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    Monday, January 11, 2021

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:20 AM PST

    Let's get the week started with a new question megathread.

    Post all the questions you may have about anything STO-related. PC? Console? Everyone's welcome to post their questions here.

    Stay safe out there and happy flying.


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    Perfect Worlds - Arc in the news after banning that 10 year old vet.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:08 AM PST

    Made an intro sequence for my Star Trek Adventures campaign, Sheildbearers, using Demorecord. My players loved it!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:49 PM PST

    Bug: Hakeev no longer showing hurt eye in tutorial

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:26 AM PST

    Consoles and Ships in Mudd's, oh my!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    Not just Galactic Red Alert, but Experimental Upgrade Token is among the prizes now

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:49 AM PST

    Since we won’t get Vulcan Ring ships anytime soon, how about this excelsior variant? One Ring to rule them all....

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:17 AM PST

    Additional Experimental Weapons Testing Results

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:20 PM PST

    After seeing another thread on this and realizing that I owned all the different Experimental Weapons, I decided to at least get a few data points to help others assess which ones are worth keeping and to highlight how far behind some of the worse options are.

    Testing was done with 2 different patrols on the Live server (Trouble Over Terrh, Argala) on Advanced difficulty, as well as approximately 5 minutes with each weapon slotted vs a group of 5 Test Dummies on the Tribble test map.

    The ship I used for testing was my Khaiell-class Pilot Warbird with Ba'ul beams and Aux2Batt to manage the cooldowns, basically the same weapon setup I use on my Vaadwaur Juggernaut for tanking. All experimental weapons were upgraded to MK XV Epic and Re-Engineered to have [CrtX] [CrtD/Dm] mods.

    All data will be formatted as "A/B, % of total, Max", where A is the DPS for the Experimental Weapon in question, B is the total DPS for the run, and Max is the single largest hit. Numbers will vary slightly due to some Duty Officer buffs expiring part way through testing, but I assumed that those small stat boosts are unlikely to affect the order of the numbers. The 21 different Experimental Weapons are organized high to low in terms of % contribution for each test environment.

    Trouble Over Terrh Advanced (vs. Elachi):

    Experimental Proton Charge: 13,796/89,263 (15.5%, 129,856 Max) (65.4% listed under "Pets")

    Soliton Wave Impeller: 7,761/68,071 (11.4%, 49,931 Max)

    Phlogiston Projector: 9,936/91,049 (10.9%, 104,533 Max)

    Experimental Protomatter-Laced Sheller: 9,061/89,007 (10.2%, 49,193 Max)

    Voice of the Prophets: 6,178/81,313 (7.6%, 121,743 Max)

    Subatomic Field Disruptor: 6,637/91,344 (7.3%, 8,208 Max)

    Field-Distortion Overcharge Pulse: 6,209/86,161 (7.2%, 58,330 Max)

    Hypercharged Field Projector: 5,043/70,797 (7.1%, 31,527 Max)

    Point Defense Matrix: 5,890/85,921 (6.9%, 25,777 Max)

    Experimental "Slamshot" Magnetic Artillery: 3,881/75,131 (5.1%, 95,997 Max)

    Rapid Pulse Ablating Mining Laser: 3,974/87,137 (4.6%, 12,705 Max)

    Experimental Railgun: 2,996/66,854 (4.5%, 64,981 Max)

    Experimental Flak Shot Artillery: 3,735/82,926 (4.5%, 38,169 Max)

    Graviton Implosion Projector: 3,508/81,815 (4.3%, 91,855 Max)

    Experimental Hyperexcited Ion Stream Projector: 2,348/67,737 (3.5%, 29,044 Max)

    Invasive Coilgun: 2,492/80,251 (3.1%, 38,931 Max)

    Experimental Dual Warhead Launchers: 2,417/80,998 (3.0%, 60,103 Max)

    Alliance Hypercannon: 2,045/76,915 (2.7%, 59,574 Max)

    Agonized Subatomic Disintegrator: 1,852/91,496 (2.0%, 2,464 Max)

    Experimental Kinetic Feedback Matrix: 687/75,784 (0.9%, 31,290 Max)

    Coordinated Hull Piercer: 794/92,592 (0.9%, 2,311 Max)

    submitted by /u/LostKea_2
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    Tribble: Galactic Red Alert, Jan 12-26

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Organize characters

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    It would be nice to be able to organize your characters (or have them organized by class, then alphabetically), rather than just "the last one used goes to the top". It would make it quicker and easier to swap characters if they're listed consistently instead of constantly changing place, especially if each faction (both major and minor) has its own tab.

    One other thing would be a "Favourites" tab, where you can tag characters as a favourite and they're all grouped together (in addition to being in their faction-specific tab).

