• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Star Trek Online We recently updated our fleet starbase to T5 and I was finally able to acquire the fleet variant of Paladin, my favorite ship in STO

    Star Trek Online We recently updated our fleet starbase to T5 and I was finally able to acquire the fleet variant of Paladin, my favorite ship in STO

    We recently updated our fleet starbase to T5 and I was finally able to acquire the fleet variant of Paladin, my favorite ship in STO

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:28 AM PST

    Fist of the Gorn Star

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:23 AM PST

    New Berlin, NCC-27

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:56 AM PST

    I can buy the Fe’rang through Lobi by buying the holiday collectible bundle on The Lobi Store, Correct?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Just wondering before I spent a bunch of Lobi.

    submitted by /u/griffyndour
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    What are some funny race/profession combinations that you all enjoy doing?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:08 AM PST

    I love the idea of a Gorn medical officer. I have one that flies the Khaimas Multi Mission Explorer. My headcanon is even though he is captain of the ship he still does a shift a week in Sickbay and the Klingons on board are afraid to go to him.

    submitted by /u/phyxious
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    Three annoying systemic visual/sound issues STO currently has

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:23 PM PST

    So I've been replaying every replayable story mission available to a 2409 Fed captain, and so far I've gotten through everything up to the Discovery content. In all of that, I've only ran into two actual gameplay issues, those being the tactical optional in Stranded in Space failing to work, even as a Tac captain, and the ISS Enterprise flying around at top speed during Temporal Reckoning, making the mission... difficult to complete to say the least.

    That being said, there are a few systemic visual/sound problems I've noticed that don't affect the gameplay, but are still annoying.

    1. The first is that dialog boxes that are supposedly to play after a cutscene ends, even if its just the short warp into a system cutscene, are popping up and playing before the cutscene is over. This doesn't happen every single time, or even most of the time, but it happens enough to where I noticed it.
    2. The second problem is ghosting during cut-scenes. I have a lot of examples of this thing happening throughout the game . It goes from at least Delta Rising, all the way through even Victory is Life. Given how systemic it is, it doesn't seem to be a problem with individual cutscenes themselves, rather in whatever tech they use to hide the normal gameplay version of NPCs while cut-scenes play not making them fully invisible, leaving a ghostly outline of said NPCs in the background.
    3. The third is what I call the map/mini-map black space bug. Much like the above problem I have many examples of this rather frequent issue. Given that almost all of the maps I have seen this problem surface on have some sort of change in terrain height in them at some point, and I know STO has some sort of system to remove/add map pieces in situations where rooms are on top of each other, it seems that whatever system is supposed to do that isn't working right, so its just blacking out certain parts of areas that have different terrain height. That, or STO uses a map system like Skyrim does, where the map is just an image taken by a camera placed above the game world, and whatever system controls the camera height for the map is putting it up too high, so things like lower level floor aren't getting fully caught by the image.

    None of these issues does anything to stop you from playing the game, or getting through missions. The dialog boxes still work, cutscenes still work, and the actual playable map space is fine, its just some weird issues I've noticed in replaying the game.

    Just wanted to pass this along to relevant parties like u/ambassadorkael would be nice to get some sort of acknowledgement that they are aware of said issues.

    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    Equiping armor visuals on Bridge officers

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:13 AM PST

    I'm trying to equip the herald and Tzenkethi armor visuals on my bridge officers but I can't seem to find a way to do so. Am I being stupid?

    submitted by /u/Ieatpauls
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    Tholian obsession with time travel?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:00 PM PST

    What is the tholians obsession with time travel or anything even remotely temporal? I mean I know they are one of the factions of the temporal cold war but it seems like to the other factions it was a means to an end but to the tholians it is an obsession that their whole existence revolves around.

    submitted by /u/Fourarms202
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    Starfleet ATP - Recruitment Message

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:48 AM PST

    Incoming Transmission

    Priority Message

    Source: Adm. Kira Solis, UFP, Starfleet, Earth

    Officers of the Federation,


    Quest for knowledge, and have great companions on that quest.


        I represent Starfleet ATP, or the Starfleet Advanced Training Program Fleet on Xbox. The Academy taught you how to fly and basic skills to get you out into space and serving Starfleet and the Federation as fast as possible; our charter is to pick up where your Academy training left off. Whether you are a veteran of the Gamma Quadrant or fresh out of Spacedock, Starfleet ATP offers a friendly home to advance your skills. Starfleet ATP offers core performance expertise on subjects such as Bridge Officer training, Ship loadouts, gear access, and your own Captain skills.


        Are your starboard shields failing? Did Spock/Lorca/etc just congratulate you? Are you "doing your Admiralty" or are you just a Captain with Admiral's bars? Got that T6?


        Starfleet ATP is a casual Xbox Federation fleet dedicated to advancing knowledge of the game in its members. We have no donation requirements, but initially access may be restricted to prevent fleet jumpers/raiders. That said, if we have it to spare, no one has been denied access to items due to rank. We pride ourselves on being open and having a good time.


        Starfleet ATP was founded over 3 years ago, when fleets first came to Xbox, with the goal of being social and helping players learn about STO, especially the things it does not teach well. Our Starbase is level 5, and our Shipyard is fully unlocked. We are a level 74 fleet. Additionally, we are part of a full Armada, with access to fleet stores, Dilithium discounts, and XP boosts to aid you. We have players across the US and in the UK, with many of our players possessing extensive knowledge of builds and game resource gathering.


        We love to run missions, (R)TFOs, Events, and Battlezones as a team. Teaming up offers many advantages, like XP, build synergy, and good communication. We like to prepare captains to play well in Advanced difficulty TFOs, to speed their resource accumulation. We will explicitly ask you NOT to donate Dilithium or Energy Credits until your build is in good shape. Our goal is not to make you space-poor, it is to get you to a point where you can generate resources you can afford to donate.


        I invite you to reach out on Xbox to any member, or myself, using my GT or Reddit username: CaesarJefe.

    submitted by /u/CaesarJefe
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    Next special event to finish Free T6

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    Any word on when the last even is to finish this 2nd free ship? I did the Kobi, and breach just waiting for the last one for like 600 more

    submitted by /u/Moogleasylum
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    Im getting back into sto soon and have seen alot of new updates since I last played, any tips or guides you all recommend would be appreciated.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:10 AM PST

    No Officer Of Watch Quests

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:32 PM PST


    Just concerned my toon is bugged. I am I. A fleet and the star base officer of the e watch just tells me everything is fine (Kdf). The mining guy has no Doff missions for me either

    So wondering is my toon bugged or will this fix itself?

    Shocks I leave and rejoin The fleet? Just looking for suggestions.

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/Maxal50
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    Anyone know the name of the green explosion AoE space heal ability?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:20 AM PST

    I remember using an ability in space when I first started playing that would hull heal your teammates. It created a giant explosion from your ship and any friendly that was in the blast radius was hull healed. I'm trying to do the hull healing endeavor but I can't remember if the ability came from a console or a trait.

    submitted by /u/Solus_Vael
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    lifetime sub, returning player, a few questions

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Hey, I haven't played in... forever, years and years. I just randomly started up again and really not sure what is going on.

    Obviously I don't remember how to play the game. I'm about to make a new character for that hurdle. But, I'm pretty sure I bought a lifetime sub when the game came out. But now, I honestly can't tell. If you have a lifetime sub, what do you have? How would I know if it was a lifetime sub or not?

    I know this may seem daft but it's what I've come to. I'm an addlepated old man who can't remember things anymore apparently.

    submitted by /u/agitatedandroid
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