• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Star Trek Online Monthly Reminder to Cryptic/PWE: Please return Breen & Spectres to Episodes tab or a separate Non-storyline episode tab.

    Star Trek Online Monthly Reminder to Cryptic/PWE: Please return Breen & Spectres to Episodes tab or a separate Non-storyline episode tab.

    Monthly Reminder to Cryptic/PWE: Please return Breen & Spectres to Episodes tab or a separate Non-storyline episode tab.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Thanks to this week's ship sale, I can finally target that explosion and fire.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:03 PM PST

    The U.S.S. Verity NCC-97000, Odyssey class cruiser (Admiral Jean-Luc Picard’s Ship circa 2385)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:33 PM PST

    Does anyone know what weapon this is?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:45 AM PST

    Star Trek Online's Odessey is now OFFICIALY alpha cannon.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:55 PM PST

    Demeter's Ground Speed Tips. This Year, See If You Can Beat Me!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:13 AM PST

    I specifically wrote this Run/Sprint/Speed "How-To" with the mission "The Fast and The Flurrious" in mind. This mission is available for limited time each year and is only available in "Q's Winter Wonderland".

    This is the mission where you race competitively against other players on an ice track (PvP).

    This mission should not be confused with the mission "Fastest Game On Ice", where the individual player races against an NPC on the slippery track.

    Disclaimer: Right now this is the current META however, by next week items on this list may be adjusted +/-, be completely nerf'ed or new items added to the game that increase Run/Sprint/Speed. I will update the information here as required.

    I apologize that this list is not in a cleaner format as I just wrote this up spontaneously. AND...anyone who can add to this list please post below. Please ask any questions below and I will answer as the list doesn't explain some detail.

    Note: I am aware of the other Run/Sprint/Speed buffs in the game and not on this list. As of right now, they don't work in Q's Winter Wonderland. What I have listed here does work.

    [1] Fleet Research Lab Project

    Combat Performance Boost (Tier 3). Provide all members of your Fleet with a passive boost for the next 5 days.

    +10% Run Speed and Dodge (Ground)

    [2] Endeavor System

    Sprint Speed (Ground). Max Boost 15%. Perk Points

    [3] Ground Equipment to Increase Run/Sprint/Speed.

    [Burnham's CQC Armor or CQC Environmental Suit] +10%. Discovery Legends Reputation System (Tier-V).

    [Hostile Environment Shield] +20%. Discovery Legends Reputation System (Tier-I).

    Any Ground Weapon with the [RUN] Modifier. +15%

    Note: This weapon has to be in the Active weapon slot, not the Secondary slot or it will not be recognized (not work).

    [4] Ground Devices to Increase Run/Sprint/Speed.

    [Terran Fortune Tribble] +5% . Buy on the Exchange or breed one (feed Terran Fortune Cookie).

    [Sautéed Shiitake] +3%. Consumable Rare Ground Device. Purchase from the Lobi Store (1 Lobi Crystal each).

    [Ketracel White] +25%. Consumable Uncommon Ground Device. For Jem'Hadar Character ONLY.

    [5] Skill Tree Specialization to Increase Run/Sprint/Speed.

    Command Officer, Set as Primary or Secondary

    Tier-1 Skill: Forward March

    5% Increased Sprint Speed

    > Stacks with 4 other Command Officers (potential 5% to 25% Boost)

    [6] Personal Ground Traits to Increase Run/Sprint/Speed.

    Coalition Squad Tactics

    3% to 15% Run Speed.

    If your own Class is Tactical you gain +3% Run Speed.

    The Science & Engineer Class DOES NOT gain a direct Run Buff from this Trait but can still gain a buff from having Tactical Teammates.

    > If you have Tactical Officer Teammate(s) you will gain +3% Run Speed per Tac, potential 3% to 15% Boost.

    Maquis Guile

    +10% Run Speed

    [7] Ground Reputation Traits to Increase Run/Sprint/Speed.

    Physical Conditioning (Rank 2)

    +6.3% Earned from completing the Delta Alliance Reputation System (Tier-6 for Rank 2)

    Close Quarters Combat (Rank 2)

    +3.8% Earned from completing the Terran Task Force Reputation System (Tier-6 For Rank 2)

    submitted by /u/gamma_boy_elite
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    Minor Vanity Feature You'd Like To See Implemented?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:31 AM PST

    For me, it would be a nacelle/engine vanity slot. They'd let you separate the nacelle colors from shield effects, because there are some shields that I really like the nacelle and engine glow from, but not the hull color change. Simply drop the shields into that slot, and the visual affect only applies to the nacelles and engines. Bonus points if you could mix and match with the shield slot, in case there was a shield you liked but wanted a different glow.

