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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Star Trek Online USS Dominance

    Star Trek Online USS Dominance

    USS Dominance

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:47 AM PST

    IDEA: When we captain Cross-faction ships, we should have a skill/innate that gives an Alpha Strike bonus against enemy ships of that same faction.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:04 PM PST

    Tzenkethi Tzen-tar , heading to eliminate Hur'q...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:54 AM PST

    KDF fleet on Xbox

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Any active fleets looking for a dedicated noob? Everyone's telling me to go fed, but a Cardassian fed just doesn't feel right to me. I tried using the fleet finder, but I didn't see much in the kdf side.

    submitted by /u/Revanx22
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    My attempt at a Dark Elf. Glowing eyes would help.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:01 PM PST

    Ten Forward Weekly 05.12.2019: Fe'rang and Jellyfish

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:16 PM PST

    Links: Twitch, Facebook [01:12:20]

    Theme: Fe'rang and Jellyfish

    Guests: concept artist Hector Ortiz, systems designer Jette Leavens and lead ship and UI artist Thomas Marrone


    • Initial concept looked somewhat like a shoe.
    • Next version looked like Jabba's barge.
    • For final version they turned previous one upside-down.
    • It had to contain sails, just because.
    • Fek'Irhi ships are "fun" where they can come up with something without any restrictions.
    • Hangar pets were weird to work on, because they're unique and base tortured souls were created rather irregularly and needed systems polishing before being released.


    • Technically a prime timeline ship.
    • STO version is bigger than movie one.
    • Apparently have access to vulcan ship materials.
    • Jette tried to make console to be more than gravity well.

    I'm, one of those people, for whom stream was incredibly laggy. Frustrating. I'll need to watch stream again. At least it held together this time.

    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    Competitive Engine Visuals are a bit big for the Vulcan Scout Ship

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:36 PM PST

    Weld your diff, bro!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:03 AM PST

    Is there a good way to split the difference between turn rate and DPS? I'm looking for setups across all tracks and specialisations, not just TAC or Pilot. Show me your most cherry headers!

    submitted by /u/cromkaygo
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    A Helpful Guide For The Winter Event

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:18 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Last year I created a fully comprehensive video guide to the Winter Event. Nothing much has really changed this year and as thus, it's still up to date. If anyone needs any help finding anything or simply want a few tips, tricks and strategies to make the most out of your time, my guide may help you.


    That's the link for anyone who wants to check it out. Also anyone who has questions or want a partner to play with, shoot me a message and I'll be happy to assist you.

    submitted by /u/Goudeyman
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    Science Ult Skill Tree Help.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

    I know that Tac Ult is the way most go for higher DPS. I do have a character with one of those. But I am looking for something different than that.

    Mostly what I have been using is a balance between DPS and tanking. Hit 47k DPS on my Jem Dread Carrier. I'm good with that.

    But I wanted to play with science more now. I want to be able to switch up between using torps, and energy weapons. I will mostly do torp builds on this character. But I would like to mostly do damage with science skills. Make it a true Science build.

    I can figure out the gear later. For now, I am looking for help with the skill tree and, if possible, quick explanation why certain things are better than others. Not needed with shield heals. I already know those.

    Thanks for any help.


    submitted by /u/Razar1
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    PC Patch Notes for 12/5/19

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:17 PM PST

    Ideas for 2020 winter event.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:09 PM PST

    This isnt me looking a gift horse in the mouth, just brainstorming.

    Nanopulse Kar'takin Pole-arm melee weapon (purple)

    its already in game for npcs, so why not add it, and add a glow.

    Winter/Christmas holiday shield vanity.

    Blue/silver, mostly red/some green, mostly green/some red, multi-colored light bulb dots that twinkle, all done in the breast cancer awareness vanity style.

    Snow trail impulse vanity

    Starlight white to gold to silver deflector vanity

    Jem'hadar Winter is Life sweater

    Romulan Tal Shiar knows if your are naughty sweater

    Q Judges outfit in red and green

    Q Jr cloned Neelix doffs for entertainer, bartender, and chef

    After their run in on voyager, Jr has found a new appreciation for Neelix and has made clones copies for his festive friend for the holidays.

    submitted by /u/KellMG96
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    New VA throughout older Romulan missions

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:45 PM PST

    For those of you unaware, cryptic has been adding in new VA to numerous old episodes on the Romulan faction side for the past while now. Its not every mission yet, but many Romulan faction missions from game start up to Wasteland have new VA, and are now fully voiced.

    Most of it is ok, but there are a few instances of the new and old VA playing over each other in some missions.