    Just a little Quality of Life thing.

    submitted by /u/Vulcanalia
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    pls help im new

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:33 AM PST

    so im gonna start this game i have a few question

    1)how can i play with friends

    2) is it like warframe

    submitted by /u/anyusernameavailble
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    Question about trait "Invasive Control Programming" in combination with "Scramble Sensors"

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:34 AM PST

    According to the wiki the trait does the following...

    "When you use certain Control powers, also cause a random Subsystem Disable for 4 sec"

    It also list Scramble Sensors.

    Scramble Sensors can theoretically confuse up to 10 enemies at once.

    Does anyone know if the Subsystem Disable goes for all affected targets or just the initial?

    submitted by /u/MinoDan
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    any "+ all damage" console recommendations?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:08 AM PST

    Are here any "cheap" easy to obtailable (mission, lockbox, not lobi) + all damage consoles you'd recommend? got the hull image refractors on a char now but looking for more

    submitted by /u/command88
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    Account temporarilly suspended??

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

    I sent a support ticket already, but reaching out here.

    I've played since Beta. I don't chat. I was just running through about 10 RTFOs in a row and then got forcibly kicked off and said my account was suspended.

    I literally cannot imagine why? I haven't interacted with anyone, I buy my zen through the arc store ... am I missing something? Has this happened to you?

    submitted by /u/DeafJeezy
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    Thoughts on imperial space set

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:04 PM PST

    PC players, the event is about to drop on console. What are your thoughts on the imperial set for a sci epg/control build?

    submitted by /u/RockBottom0_o
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    Help With Game Constantly Crashing

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:43 PM PST

    Alright, guys, I need some help. I'm hoping some others are experiencing or have been able to fix this problem.

    Around the time Winter Wonderland started, my game started crashing frequently. For no reason that I could discern, sometimes with a crash report, and sometimes not. Sometimes after a few times of logging back in, it seemed to smooth out and I'd be fine. Over the past several weeks, with it having not gotten any better, I've begun trying to troubleshoot it. So far, no luck.

    Some background:

    There are forum threads on this issue here:




    For whatever reason, I'm one of the people that can't post on the official forums, have never been able to, so I can't join in the conversation there.

    Things I've tried:

    - Force verified files.

    - Tried the command line prompts included in the first forum thread linked above. Seemed to work the first day. Today I'm back to crashing. Also, today it seems to happen more often on map changes, though I have no idea if the two are related.

    - Tried changing antialiasing settings. Going out on a longshot, I thought maybe the game was pushing my PC too hard (unlikely), and so I tried turning that down (while still playing at Renderscale 2). No dice.

    - I've messed with various other settings here and there, to no avail.

    - I've so far held off on doing a clean reinstall based on others trying this with no resolution of the problem.

    I'm running a Ryzen 7 1700X processor, 16 gb RAM, GTX 1660 Ti. Prior to this issue, I've always run the game at max settings, Renderscale 2, 60 fps with no difficulty. I've seen no official word from Cryptic, and given the known issues with some people not being able to post on the forums, I have no idea how widespread this is.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Dranadin
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    So is Temporal Ambassador ever going to be fixed or... ?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:14 PM PST

    I mean I think it has been long enough that it should have been fixed by now. It makes the episode entirely unplayable. It's a shame too, because it is a decent one.

    submitted by /u/gornin60seconds
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    Constant crashes after years, after both(?) Dec 18 patches

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    Craptic decides to use its mods to gatekeep my thread - which they hid from public view - because i said i have proof that they hate AMD. (The even hid my comments on other crash threads when i tried to make people aware of this....)

    Anyway, the following are all the copied errors and crashes from that thread I've had so far. Perhaps one of you could offer a solution.


    from the Arc thread in this section --> December 18 2020 edited December 2020 in Windows and General: PC, Network, and Other Technical Issues

    Friday i started playing again in the evening (Eastern Standard), and there were constant crashes after psending only 5 seconds in the game. (logged in dirrectly to Winter map).

    I went into my PC's Safe Mode and used Display Driver uninstaller to erase everything, and reinstall everything in Safe Mode. That didn't help.

    I even downloaded an older GPU driver. That didn't help either - from what i saw today. Friday after this whole process, I even force-checked the STO files. After that there seems to have been a second patch, unless it was the system correcting files it detected in the force-check.

    And yes, I've checked the option in STO concerning the file system or whatever it's called.

    The only other explanation is that they still have never tested the game with AMD since they always hated AMD, and only ever tested with Intel. (Yes, i have audio recordings to that effect dating back years, and even from last year where i cornered one of them in public, in case some mod wants to get arrogant and gatekeep that too). Further proof is that I've sent SMS messages to people using Intel, and they say they've never had these issues with STO - up to even yesterday.

