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    Tuesday, August 17, 2021

    Star Trek Online I am the Night.

    Star Trek Online I am the Night.

    I am the Night.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Kael: "It's highly unlikely there will ever be a full new faction with it's own story and introduction in the game"

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    From the forums:

    Hi folks!

    A couple of things:

    • 1) It's highly unlikely there will ever be a full new faction with it's own story and introduction in the game. With the size of the team and the time it takes to make things, taking on extra missions would just mean less time to continue the main story.

    • 2) Please do not tag mods relentlessly because you don't like how a discussion is going. If you feel you must tag a moderator for action, or me, tag us once. Repeatedly doing it won't get us to do what you want any faster. Or at all. :)

    • 3) The comment that we were going to be "out of ideas" post Discovery was Geko's way of emphasizing how awesome it's been for us to get an injection of new story hooks and ideas in this amazing new era of tons of new Trek. We've never really been close to being out of ideas: Geko tends to speak in hyperbole that then gets taken as fact and is blown out of proportion. We just did a whole year of original, STO story and we have a few more ready to go.


    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Endgame Daily Routine Tasks

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:59 AM PDT


    I wanted to share my daily routine in STO on my toons, both to give a general direction for new players who might be seeking a list like this, but also to people who wanna expand this list with more tasks worth to do or just share your very own daily routine.


    General Activities

    1. Duty Assignments
      Duty Officers Assignments from the Current Map/Personal tabs, on FED side usually I'm aiming to do the Confiscate Contraband one.

    2. Admiralty
      Set up my Admiralty tasks

    3. Reputations
      Set up my 20h reputation projects to grind those tiers.

    4. Marks
      Make sure I have enough marks to set up the reputation projects for the day after. If I'm missing some I do Battlezones/TFO/Missions/Patrols/Endeavors/whatever to get the marks I need.

    5. Exchange Sell Orders
      Update my sell orders on the exchange, put new stuff on it.

    6. R&D
      Set up the 20h projects for all the available slots.

    7. Refine daily 8k Dilithium

    Specific DOFFs Assignments

    1. Fleet Research Lab
      Run the daily DOFF Assignments from the Fleet Research Lab.

    2. Fleet Dilithium Mines
      Run the 3 DOFF Assignments from the Fleet Dilithium Mines. One of them is the extra 500 Dilithium you get to refine per day, so that's very important to do.

    3. Fleet K13
      Run the daily DOFF Assignment from Fleet K13.

    4. Deep Space Nine
      Mostly Haggle Assignments from the Ferengi Trader. There is also one Barter Latinum for Contraband that I always do when it shows up. From the Haggle Assignments you get blue Commodities such as Tulaberries, Bateret Incense, Jevonite, Shapeshifting Lockets, etc that you can sell on the Exchange for good money or you can use them in some DOFFs Assignments.

    5. Solanae Dyson Sphere
      There are very good DOFF Assignments on the Undine Battlezone (the last zone) that give a good amount of experience for the various DOFFs fields.

    6. Earth Spacedock
      There are good DOFF Assignments for recruiting new DOFFs, so that you can expand your roster and get a chance to get better DOFFs as well.
      You can get them from these Assignments:
      - Vulcan Cultural Exchange
      - Tellarite Cultural Exchange
      - Andorian Cultural Exchange
      - Tactical Officer Cadre
      - Engineer Officer Cadre
      - Science Officer Cadre
      - Civil Corps Recruitment

    Energy Credits

    1. Tour the Galaxy
      This is the only activity that I know for doing EC directly.


    1. Dilithium Mines
      You can get up to 1000 Dilithium by doing the daily Asteroid Mining mission. You need to get at least 700 points in the minigame to get the max dilithium (200) per rock.

    2. Fleet Dilithium Mines
      Same as above, but you get to mine more rocks, up to 2960 Dilithium if you get the max from each rock.

    3. Nimbus III
      There are 3 missions you can get inside the main building, next to the dancing floor. If you do all of them you can get up to 1640 Dilithium. They're very easy and fast to do, so they're worth it.

    4. Nukara
      I don't always do these, but if you do the two Easy Missions on Nukara Prime you can get up to 1080 Dilithium. These missions also give you Nukara marks, so it's even better if you also need the marks.