    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    Great... Thot players have made their way into STO.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:02 AM PST

    All I can say is: Begone thot.

    submitted by /u/ISS_Astara
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    "Would be Nice" Weapon Procs

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:13 PM PST

    DISCLAIMER: I know this won't happen or even be considered by the devs. I just think it's fun to think of what they could've done differently.

    The six basic energy types of the game surprised me when I took the time to consider why they procs do what they do and I figured out that either lore wise or with real-world science their abilities actually make a lot of sense. (Except for plasma, more on that in a bit.) However, I feel like they could be changed to be even better in both aspects and more unique from each other.

    Phasers: Chance to knock a subsystem offline, a nod to the federation always disabling weapons and engines in opponents.

    Disruptors: Lowers resistances, since "disrupting" the molecular strength of ship hulls makes it easier for them to fall apart

    Plasma: Doesn't actually make sense for how plasma works, plasma isn't actually a fire that burns fuel, it's closer to hot gas like how boiling water is close to scalding steam, and could at best briefly boil a small part of a ship.

    Polaron: A polaron isn't a particle, it's an even where electricity collects in a single area and can't escape like matter caught in a gravity well. Would remove power from electronics and possibly fry a few circuits at the same time.

    Tetryon: Established in the lore to be harmful to energy shields

    Anti-proton: Literally anti-matter flung at enemies with an energy weapons. If it hits matter of a hull, it'll be like a small photon torpedo explosion (as in a critical hit doing so on a sensitive system)

    Most of these make sense, but I think improvements could be made. Some of these involve some theoretical changes to the damage system I shared in another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/e0viiz/fixing_injuriesship_damage_system/

    Phasers: The reason the Federation uses phasers (inferior in raw power to other weapon types) is because they are versatile and easy to control. Would be better to change the proc to be a basic boost to accuracy. (Which would improve subsystem targeting with a different injury system in place)

    Disruptors: A strong, momentary impact isn't as fun as whittling down your enemies bit by bit, so disruptors could be changed to have a chance of dealing hull injuries (eventually causing as much impact as the previous version but for a much longer duration if not repaired)

    Plasma: Since "plasma fires" don't actually burn, change the ability to have half the power cost of other weapon types. This makes sense as even with modern technology we can produce plamsa, so it would be a sinch with Star Trek tech. Then just make weapon power regenerate slower so the mechanic has impact again. This would make it an excellent option for builds with low emphasis on weapon power and the higher average power level should bring dps in line with other energy types.

    Polaron: Change proc to a chance to damage an energy subsystem, for similar reasons as the disruptor change.

    Tetryon: Have a guaranteed extra damage (or drain) to all shield facings. For balance it should be extremely low (to account for many tetryon weapons and boosts) Probably on the levels of about 1% of normal weapon damage.

    Anti-Proton: Keep this the same actually, I feel it is in a good place for those who want more damage, plain and simple.

    I also have even less reasonable ideas to revamp torpedos to make them more useful and versatile but now I'll just give my ideas for proc changes.

    All torps: Extra hull injuries on direct hull hits

    Photon: Keep everything the same

    Quantum: More hull injuries, especially on direct hull hits

    Tricobalt: Injuries of any kind and stuns (for heavy torps)

    Plasma: No DoT, replaced by fire-rate on par with photon torpedoes and half kinetic damage, half plasma damage (for enemies that rely on shields more than hull, making torpedoes in general less effective)

    Transphasic: Keep everything the same

    Chroniton: Make slow guaranteed but weaker and stackable, and add radiation DoT (More in-line with lore and fills DoT need previously filled by plasma torps)

    ***Again, I DON'T think these changes are necessarily plausible and I KNOW they won't be used. I just like thinking about what-ifs.

    submitted by /u/TheLoneOmega-Reborn
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    Where is the "correct place" to insert the side story arcs into the episodes?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:18 PM PST

    So the last time I ran the side arcs, they were part of the main storyline and it was years ago so I don't remember much about them.

    Where is the correct place to insert the side arcs:



    Lost Dominion

    Cold War

    In relation to the episodes listed in the main episode list. Or does it not matter from a story perspective when you run them? Was going to run through the entire story arc on an fresh alt and wanted to get them all in order.

    submitted by /u/somenewnoob
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    What gear is worth getting from the winter event store.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:49 PM PST

    I hear good things about endothermic reaction...anything else?

    submitted by /u/Done_With_Reddit
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    Alright people, Its time to pop the Question again. This time on the KDF side.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:11 AM PST

    What ship would you recommend to someone looking to have fun in the KDF? While we recognize you could say a Romulan vessel, we ask you restrain your listings to the KDF and Allies (Such as Letheans)

    submitted by /u/AkiusSturmzephyr
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