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    Friday, April 23, 2021

    Star Trek Online Now I face the wrath of...what again?

    Star Trek Online Now I face the wrath of...what again?

    Now I face the wrath of...what again?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    You're not getting a ship with detached nacelles. You have a character with detached body parts at home.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Idea - New Uber Borg Cube TFO

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:21 AM PDT

    I had this thought about a new TFO with a Single Uber Borg Cube along the same lines as Crystal Entity, you would have to work as a team to damage certain parts of the cube to down shield emitters. It would take the combined force of all ships to take it down. It would also have a regenerative hull and you would need to re-modulate your phasers to do any damage.

    However how could this be made fun and what mechanics would need to be employed to make it work ? I just want the Borg to be scary again, I understand Starfleet has evolved since w359, Shields and hull have been upgraded so the borg can no longer blast through the shields and hull of mirandas. But I think it would be pretty cool :)

    submitted by /u/falkirkboi
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    Mindlessly clicking, almost missed it.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    TFOs - the good, the average and the terrible

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Reading the Kael thread about "Events" and how to make them better got me thinking about the choices that appear to complete the grind. A lot of the time, it's whether a TFO is fun etc. as to whether the grind is okay or really painful.

    Which led to me thinking - which TFOs are good, which are average and which are terrible, and what makes a TFO good, average and terrible? Obviously, we'll all have different thoughts, so let's share them.

    Here's my thoughts - highlighting some example TFOs that I'd put in each category.

    Ground missions

    The Good

    Miner Instabilities - it's fun, has that great TOS retro-feel, it has Gorn, it's sufficiently challenging, the map size is large enough that you feel like you are fighting your way to something. Apart from the part where the chap shuts down the drill, there are no parts where you feel like you are just waiting for the clock to tick down. Has Romulans and Na'Kuhl giving a nice variety.

    Bug Hunt - again, it's fun, the enemies are fairly whacky and the caves are reasonably atmospheric. A shame that the boss is nuked so easily at the end... (a common problem)...

    Pahvo Dissension - thematically fairly decent, nice work on the environment, a reasonable sized map to explore with activities to do that extend beyond just shooting everything. Although there's a 'timer' for each of the purification events, as there's multiple locations, it never gets too frustrating since you're up and off to the next site quick enough.

    The Average

    Assault on Terok Nor - thematically, it couldn't really be better. What's disappointing with this TFO is the design: the timers in the cargo bay are painful - with waves of mobs just beaming in repeatedly, similarly at the stage where you're trying to break the code with respawning mobs over and over. Then on the final encounter with Admiral Leeta, she tends to get confused by pets and other things making moving her to a powered plate to be really frustrating...

    Defend Rhi'hho Station - it's atmospheric, but would be better if there was a little more peril. Overall, although it's fun enough, it's too easy.

    The Terrible

    Undine Infiltration - I mean, really... The first part of this TFO involves running around all over Bajor asking people questions, which then has little or no consequence as to what happens later...

    Khitomer in Stasis - It's just frustrating... unfortunately when this does pop up as a random TFO - particularly on Advanced, at least 50% of the time the group aren't able to do the consoles particularly efficiently to lower the force fields. While I'm in favour of cooperative work in TFOs to get things done, I think this one needs a re-work. Maybe if the console user could see a radar map of where the team was and which shield they were currently fighting at would make it easier. People just don't realise to listen out for the Borg voice that is telling them...

    Space missions

    The Good

    Hive Onslaught - Alright, it's a pile of static Borg just sitting there waiting to be nuked, but it's fast and it's fun with an EPG build. Asides from that, it's not really good design.

    Dranuur Gauntlet - I know people won't agree with this. What I like about this one, is that there is some real peril in the later stages - dependent on the enemy - and you can be overrun and your satellite can be destroyed. Of course, it suffers from the common issues of timers and warping in / respawning enemies, and defending a stationary target isn't great for those that enjoy showing off their piloting skills, but I still enjoy it when it pops up.

    Infected Space - it's Borg, it's the standard place to test your dps, it's fast. But it does feel like you are just fighting in a small 10km square, the enemies have poor AI. Maybe it's just because I've done it so often, but my first thoughts if this pops up on random are, "Okay, it's fast." Same for most Borg queues.

    The Average

    Operation Riposte - It's okay. The missile phase adds something new and requires the team to split up into different duties. Timers are running in the background, but just a little more hidden than usual. Oh and the dreadnought that warps in at the end is, as is all too often, a pushover.

    Days of Doom - thematically, I like it. It does require the team to work to stop the Doomsday Machine, though again, the enemies seem a bit of an added nuisance than something that will really challenge players. Comical to see teammates getting nuked by the Doomsday Machine - I still laugh at that.