    Vanity slots for weapons would be nice, too. But given one or the other I'd take the nacelle slots.

    submitted by /u/Drakknfyre
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    Vanguard Gunboats or Jem'hadar Fighters

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:57 AM PST

    Tied in with my other post abought the Jem'hadar Dreadnought Carrier, I would like to know if there is a major difference between the two hangar pets, and if one is superior to the other

    submitted by /u/Dank_Ranger
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    PvP Tutorial help

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:08 AM PST

    A little help... so I started playing STO and along the way I spent cash to get a couple of ships.. super excited even though I couldn't use them until I finished the PvP Tutorials. There's my problem, I cant complete the PvP Tutorials. I que for them, I've even found a couple of systems that have the que for PvP, but nothing g ever happens. Any insight or help with understanding what I need to do to complete the PvP Tutorials is Highly appreciated. :)

    submitted by /u/GalaxyLion6
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    New item spotted in mudd's market: Three t6 coupons for 4500 Z

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:23 AM PST

    New Breen Models?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:50 PM PST

    Dilithium use

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:42 AM PST

    I've been playing fairly casually for a while now (just enjoy blowing stuff up with a space ship 😁) I'm wondering what the best use for dilithium is? Looks like best bet is grind the new patrol system for dil then exchange to zen, buy keys then sell them for ec to buy what you actually want. Is this a reasonable tactic?

    submitted by /u/muttley78
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    Does STO Support really exist?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PST

    I had a problem I submitted earlier in the month that has just been stagnate because CS could not find a post in the STO forum bug report for this issue. I used the in-game bug reporting and GM reporting on the day of the problem but that was not enough since they seem to have more... trust... in social forum posts. The Rep basically confirmed that in-game bug reporting is useless since the response was that the person could not find my bug report (in STO Forum) so I must have [incorrectly] filed a bug report through in-game. How useless is support when they ignore their own reporting system in favor of social post?

    submitted by /u/bmitchell64
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    Free ship roster slot from the mission "The Vault"

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST

    I was just reminded that the mission gives you a free ship slot, you don't even have to complete it, I ran it on a Jem Klinc and was given the slot after talking to a couple of people and then I just dropped the mission.

    Some of you may have this fact commuted to memory but for those that don't and who say just created new Jem Hadar character's then there's a nice perk for you.

    submitted by /u/jonnyu182
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    Someone's white-washed the -J

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:58 PM PST

    Developer Blogs for 27/11/2019

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:56 AM PST

    Direct Link - Save 25% on Everything in the Zen Store! - All Platforms


    Starfleet Engineers, in conjunction with the finest minds in singularity technology of the Romulan Republic, have finally made a breakthrough in investigating the incursions from the Galaxy of Great Sales, which occasionally merges with our own to set off the anomaly known as the "Flash Sale." This newfound research has allowed Starfleet to create not one, not two, but three major sales over the next week!

    For our third and final sale, it's time to head back to tradition. From November 27th at 10am PT to December 2nd at Midnight PT, you can save 25% on every item in the Zen Store! That means ship slots, XP boosts, ships, costumes, and anything else your heart desires! Head there now, Captains!

    Direct Link - Bonus Marks Weekend! - PC


    This weekend, starting Thursday, November 28th at 8AM PT to Monday, December 2nd at 10AM PT, we are running a special event where Captains can earn bonus Marks by playing content throughout the game!

    During the event, content that provides Marks (Fleet or Reputation) will reward a 50% (1.5x) bonus above normal amounts – this bonus is available for all content that rewards Marks, including the three new reputations that came to Console with Agents of Yesterday. Start building your Fleet projects and reputations!

    We hope you enjoy this special event and we'll see you in-game!

    The RSS feeds for Arcgames are currently not working (neither is the news tagging) - anything relying on those, like say, STOBot won't work until they're fixed.

    submitted by /u/ThonOfAndoria
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    where did they move it

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:33 AM PST

    Making a new toon and wanted to reclaim some anniversary and winter stuff and the reclaim tab is missing in the event store what happened where did it go

    submitted by /u/candle_86
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    Rank 150 RNGebus was kind

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:08 PM PST

    Focused Assault I or II training manual... where to purchase?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:04 PM PST

    Does anyone know where I could buy this? My Tac-Fed toon can't craft one. I can't find on on the exchange, nor have I found a vendor that sells it.