    5. Fleet Research Lab
      There's a pretty good crafting mission here. If you have enough materials you shouldn't have problems doing this task. It gives 1200 Dilithium and it takes just a few seconds for completing it.

    6. Solane Dyson Sphere - Allied Zone
      This is the mission you can get as you enter the Sphere, it usually sends you doing some fetch and delivery stuff, or scans and it's generally quick, plus it gives Dyson Marks. It gives 480 Dilithium.

    7. Academy Lore
      On Earth, there's an Academy Lore mission that will ask you to answer a Star Trek Lore question, very fast for 480 Dilithium.

    8. System Patrols
      System Patrols, not the Patrols from the Patrols menu, are the ones like Japori or Starbase 234. Quick and easy, just kill some ships for 480 Dilithium each.

    Account Wide

    1. Endeavors
    2. Universal Endeavor
    3. Events
    submitted by /u/DoomWZ
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    Romulans look different than I remember (also, neither Romulans nor Cardassians have access to that hairstyle afaik - can we get it please?)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    PSA: She's a Predator does function on a ship that lacks a cloak. Just boost it with Subterfuge and Infiltrator.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    Pursuit at high impulse

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    Red alert rewards are missing the t6x upgrade

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    So logging in and the reward info for the new red alert is missing the T6x upgrade token as part of the rewards, have there been news regarding this already ?

    submitted by /u/saiyajin15
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    AFK Penalty - Last To Leave The TFO

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:24 AM PDT

    I was doing a TFO. Everyone else left within a minute or so. Thus, I obviously left the TFO as well (since I certainly won't do a TFO by myself). I got slapped a 30 min AFK penalty. This... isn't normal. I shouldn't be getting a penalty for this reason. This is definitely a bug, as I know that if that happened in the past, you wouldn't get an AFK penalty.

    submitted by /u/samidmatt
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    ‘The Federation task force has engaged our Jem’Hadar.’

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Buyout option of Defense of Pahvo broken/gone?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Did I screw myself by going discovery starfleet?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    New player, I noticed when I checked the group finder everything was locked where you had to play as 25th Era faction. Didn't see any for discovery. Really don't wanna go through that 6 hour tutorial again just to make another character. Did I screw myself out Pve content?

    submitted by /u/Beneficial_Barber934
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    PC Patch Notes for 8/17/21

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Anyone else get a sudden appreciation of the TOS era?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    I used to think the TOS themed stuff in STO was lame. I'm mid 20s while I enjoy the older Star Trek it's definitely not "mine".

    I've been hit with a sudden need to make a TOS themed character. Ended up making a Tellarite. Bought an Atlas and replayed Caleb IV to grab enough TOS phaser arrays and ground weapons. Currently in the process of levelling and loving it.

    submitted by /u/Romado
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    Can some one please exlpain what happened? STO bricked two new characters.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    So yesterday me and my BF made new characters from the discovery starfleet, using the Alien option to make a Deltan and Betazoid. We skipped the tutorial and teamed up first thing at the Acadamy, we go to grab the rifle and kit mod from the armory. I get there first and suddenly BF can't interact with anything to progress at all. He ended up having to delete and remaking the character.

    After that the run through the first four Discovery missions go well, no issues. Then Downfall happened. We went through the mission fine till the part were J'ula blasts you into the 25th century. Just as that cutscene plays we get the select away screen pop up twice, then the cutscene plays as normal. Bamn we're in the 25th Century at ESD. BF goes to interact with the bolian that tells you to go see Quinn, however I interact with him and get nothing. I check the mission log and lo behold it did not count Downfall as completed. I'm in 25th century ESD but the game still thinks i'm in Discovery Era, I can't do anything, can't even return to my ship to maybe replay Downfall. My character is bricked, so i had to delete and remake her as 25th century Starfleet just so we can keep playing.

    So does anyone know what happened? or if we messed something up?

    Info, we've both been playing from 2019, BF is on Xbox one and i'm playing on Series X.

    submitted by /u/DaharMasterDahohta
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    New Game Content Idea

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    A raid / incursion type system that has a daily or weekly reset timer and would cost dil to enter.