    So the error messages I've gotten today (which were most likely the same ones on Friday) are the following:

    - 26e156

    - 26e15b

    I'd really like to know what these errors are. but that's wishful thinking since you people will never tell me. You never answered other times, so.... The only thing i can do is sit and wait, and stare at the wall, hoping it'll magically correct itself. There's absolutely ZERO chance of my system being the problem since these crashes happened even on my old AMD system.

    {EDIT Dec 21: I was just browsing through the ship vendor, and with no warning whatsoever, the program just shut down. No freezing, no pauses. It just shut down with no error as if i had clicked on the X in the window and did it myself. My patience has surpassed its limits.}

    {EDIT 1b Dec 21: I tested the above further, and it seem the c-store, while slowing down your PC as if the game is deselected, ends up closing the game when you close an IN-GAME WINDOW - seems to happen when you have ship vendor and c-store windows open. I tried this twice now. And it's not a mistake. No error or warning what so ever. The reduced CPU usage occurring with the c-store window has been going on for months.}

    {EDIT 1c Dec 21: Just now while working on a new ship, it crashed WITH an error this time. A different one than the other times:

    error code 26e8a9

    {EDIT 1d Dec 21: Crashed again right at the end of KSA. Error code: 26e906

    {EDIT 1e Dec 21: I just noticed that the previous crash caused my mastery progression to reset. All that work, with ZERO progression.}

    {EDIT 1f Dec 21 at 16:03 was in game for maybe 5-10 min. and the minute i go into KSA, the program closes without error after a few seconds. I log back in, and i have an AFK penalty.}

    {EDIT 1g Dec 21 16:12 random closure of the program with no error message}

    {EDIT 1h Dec 21 16:35 did a force check of files in Win 10 Safe Mode, and it did a patch after that. wtf...}



    Windows 10 64 bit Home edition Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.685)

    - AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8-cores (Summit Ridge) Max TDP: 95.0 W

    - Socket AM4(1331)

    -Technology 14nm / Core Voltage: 1.319V

    Family F/Model 1/Stepping 1/Ext. Family 17/Ext. Model 1/Revision ZP-B1

    - Instructions: MMX(+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4A, X86-64, AMD-V, AES, AVX, AVX2, FMA3, SHA

    Clocks (Core #0)

    - Core Speed: 3691.2 Mhz

    - Multiplier x37.0

    - Bus Speed 99.8 Mhz


    - L1 Data: 8x32 KBytes 8-way

    - L1 Inst.: 8x64 Kbytes 4-way

    - Level 2: 8x512 KBytes 8-way

    - Level 3: 2x8 Mbytes 16-way

    Selection: Socket #1 / Corer 8 / Threads 16



    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti (11GBytes)/GDDR5X Core 139MHz/Memory 405Mhz


    - Core: 139Mhz

    - Size: 11GBytes

    - Memory: 405Mhz

    - Type: GDDR5X




    - Chipset AMD Ryzen SOC Rev. 00

    - Southbridge AMD B450 Rev. 51


    Version 2008 - AMD AGESA Combo-AM4

    Date: 03/04/2019

    GRAPHICS INTERFACE Link Width x8 / Max. Supported x16



    DRAM Frequency 1064.1Mhz

    FSB:DRAM 3:32

    CAS# Latency (CL) 15.0 clocks

    RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) 15 clocks

    RAS# precharge (tRP) 15 clocks

    Cycle Time (tRAS) 36 clocks

    Back Cycle Time (tRC) 51 clocks

    Command Rate (CR) 2T


    DDR4-2132 (1066MHz)


    Module Size 8 GBytes

    DRAM Manuf. SK Hynix

    Ranks: Single

    SPD Ext. XMP 2.0


    Post edited by jmarvell1821#5398 on December 2020

    December 2020 edited December 2020

    seven edits so far concerning crashes....

    December 2020

    I'm uninstalling the game. But from what i can see in Programs, STO is missing from the list. So how exactly am i supposed to do a clean installation now when it's not in the list of Programs anymore, and there is no uninstall file in the directory?!

    December 2020

    So, apparently the STO i was using was through Arc. I managed to uninstall it, and am now installing the PROPER game from the original CD.

    December 2020

    "A file was open that could not be held for writing"

    That's the error message i got when reinstalling through Arc as it was trying to finish updating the launcher.

    I had to trouble shoot with a friend for HIM to tell, me, not the company!!! HIM!!! that the original CD has a 32bit launcher. How the hell am i suppose to know that they switched to 64bit?! i never saw any mention of that the past 9 years!!!

    December 2020 edited December 2020

    So far, it's been 11 hours without incident. Then again that's it was after Friday, until i started crashing again.

