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    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    Star Trek Online Anyone Else Ever Get a Little Sad Upon Hearing Leonard Nimoy's Voice ?

    Star Trek Online Anyone Else Ever Get a Little Sad Upon Hearing Leonard Nimoy's Voice ?

    Anyone Else Ever Get a Little Sad Upon Hearing Leonard Nimoy's Voice ?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:20 AM PST

    I only started watching Star Trek around 6 months ago, I've watched the series chronologically starting with Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek TOS, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and now Discovery.

    I've also watched all the movies, Including the reboots, And my favourite was definitely Leonard Nimoy's portrayal of Spock, Anyone else ever get a little bit sad when you hear his voice ingame upon levelling up or the extensive voiced log you have access to ?

    submitted by /u/TrekFan86
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    The Year of Klingon: Part 3

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:34 AM PST

    Never noticed, but thats kinda cool and a high level on details

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:47 PM PST

    Get 5 Master Keys, Free!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Command the Dhailkhina Warbird

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Homage to the Intrepid class in honour of Voyagers 26th anniversary

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:10 AM PST

    600+ boxes and 9 years later...

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    New Zhat Vash lobi gear be like

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 02:01 PM PST

    Ten Forward Weekly 21.01.2021: Temer and Grethor

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Links: Youtube [1h 41m], Twitch, Facebook

    Theme: Temer and Grethor

    Guest: part 1: senior concept artist Hector Ortiz; part 2: senior environment artist Nick Duguid and senior content designer Jesse Heinig

    Part 1:

    • As a fanart submission Mike received some fabulous STO-themed song. Upon chat request, he said he'll try to make it into video somehow.
    • The important point in designing Temer-class was to figure how to fit two similar, but conflicting design styles into one ship.
      • A lot of design aesthetics were specifically STO-era.
    • There was some consideration before they decided to make this ship KDF/Rom one. At one point of concept stage it even was BoP/Defiant hybrid.
      • We here shown a page with ~20 sketches. Hector made several pages while experimenting.
    • There were plans for animating the cannons, but is proved impossible. That being said, ship is animated - upon entering combat wings rise upwards to look in T'Liss fashion.
    • Technically the recruitment is for whole KDF, you don't have to start DIS klingon or even klingon at all.
    • Hammerhead bridge was added to make it immediately recognizable as having klingon lineage, as before it felt as just weirdly coloured romulan ship.
    • Romulan part was most edges being rather smooth, along with distinct feathered wings shape and backwards-facing protrusions.
    • There are some big surprises on the loading screen that Mike don't want us to see just yet.
    • As far as Mike is aware, there's no new things specific for DIS klingons.
    • During the stream Mike received notification that some QoL thing that we waited for just got approved.
    • Ship's using warp core and has "alliance enhanced battle cloak".
      • Weapon setup is 5/1/1.
      • Consoles: E-S-T 4-2-5.
      • Boffs: Com tac, LtCom uni/command, LtCom uni, Lt uni, Ensign uni.
      • Trait is +torp DMG and crit with bigger range.
      • Console comes with AP damage and CritD buffs.
      • Console ability is bonus all damage and AP damage strike.
      • New ExpWeapon - "Repulsor Blaster", kinetic damage and push.

    Part 2:

    • Old Boreth and Gre'thor resources were deemed unusable.
    • Technically new Boreth and Gre'thor use similar assets, like textures, but they feel that they made them look different enough not to be noticeable.
    • Basic story remained the same, but they made many changes as to path itself.
      • In old mission Kahless was fighting Breen simply because they just made Breen back then and wanted players to see that nice thing they did.
      • "The Gates of Gre'thor" mission was added into "Afterlife" and now they are single mission.
      • The "was that real at all" aspect would remain, so 2409 KDF wouldn't get the information about Dominion influence prematurely.
    • We'd now meet Kagran during that arc, at that moment being "just another KDF captain".
    • New Boreth planet space look was based on its DIS visual with its ice/lava combination.
    • Delta Recruits that are still to play the missions should still be able to get the credit as proper items were placed on new maps as well.
    • In Boreth monastery, for the first time in the game, we have proper pushable doors.
    • Fek'Ihri themselves were also remade, with ground models just getting update and in space using the new ships from winter event.
    • Monastery hall from DIS looks immediately recognizable.
      • Meditation room we have to visit is meditation room from TNG.
    • They wanted to make proper outside, but that would require way too many new assets.
      • As such, windows are iced-over and non-transparent.
    • Mike finally failed to hide a loading screen. Well, he survived for a really long time and many map changes. (YT version has it edited out.)
      • Is this where you say "press F"?
      • He asked VERY MUCH not to reveal what we saw there.
    • Devs decided that despite that she was stabbed in the back, Doran died doing her duty, so she deserves to go to Sto-vo-kor without detractions. Jurlek is going to help us now, trying to redeem himself.
    • They were able to use one asset from Neverwinter - candles from meditation room.
    • Spectres now each look distinct.
      • Spectre of Treachery now has a lot of weapons stuck in his back.
    • They decided to use different interpretation of hell, not just "flaming"
      • Spectre of Cowardice is in Maze of Fear that is covered by darkness.
        • When you're overtaken by fer you become lost and unable to find your way - hence the darkness.
        • Since it's a maze, you can approach doors from both directions they couldn't use push doors, so they made doors slide up castle-like.
        • You go trough darkness of fear, lighting fires of courage.
      • Hall of Dishonour is cold, iced place where is no respite that you descend to.
        • They were able to reuse Priors World's snow assets.
        • Spectre of Dishonour would not fight fair, ho wouald sic mobs on you and, when you get to fight him, he'd be invincible, so you have to do honourable thing and free trapped spirits so that they can reclaim their honour by fighting the Spectre.

