle right between admiralty being a thing and the T6 flagship pack being announced, and I remember thinking at the time that it was absolutely typical timing for me ;)

    Anyone else noticed anything like this?

    I mean, it's bad enough having to go through my admiralty ship lists to make sure I've actually claimed all the ships for cards, but now it might need to be constantly updated and kept maintained because of disappearing cards? Ooft.

    Just going to throw the QoL request out there just now as well, we really could use some method of seeing at a glance in the shipstore/CStore/Event pages whether we've actually unlocked a ships mastery and admiralty. This will help anyone who has even a few ships should they invest in additional characters and/or even a few characters when they invest (time or money) in additional ships. Just a pair of small icons or something in the corner of the ship description, grey'd out if they're not unlocked on a toon, coloured and highlighted if they have been unlocked.

    submitted by /u/daiphelion
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    The new model update to the Hero Ships on Tribble gives them more hull material options; Also, base model Defiant STILL does not play well with decals/patterning

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Fed Klingon ?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Is it possable to have a Klingon (Male or Female) Bridge Officer on a Fed Char ?

    submitted by /u/Prismacola
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    New Constellation-class impulse glow mis-aligned

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:42 PM PST

    New Constellation-class impulse glow mis-aligned

    Absolutely LOOOOOOVE the new Constellation-class model. Just noticed that when at full impulse, the red engine glowy is offset quite a bit to the left of the ship.



    submitted by /u/gabybee
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