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    Monday, August 9, 2021

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Welcome to Monday your new question megathread!

    Post all the questions you may have about anything STO-related. PC? Console? Everyone's welcome to post their questions here.

    Last weeks thread can be found here.

    Stay safe out there and happy flying.


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    Introduced my nephew to STO and my daughter decided to join in

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    Do you think we'll get to see the TNG era "Stealth Jumpsuits" in game?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Anyone know a good chiropractor for Captain Kagran?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Finally discouraged and tired.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    I would like to preface this by saying this isn't an I quit post.

    I've played since release on xbox and have spent quite a bit of money on the game over the years. I've sunk 283 days worth of time into the game. I'm a small streamer and was happy to stream the game.

    It wasn't the many bugs or monetization that killed it for me however, it was how certain devs treated the playerbase. Watching one said dev insult players on stream repeatedly, and me as well for asking when the trait unequip bug would be fixed has killed my motivation to stream the game and I can barely even log in lately.

    I realize this will almost certainly get removed by mods but I needed to say my piece.

    Thank you for your time,


    submitted by /u/ARogueSpecter
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    So what was your funniest STO moment? Mine was firing a full spread of Plasma Torpedo's at a Cardassian Keldon which not only destroyed my enemy target but took my ship along with it. I don't know why but this stuck me rather humorous and made me laugh������������

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Let us buy ship bridges with dilithium

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    More people would probably buy them that way.

    submitted by /u/20JK10
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    SUGGESTION: I genuinely wish Admiral McCoy's outfit from TNG's "Encounter at Farpoint", as well as his hairstyle from the episode, were available in game.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    Saw someone on Twitter talking about their ship-build that primarily used these beam arrays, but I don't recognise the icon, can anyone tell me what these ones are and where I can get them?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Hello good people. Wondering if I can get a few pointers.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    I have been following this sub for a while lurking and reading so now I've plucked up the courage to ask a few pointers. I'm currently a level 37 science captain with the enterprise d. And I'm asking for help on a good build. I don't have money to through into the game as much I would like to. I'm hoping people can give me some tips and tricks on science build that can deal damage and to a point survive encounters when doing missions and PvE. I'm hoping you beautiful people can point me in the right direction. Plus I love this game and it's free to anybody to play.

    submitted by /u/xander-mcqueen1986
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    Sorry for yet another: can I complete the event campaign ?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    So if you're active daily on this subreddit you've probably noticed alot of posts regarding this year's event campaign and if that person could complete it (atleast I did). With all of these posts I started to get worried, now I know it's just simple math but I wanted to make sure.

    So I missed one event (the voth one); I completed the tholian one and I am completing the crystal one. this means I have 1700 event progress as of this moment. By my math if I complete the fifth event I will be able to claim my prize with a 13 day wiggle room.

    So can anyone comfirm this?

    EDIT: Also everyone is telling me when you get to 14/14 daily requirements and you can immediately do the bonus dil you get another 50 event campaign progress on the same day. Today I got 14/14 and did the bonus dil and didn't get another 50 progress. So did I misinterprete them?

    submitted by /u/Chikanhu123
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    ThomastheCat stops by the latest 10-minute episode of Shuttle Scuttle to chat about STO and 25th century ship design (link in comments, or search 'ship talking pod' in any pod/music streaming app)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Entering The Dilex Debate: Now Seems Like The Perfect Time To Finally Add A Fleet Holding In Gamma Quadrant

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    Full disclosure, I don't use the dilithium exchange often. I've actually been able to finally accumulate a healthy amount on my alts that I never have before since the market started to falter and eventually crash.

    However, at endgame, there's little left to buy using dilithium and it seems like a perfect time to add the next fleet holding. From a STO Lore standpoint, it would also seem to make perfect sense to finally add New Khitomer.

    The Galactic Alliance is flourishing, the civil war is over, and the Dominion & Hurq are rebuilding.

    Since endeavors and feature missions take us into the Gamma Quadrant regularly, why not finally add an outpost here?

    If the argument against is DS9 is close enough, I argue back that K-7, Drozana, and your Fleet base are literally all within 3 sectors of each other.

    I admit I thought the dilithium requirements for the Colony were ridiculous, I still do. It was simply too much for anyone not in a gigantic fleet. There are plenty of fleets that have given up or still trying to finish the Colony and that's STO's fault.

    With all that said, I think it'd be a good move to introduce New Khitomer with projects that require reasonable dilithium amounts, not 100,000 just for one basic project to yield a tiny amount of XP at tier 2 or 3 or 4.

    submitted by /u/MuddsTreasure
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    Whats the best weapon type for shield drain, then heavy damage.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    I'm using an engineer and I just needd some help with it. Right now I'm using the Risian cruizer but want to move to Kelvin Timeline Ships like the Dreadnought.

    submitted by /u/Various-Challenge912
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    Far From Home Lock Boxes

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    So I'm new to the game and play on PC and have 10 lock boxes, I dont plan on opening them, so was wondering what the going rate is on the exchange.

    submitted by /u/ATown159
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    An Article On The Grissom & Clarke [Lore]

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:55 PM PDT

    Given the positive response this has gotten from a few people, I thought I'd share this here and see if you all would enjoy it. Thanks again to Mr. Marrone writing the Jayce's Interstellar articles that this is emulating and for not hating my attempt at it.