    It would consist of completing a series of space and or ground short missions before some type of boss type level. The rewards could be determined by the amount of dil you use to enter with and would be high value reward(s) be it phoenix tokens, upgrade books with 0 dil cost (like rom Admiralty reward) or some other type of useful reward not just white, green useless gear.

    In my head this could be accomplished with use of existing in game mechanics plus a few tweeks but then so can world peace so go figure.

    Edit: expanded loot idea options.

    submitted by /u/jonnyu182
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    Another question im curious about What is everyones favorite story arc and why?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Accessing old missions (side missions)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    Hey just had a question im having a heck of a time finding an answer to. I want to make a Breen character in the romulan faction and I'm not seeing the Cold war missions in my available side quests. Is there a level requirement for those, or are they accessible on the Romulan faction? I'm still able to access them on my Fed character, but then again I played them originally on that character. Appreciate any answer to this :)

    submitted by /u/SuchUse9191
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    Campaign Event: Will FED captains be able to pick Klingon and Romulan ships from the Promo Ship Pack?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    The copy pasta continues to say (KDF Only) and (ROM Only) next to ships in the rewards description.

    Will the current crossfaction rules apply to this box?

    submitted by /u/MuddsTreasure
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    Issue with ship customization

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    Issue with ship customization

    So I went to customize my ship a Tactical Odyssey Cruiser but no matter what material type I change it too it stays the same, a matte gray like the Galaxy material but with pinkish markings and it will not let me change it to anything else. When i go to change the colors for the patterns it says 'no colors available for this ship'

    it was not doing this an hour ago so I don't know what is up. I've restarted the game but it didn't do anything to fix the problem and its only with this one ship that its having this issue. It won't even let me change it to one of the preset ships either. This is on Xbox btw if that helps anyone in coming up with a fix for it.


    submitted by /u/TheSandman_091
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    I just noticed the new Legendary Scimitar Tal Shiar skin doesn’t have a class name. What would you call it? I’d call it the Zweihänder-class. I don’t know why. It’s just one of my favourite swords.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    Loud sound crackling and popping while playing the game

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    This started just yesterday, I did 0 modifications to my pc nor I changed any settings. It just started happening for no reason at all.

    No it's not my hardware/software as it only happens when the game is active. Any other games, sounds etc do not replicate this issue. It also happens when the sound is muted in the game or I removed the game from focus

    Please help, this makes the experience really bad plus causes a whole lot of headaches while I play.

    submitted by /u/AkiLikesGames
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    @BorticusCryptic:Dilithium Sink Needed

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    Cryptic, I have played this game and enjoyed it for over 6+ years and never seen the economy so broken in game right now. What not offer something like the ability to purchase endeavor points using larger amounts of Dilithium so players will have something to spend their DIL on or offering the change to win a t6 infinity promo ship to the Phoenix prize pack when a player get an EPIC token? Something is desperately needed to restore the in game DIL situation. Currently we cannot even purchase ZEN with DIL at all and pretty much have nothing else to spend it on at the moment. Your assistance would be appreciated. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do to make the game so fun and enjoyable. Jolan tru

    submitted by /u/TrekorTreat
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    Any chance we'll see a variation on the Legendary D'dex model with the built up cargo storage area behind the shuttlebays?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    Any chance we'll see a variation on the Legendary D'dex model with the built up cargo storage area behind the shuttlebays?

    This is what Andrew Probert intended:



    This is how Probert originally meant it to be, but the model makers didn't bother to get it right. The lower wing of the ship is meant to have some beefy bits to it behind the cargo doors so they don't look like they lead to nowhere. Can we get this ingame please?

    submitted by /u/furious_tomato
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    Heavy tachyon mine trait ps4

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    This trait isn't working on PS4, tried in combat with all the various trigger abilities and nothing. Killing off my mine layer build here.

    submitted by /u/FaceDett
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    Marauding in 2021 - Suggestions?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    I am looking at the Klingon challenge (the one where you need to get to tier 4 marauding). I have had a bit of luck, getting one or two missions giving me a 1K+ for marauding exp, but most are 67xp, while a few others are between around 150-250xp each. Considering that I need 100K xp in marauding for tier 4, are there any good places to get high paying marauding xp?

    submitted by /u/samidmatt
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