• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Star Trek Online "Anniversary X will be a love letter to STO fans" and then we saw this loading screen - anyone all of a sudden gets cold chills down their spine

    Star Trek Online "Anniversary X will be a love letter to STO fans" and then we saw this loading screen - anyone all of a sudden gets cold chills down their spine

    "Anniversary X will be a love letter to STO fans" and then we saw this loading screen - anyone all of a sudden gets cold chills down their spine

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:09 AM PST

    I was once desirable. Do you remember?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:52 AM PST

    Updated Memorial Plaque Model (on Tribble Test)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:29 PM PST

    I know it's late but I raise a Torch for Odo

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    What is the main thing you enjoy about this game?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Is it playing the episodes? Collecting ships? Space Barbie? The thoughtful exchanges in ESD zone? What is the main thing you enjoy about this game? And as a bonus question, how much time do you actually spend doing (that thing you enjoy) vs dailies or other stuff you don't enjoy as much?

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Idle thought for a Winter Wonderland weapon

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:13 AM PST

    Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle. If it could have a compass in the stock and something that tells time, even better.

    submitted by /u/Devilment666
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    T5 Viable Science Ship - Federation - Advice and viable for endgame

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:22 AM PST

    Hey guys

    So I've got enough Christmas money to buy a T5 ship, I've just hit 65 with my sci officer, i wish i could get a T6 but sadly i cannot.

    I am interested in building a science skill focused boat, so i want to rely on my science skills for damage, and i was wondering if theres any T5 ships that are viable for endgame.

    submitted by /u/natsukirei
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    Jingle Jam 2019!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Hi, i have, Star Trek Online: Federation Elite Starter Pack

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:43 AM PST

    I would like to trade this code for 2 sacks of steam gems, if you're interested comment, and then private message me

    submitted by /u/Chicken_Cultavator
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    The Redemption...

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 05:50 AM PST

    Why are the charity donation rewards typically so lame? Wait, don't get upset...

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST

    We know. Donating to charity is the main point, not the rewards you get. I agree! But here is my point: what is the purpose of these rewards? To "motivate" people to donate. So even if the rewards aren't the main point, their purpose is to motivate people to act.

    So my question is if Cryptic actually wants to motivate people to act, why are the rewards typically so lame? I know there have been a handful of "good" rewards over the last 10 years, but for the most part these rewards have been fairly "meh".

    Why not throw something really impossible to pass up in there? A highly desirable item would surely get more donations, so why not make that happen?

    submitted by /u/Darren_Kitlor
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    Jingle Jam 2019! | Star Trek Online

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Universe Class Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Cruiser or Mirror Crossfield Science Destroyer?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:05 AM PST

    Which one should I buy, I have sufficient credits to buy ONE of them.

    submitted by /u/Khovor
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    Interview with Environment and Animation Devs!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:48 PM PST

    [Bug] My minuturised Danube disappered

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:42 AM PST

    The one you get from Gamma rep. I wanted to activate a pet but it was gone

    Edit: Nevermind, it somehow went into my bank

    submitted by /u/americanwolf999
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    Ornament fragments. Whats the point?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:16 PM PST

    If the fragments could be exchanged for an ornament of choice it would make total sense but since you just get a random ornament like every other ornament reward it really is just a roundabout way to give out the same reward

    submitted by /u/dofffman
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    Lost Ship Due To Second Chance

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:32 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I was browsing through all of my event unlocks just now and realized I don't own the Elachi Frigate that was released at the launch of the Event System revamp. I know for a fact that after the event ended I purchased the ship using the "Second Chance" feature as I always use these types of systems to get the event ships. (I currently own them all but the new Dreadnought and Elachi ship) After checking my bank and inventory, I realized that I don't have the ship or weapon packs I was supposed to receive. Come to find out after reading a similar post to a degree, when you purchase the second chance, you need to go back to that events tab and then claim it. Silly me, I thought this system would allow me to claim it at any time like the previous one did or just give me the items I paid for outright into my inventory. Due to my confusion, I didn't end up claiming the rewards and logged in again just for the Winter Event thinking I had the ship when in fact I don't.

    This is really frustrating me as not only have I lost the ZEN associated with the purchase, but more over the item I wanted so badly in the first place. I pride myself in owning every event ship and having that one ship missing after paying for it and doing most of the progress to get it is going to drive me up a wall. The fact that the event tab disappeared entirely means I can't go back to claim it now. Due to my lack of understanding on how the process worked, I have lost the ship seemingly forever until it's released into the phoenix packs as a single character unlock where it will essentially be useless to me. Don't make the same mistake I did and if anyone can help me correct this problem, I would love the assistance.

    submitted by /u/Goudeyman
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    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:18 PM PST

    Popped into WW and noticed this interesting Breen... arms arrive on Tuesday?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:12 PM PST

    Any other UK players?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    Who else plays in the UK?

    submitted by /u/stoleviathan99
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    Kurak worth it?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:13 PM PST

    So my wife bought me the 3 coupon pack the day it came out. I used it on the arbiter, khopesh, and jem'hadar temp warship. Now I love the arbiter on my fed, love the khopesh on my rom, and of love the other one too, but I am trying to decide on a ship for my kdf toons. So is the kurak like a copy/paste of the arbiter for kdf?

    submitted by /u/Epyon88
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    Interview with Environment and Animation Devs!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:48 PM PST

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