    Salvage Yards: The Solution To The Federation's Logistical Nightmare?

    Jayce's Interstellar, Contributing Reporter: Commander Ailyn Baize

    For the third time in as many years, the Federation stands triumphant in the face of an overwhelming threat and faces the difficult challenge of rebuilding all that was lost. Unlike the efforts undertaken following the Undine attack on Earth and the Battle for Sol that ended the Iconian War, however, materiel and infrastructure have already been pressed to their limit. Shipyards across the Federation, ranging from the recently-reactivated Yard 39 to the massive Antares Spaceworks, are full to capacity with vessels either under construction or those needing repair and refit in the wake of the Hur'q conflict. The ships that remain in the field are, almost universally, operating at less than peak performance, with an average of one out of every five vessels operating with a severe mechanical failure that has been field-repaired.

    Normally, Command would seek to utilize the shipyards of her allies to aid in reconstruction, but various issues have precluded a simple solution in that regard. The Romulans, still rebuilding after the near-destruction of New Romulus, have been operating what few shipyards they possess within the Solanae Dyson Sphere to peak capacity to rebuild their fleet. The Klingon Civil War has led Command to write off all Klingon assets as inaccessible until such a time as a stable leader assumes command of the Klingon state. The newest member of the Alliance, the Dominion, is currently attempting to rebuild much of its own infrastructure after the Hur'q conflict. Other powers within the Alliance, such as the Ferengi and Cardassians, have opened their yards to Federation use but turnaround for repairs remains unacceptably long to rely solely on their industrial base.

    Faced with the massive commitment of manpower towards Alliance operations in maintaining the Iconian and Hur'q Neutral Zones, as well as aiding the newly-joined Dominion in rebuilding their destroyed infrastructure and engaging in standard fleet movements and exploratory missions, Starfleet Command needs more ships to enter service as soon as possible. However, current estimates have placed the likely date of the launch of any new class of exploratory vessel, intended to allow heavier assets to be reassigned to other duties, at anywhere between six months to two years from the present date.

    Viewing the delay as unacceptable, Starfleet Command turned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to devise a solution to the problem without the costly prospect of building new ship construction facilities from scratch. The Corps of Engineers evaluated all the resources available within the Federation at their disposal and began to theorize potential solutions with a fast turn-around time, but initial efforts were unsuccessful. The solution was found in turning to the past for an answer.

    During the darkest days of the Dominion War, Federation engineers had jury-rigged working vessels out of remnants of other ships, forming what would colloquially become known as the Chimera Fleet, often working out of a dedicated engineering vessel in the midst of the surplus depots that provided their components for construction. While the vessels had never been renowned for their aesthetic, they had proven capable and did much to increase the number of Federation vessels available during the conflict.

    Initially, engineers considered merely reproducing what the Chimera Fleet had done, but most depots had a better windfall within them that had been available to their predecessors: the skeletal superstructures of entire vessels. Namely, the retired remains of the Oberth-class light science vessel and Miranda-class light cruiser. Having been largely retired well before the turn of the century, the two classes of ship were, while stripped of components, still serviceable skeletons onto which engineering teams realized they could create not just a makeshift stopgap vessel, but proper refits of the venerable vessels.

    With the approval of Command, six of the Jupiter-class fleet carriers were redirected from support roles across Federation space to serve as the makeshift shipyards within select surplus depots across the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Design teams operating out of Yard 39 provided the specs for what would be termed the Grissom-class and the Clarke-class, although each construction team were granted wide latitude with implementing those specifications with whatever supplies permitted.

    The Grissom was intended to serve in much the same role as its progenitor vessel had: exploratory missions within the borders of the Federation for a duration not to exceed one standard year of deployment. The Oberth had largely been derided for its insufficient defensive capabilities during its initial lifespan; few will forget that the very vessel the new class' name originates from died from a single volley from a rogue B'rel bird-of-prey. To rectify that issue, the Grissom would house one of the most powerful sets of deflector arrays available for a vessel of its size, with quad-redundant regenerative shield capacitors. Although modestly armed with standard Mark XII phasers and photon torpedo launching assemblies, the vessel was intended for exploration, not combat. The sensor suite installed in the vessel's under-slung array was largely repurposed from the SWACS pod developed for the Sutherland class research vessel, allowing for far greater sensor resolution and range than had ever been possible with the stock Oberth.