    Post edited by jmarvell1821#5398 on December 2020

    December 2020

    Again, constant crashes today, with multiple confirmations from other AMD users. no crashes whatsoever from Intel users.

    ERROR CODE: 270987

    December 2020

    Another crash, right after the last comment.

    ERROR CODE: 270993

    December 2020

    another crash while simply sitting in orbit of DS9. No error message.

    December 2020

    Another crash while warping out again (DS9).... no error message.

    December 2020

    Another crash while moving in sector space outside DS9. No error message.

    December 2020

    Another crash in the same sector while in transwarp. No error message.

    December 2020 edited December 2020

    crash while loading the game after loading a character. Error code 270a15.

    December 2020 edited December 2020

    crash while loading the game after selecting a character to load. ERROR: 270a44

    December 2020

    Another crash while loading a character. ERROR: 270a57

    December 2020

    crash while loading a character. ERROR: 270aa8

    December 2020

    I just did a force check of the game files, and immediately after started another patch.... roughly 4393MB have been patched and/or downloaded.

    December 2020 edited December 2020

    well that didn't last long.... i just had another crash while warping out from the regular Defera system.

    ERROR: 27973d

    January 5

    another crash going into a Borg queue. No loading. crash to desktop. ERROR: 286d6c

    January 7 edited January 7

    Another crash just as i entered Hive advanced. ERROR code: 28bcef

    And i got another AFK penalty because of this. I know you guys hate AMD, and the moderators have orders to hide this thread from public view, so don't pretend like you aren't seeing this.

    January 10, 2020


    Another crash just now, simply standing around on DS9. No error message.


    crashed loading my character. Error code: 295894


    again, not even a few minutes standing around DS9, and crashed. ERROR CODE: 2958de


    Just crashed again while loading my character at 98%. No error code.


    crash while running on Nimbus. ERROR CODE: 295a12


    crashed at 97% after beaming out of Nimbus System #1. ERROR CODE: 295a4c

    jmarvell1821 Member Posts: 43 Arc User


    Crashed while loading my character. No safe mode request was made after i crashed exiting Nimbus System #1. Current ERROR CODE: 295a88

    jmarvell1821 Member Posts: 44 Arc User


    I kept crashing now on character loading. Always at 97-98%. Current ERROR CODE: 295aa5


    I just tried loading with Safe Mode from the launcher. it loading my character, but crashed after 5 seconds.

    ERROR CODE: 295ab4


    Just tried Safe Mode (US server) this time. Lasting for a few minutes. I traveled to Nukara, but crashed a few second after beaming down.

    ERROR CODE: 295ae8


    Up until this post, my game had been on for at least 30 minutes - deselected - but when i cam back and click on the window, it paused and then crashed. No error message.

    jmarvell1821 Member Posts: 49 Arc User


    managed to load character. And after a few seconds when i tried to re-roll an endeavor, it crashed to desktop again.

    ERROR CODE: 295d31

    submitted by /u/Apocalypse2001
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    Trying to buy a Crossfield-class by selling Keys

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:26 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for some friendly advice as to how much I should sell a box of 10 keys I've bought in order to buy a Crossfield-class for my DISCO character.

    There were two on the exchange at 420 million EC and I don't think anyone is going to be buying a box of 10 keys for that much haha.

    Any help and advice is appreciated!


    submitted by /u/SaintofSelhurst
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    How to commission bridge officers?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 12:18 AM PST

    How to commission bridge officers?

    So I have a new ship, I have one epty slot (engineering). I have one engineering officer candidate, but when I try to commision him, I get the message "There is no room on your shuttle for no bridge officers". I want to commission an officer to a starship, not a shuttle. But I don't know how to tell it to the game.

    Here I click \"show\" (bridge officer candidates)

    After I select the officer I want, this happens

    submitted by /u/LT125
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    STO Stardate calculator?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:03 PM PST


    I'm a pretty big roleplayer and lore fanatic, and I was just wondering if there's any resource out there that would help me with Stardates in the STO timeline. I know that generally it'll start with an 8, but the exact conversions are hard to find.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/DwilenaAvaron
    [link] [comments]

    Kind of surprised the Sydney-class in the game

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:12 PM PST

    *Isn't in the game.

    They were apparently pretty fast and agile ships, were of fairly significant size (Miranda-ish), and were extremely tough, with the USS Jenolan still remaining space-worthy despite crashing nose-first into a dyson sphere. Yes, the model is a retooled shuttle from the films, but it's actually a really cool shape, and very different from the saucer-based designs favored by the Federation.

    No, I don't think the Sydneys should have been given priority of most of what we have in the game now... but considering that Cryptic is kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel on canon material, maybe now is a good time?


    submitted by /u/RedditProtestor
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