    Does anyone know where I can find it, or have one (or the ability to craft it) and willing to put it on the exchange? (for a reasonable price, LOL)

    Of note: I have not done the Iconian War story yet, but would like to pick this up early if possible.

    submitted by /u/pr0n-thr0waway
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    Suggestions for ways that Phoenix Boxes could lower the DilEx

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:31 PM PST

    This is inspired by the announcement that the current phoenix box run is to help lower the DilEx. I didn't want to (further) clog that thread with suggestions, so I made a new thread for that purpose. This thread is ONLY for suggestions for changes to the phoenix box, not for general dil sinks.

    I'm going to start off my suggestions with a supposition: the phoenix boxes are for whales specifically, not for general players. Because whales have such an outsize influence on the DilEx, and the lowering the DilEx is explicitly the purpose of phoenix boxes, they obviously are intended to bait whales: so they spend their zen on dil for phoenix boxes, rather than other things. As far as PWE is concerned, they have the whale's money, so they don't care what they spend their zen on. However, Cryptic has a vested interest in the overall health of the game, so pleasing multiple people via the DilEx is better than whales buying something just to please themselves. Also, we know that whales are pretty price-insensitve: they are willing to pay the big bucks to get what they want (that is what makes them whales, after all). Historically we know whales are willing to get the DilEx down below 100, if it's worth it to get what they want.

    So, the question then becomes, what will make phoenix packs worth it, so whales spend increasing amounts of zen on the DilEx rather than something in the CStore (probably keys, if we're being honest)? We know that, in the past, these packs were worth it for whales, since the DilEx dropped rather quickly when the phoenix packs were first introduced. However, they have become decreasingly effective as time went on. I would say that this is because the whales have already gotten most of the value out of the packs, since they rarely change. If you already have all the seasonal ships - either from playing for a while, or from past phoenix packs - getting an epic, or even UR, token doesn't really matter. Same with the rest of the stuff that isn't upgrades. And even then, you can only use so many upgrades before all your gear is maxed; and future gear doesn't require a huge investment, since that doesn't come very often.

    So, what to do? Here are some of my suggestions:

    • Account unlocks for Lobi and Lockbox ships from high rarity tokens: Only the true hyperspace whales would possibly have all the lockbox and lobi ships unlocked on all characters; more terrestrial ones could be baited for these unlocks - and the non-whales would be much more likely to use their dil to try for these, rather than buying zen, further droping the DilEx.
    • Special phoenix ships, only available from phoenix boxes: if you want to catch them all, you have to play the phoenix game. Even better: a phoenix specialization, only available for phoenix box ships. Boff-skill unlocks would also of course come from the phoenix box as well, certainly from lower rarity tokens.
    • Phoenix-exclusive vanity shields and uniform pieces: space barbie is the true endgame, let's add that to the phoenix box.

    All of the above would have to be updated on the regular, of course. Make phoenix box events something for all players to look forward to.

    What do you all suggest?

    submitted by /u/royinafokker
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    Reclaim Nelen Exil

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:15 PM PST

    If i dismiss Nelen Exil can I reclaim him later

    submitted by /u/ISU_Pike
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    Would like to hear suggestions about next undecided T6 ship.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:54 PM PST

    Hello all. I am able to get another T6 ship soon. But I am not sure what to get.

    I know that there are a lot out there that have traits, stations, etc that will help boost DPS. However, I don't "need" to increase it. I only run Advance TFOs, and average about 31k-47k DPS depending on my build and character I am on. So I am able to hold my own.

    I have the Jem'Hadar Dread Carrier T6, and LOVE it. I also have the Morrigu for it's trait. It did help a decent amount with my AP beam array build. Sometimes I use Dual Beam Banks when I feel like it. I like the Morrigu also, but will only use it for specific builds on certain characters. Others just long enough to get the trait.

    The thing is that since I don't need to focus on increasing my DPS now, I want something I can play around with the different styles of play that I like. Sometimes I like to fly a beam boat, cannon, DBB, or torp build. And sometimes I want to do a little of two put together. So I have been trying to find a ship I could get (Jem or Romulan) that can help give me that option if I want it.

    I was thinking about the Jem Dread Cruiser T6. It seems to have a good tac station for cannons, DBB, or beam arrays. And, it also has a hangar for that carrier feel. But it seems to give good support to torp builds also, because it has the ability to use Concentrate Firepower III.

    Is there something you would suggest? If so, why would you suggest it, considering what I am looking for?



    submitted by /u/Razar1
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