    Defence of Starbase One - it's fine. The timers are hidden by the passage of escaping ships which makes it a bit better than usual timer-based TFOs. The enemies are way too weak, and again, the warp-in, respawning of mobs just feels tired. I don't know why they can't be scripted to be at the far edge of the map and gradually move in, rather than just appearing out of thin air repeatedly. I guess it's because the actual map size is very small.

    The Terrible

    Synth Wave - simply awful. It's got everything that makes a TFO bad - timers, things to do which have absolutely zero consequence to how it plays out, and enemies that are so weak they can be eliminated in one Grav well or one FAW activation.

    Storming the Spire - not as bad as Synthwave but pretty annoying. Basically, fly around in circles until the timer runs out destroying rather weak enemies.

    Gateway to Gre'thor - Rather than in circles, it's fly back and forth this time. Again - enemies that are so weak they can be just ignored. The real challenge is spawning radiation portals that need to be closed... Frustrating - especially if you have a big heavy cruiser.

    Gravity Kills - It's bad because most groups have no idea what to do, but design-wise, where the solution to the TFO is to ignore all the enemies and just fly back and forth collecting stuff, it's never going to be particularly fun.

    Vault Ensnared - Encountered the reworked version the other day. It's still bad. Timers, enemies that are so weak they can be taken out by the turbulence of flying past them.

    submitted by /u/MarvynSTO
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    I already have a Delta recruit for Federation. Is it worth making another one?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Just wanted to know if its really worth the time and effort leveling another delta recruit.

    submitted by /u/ryoten34
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    My remaining gripe with ANRA barely rises to the level of a nitpick, or maybe a quibble :)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    The Lleiset doesn't seem to be doing a whole hell of a lot during this TFO. What's going on over there on Commander Jarok's bridge while we're all doing the heavy lifting!? :D

    (That's it, that's all I've got anymore. I now actually find this fun, and it felt weird to get both Optionals without even seeing a Falchion until the last 20 seconds of the run!)

    Have a great day, folks!

    submitted by /u/IKSLukara
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    In Memory of Captain Taggart and Others

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    20% Bundle Sale

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Bundle recommendations for a newish player?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    i returned to playing sto, i've got four characters at 65 of both factions, but only f2p ships at best and i'm looking into the current ship bundle offers if there's anything worthwhile. i'd like something worth my money and where i can do both beam/cannon and a science build, meaning either the ship or ships in the bundle are able to pull it off without feeling too bad at it. and i'm a sucker for romulans, because green ships and nice design are just what i like.

    is there any bundle worth buying for me at all? i've been eyeing the romulan fleet admiral faction pack due to offering an escort, cruiser and science vessel. or should i better wait for a ship sale and pick whatever i need by that time?

    submitted by /u/Pinkasso
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    Weirdest DOFF Mission Stories

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    So, I have a funny DOFF critical success. I wish I'd grabbed a screen shot, but you'll have to do with a story.

    So, I have a Horta very rare miner DOFF. I was just going through and letting the system pick the DOFF based on rarity and what not. I get to Compete in an Anbo-jyutsu Tournament, which sends the Horta. I didn't notice until I collected the results. The Critical Success results. So, I can only imagine the Horta dressed up like Riker and his Dad in The Icarus Factor.

    submitted by /u/Beleriphon
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    Visual bug with Legendary D7

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    So, you're just monitoring a console in the middle of nowhere?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    Uneasy Allies - VanZyl and the Cupboard Under The Stairs

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    I got to the part where VanZyl betrays the party because she swallowed a slug. After the battle, she ended up under the gateway platform, where I can't reach her to continue the mission. While standing above her location, the dialog to beam her up appeared, but clicking through it didn't advance the mission. Neither will beaming out and back, nor logging out/in. I haven't seen this bug mentioned anywhere, but that doesn't mean it isn't known, or doesn't have a (pretty please) workaround.

    *CORRECTION: Logging out and back in brings up the dialog, but, again, it doesn't have any effect.

    submitted by /u/lotusmaglite
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    spatial sound

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Which is compatible with STO Dolby Atmos, DTS Headphones x, or Windows Sonic.

    submitted by /u/SenseAncient8975
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    Star Trek Online - Romulan Delta Recruit [Livestream] | 21st April 2021

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    Horta love

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    One of the things I loved about STO (for years) is the Horta encounter... and the ability to raise a horta to adulthood.

    Generally speaking, even though the critter is slow, love having my own face-melting silicon doomturtle that trails along.

    Second place: the jackal mastiffs my KDF characters get, and honorable mention goes to the combat targ and combat tardigrade.
    ->side note: wish the hootmans got something like the jackal mastif.<-

    submitted by /u/aomudashi
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    Kael: Collecting some feedback, folks: what do you enjoy about the events system? What's frustrating? Especially technical and UI aspects - not really looking for "there's too many events." :)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    I can replace Boimler if he dies, right?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:13 PM PDT

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