    The Clarke was intended to be a multi-mission cruiser that could, with little preparation, function in any number of roles that would normally necessitate a far larger vessel. The Miranda class was always a capable light cruiser, but its flexibility had largely come at the cost of efficiency. The Clarke was constructed in a manner to address these inadequacies in the original design, to allow the ship to fulfill its multi-mission mandate. Where the Miranda had lacked a dedicated deflector array and bussard collectors limiting its long-term capabilities, the Clarke has both. Where the Miranda was overly focused on her phaser cannons as her main armament, with torpedo capability an afterthought necessitating its infamous "rollbar," twin quantum torpedo launchers sit along the vessel's center-axis, with integrated phaser arrays providing a full field of fire around the ship. Most impressive, however, was the expansion of the ship's hangar, allowing for a dedicated wing of shuttlecraft to be stored aboard the ship and deployed for support use or, if necessary, in combat.

    Construction on the first of each class of vessel began in the fourth month of 2411 with each entering final shakedown runs by the end of the seventh. The turnaround on the new ships, provided no issues arise in testing, has astonished Command and led to an authorization for another 19 such ships to be constructed. It remains to be seen how effective these new vessels are at alleviating logistical issues within the fleet, however, even the most jaded of personnel cannot help but smile at the prospect of these old ships once more finding a purpose in fulfilling Starfleet's mandate to explore.

    submitted by /u/Deadeas
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    Safe to redeem event for ship and not claim? Or better to wait?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    I've completed the event for the Promo ship (or T6 tokens or Lobi) but have yet to claim.

    I will be getting a promo ship, but can I redeem and put in the account bank and decide WHAT ship to open for (and bind to character) at a later date? Or am I better off waiting to redeem/claim until I know for certain and doing it then?

    Considering a Temporal Connie for the next AoY event, and since it hasn't yet happened, just want to know what is safe to do. Many thanks in advance (and does anyone recommend a different promo ship, out of curiosity?)

    submitted by /u/sloththemighty2
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    What are antiproton weapons good for/ what makes them a better choice then my disrupters that I have right now?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Sorry I am still new to the specifics of stats in sto.

    submitted by /u/clinetrooper4297
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    I'm stuck on the mission Tower control in the solonae Dyson sphere story arc

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    I looked around and apperently its possible to skip the mission but I don't know how

    submitted by /u/Twonker123
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    Disruptor Weapons? I'm looking for a good one.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    So I'm trying a new Disruptor/Antiproton Setup and I've got the antiproton, however I'm trying to find a very good disruptor cannon with a 180 degree targeting arc. And I am also looking for a great way to make a lot of EC? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Various-Challenge912
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    don't ya hate it when the breen give you the could shoulder

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Odyssey Saucer Separation

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    Not sure if it's just me here, but has anyone else found that the Chevron Saucer Separation ability on the Odyssey Cruiser doesn't seem to work properly. After the saucer detaches it just....floats around aimlessly without attacking anything, then, after a while seems to just reattach itself without me doing anything.

    The Aquarius escort seems to work fine, from what I can tell (Yes, I know both leave a lot to be desired as combat pets, but I like them) It just seems to be the saucer that doesn't do anything during combat.

    I've tried looking it up, but came up empty, so...Is this a bug? Or am I missing something??

    submitted by /u/alexea56
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    Between the prefix and the name should be a small space, but if i name a ship the small space is missing. Is this a bug?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    Not asking for the “best” faction, just a simple breakdown

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    After watching all of Star Trek over the pandemic, I'm excited to get back into this game that I played for all of 30 minutes like 5 years ago, before I knew or cared much about the mythos.

    Now, I'm all about the mythos. What I'm not about is seriously competitive gaming. I'm looking for storylines, fam service, and general recreation/entertainment.

    So in choosing the factions, the Starfleet storylines clearly state the year in which they begin (2256, 2270, and 2409). The Romulan faction doesn't say the year but it does mention that it's just after the supernova. The Klingon and Dominion factions don't specify at all.

    My very brief googling suggests that the storylines all converge, I assume involving some time-travel nonsense because it's Star Trek, but they all begin at different times, so I want to play through them in their in-universe chronological order. I assume Klingon and Dominion would both be 24th century, but which one's first? I'm also not positive which would be first, Picard era Starfleet or Romulan Republic.

    Or is this just not how it works, and it's more of a choice about available ships than plot line?

    Thanks for the help, I'm really looking forward to boldly traversing my way across the Star Trek galaxy.

    Edit: wow, great responses and so fast! It's so encouraging to jump into an MMO and discover that it has an active and helpful community. But hey, that's Starfleet, right?

    submitted by /u/WW4O
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    Since console finally has a UI for bonus pools, can we get one for Buffs?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    my friends and i were discussing Cruiser Commands how they worked. turns out, they dont work at all how i thought, and i never knew because i couldnt see what my buffs were. we have the chevrons over each players ship/character that show how many buffs each player has, but but there no way for them(or anyone else) to determine exactly what buffs they have.

    submitted by /u/Wh33lman
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