    Wow, almost 2 hours. Makes me anxious that I missed something.

    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    Sale on Packs for PC?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    Just noticed that the packs are 35% off after the patch, and the sale ends in about 4 days. Did I miss an announcement?

    submitted by /u/TheCommodore166
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    Actually which ground set is good for tac and sci?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:43 AM PST


    I am lost . There's lot of grounds set and much way to mix parts of grounds set. Which one is up nowadays? I saw on zone chat best one is diso armor with nakhul shield and dsc rifle from lobi store.

    submitted by /u/theodiousolivetree
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    Starship Upgrade Token question - account wide T5-U Mogai Retrofit?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:34 AM PST

    I'm a new player to STO, and just wanted to say that this Reddit community has been a tremendous resource as a new player. It inspired me to become a Redditor for the first time after years of lurking.

    So — i got my first of three characters to Level 61 — Fed aligned Romulan — and chose the Mogai Retrofit. I wanted to upgrade it with a token (bought 4 for $20) and get it to T5-U to see how the progression mechanics worked.

    My question is — when you use the T5-U upgrade on a non-fleet ship — is it always going to be a T5-U in the acquire ships interface for ALL toons on the account?

    There's so much information about this mechanic that has asterisks about this or that, I wanted to ask here. If I'm wrong about it being account wide — no biggie — I'll have fun leveling and learning. I probably should've just done the retrofit T6, but I wanted to see how the "free" before upgrade ship worked out.

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/IronChefKobayashi
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    Rejoice! For I have found the secret to defeating the Iconians and ending the War!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:05 PM PST

    Rejoice! For I have found the secret to defeating the Iconians and ending the War!

    Nothing Ends a War like Friendly Dancing Elachi Yeah among the places I did not expect to have them beam in and boogie was at this delicate moment of Federation History.

    The True Heroes of the Iconian War. Party on you crazy Dudes. Party On.

    submitted by /u/Lhasadog
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    Cryptic when updating the KDF can you please update the abilities for the Orion Male

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:52 PM PST

    I know abilities really don't matter a ton, but there no reason to leave a race with a useless ability. I personally don't plan to use an Orion Male, but there might be players who want to or already have one they made.

    submitted by /u/HarlockJC
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    PC Patch Notes for 1/21/21

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:07 PM PST

    Say i wanted to join a fleet....

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    Sooo, just theoretically, lets say i wanted to join a Fleet. How would i go about it?

    Where would i find a good one, who would i ask, and so on and so on.

    Edit:Someone told me I should mention that I am on PC. So thanks for that. Also the same guy said i should say what i am looking for in a guild/fleet. which honestly I dono, i am really just trying to build up my Ship, right now. Its not very good. So i Suppose grinding?

    submitted by /u/i_was_a_kid_once
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    Anyone else met the Star of Fire last night?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:54 AM PST

    I got 2x lockbox keys for free from some guy/girl in Earth Space Dock last night.

    Was anyone else there? I even saw the person give away FOR FREE a T6 ship, just because someone asked for it. Like literally, some guy wanted to buy a Walker class ship in the Exchange, but then that Captain just went like "You can have it for free" and even added upgrade totems. WTF, LOL

    It was a pretty fun evening. I wanted some of the stuff he/she was giving away, but I was too shy to ask. Apparently he's sick so he's giving stuff away?

    Does anyone know if he'll be online again tonight? I might just ask him for something. He seemed willing to give to people all sorts of things. Everything he gave away was gold quality. Normally I'd have sold it to get some ec but he was handing out like gold turrets and such.

    One guy said he was given a Kelvin Dreadnought for free. Any idea if he's a regular?

    submitted by /u/Cpt_Nox_Bear
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    Transcranial Sensor Link (silly) question.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:41 AM PST

    What is the trait's name a reference to?
    I get pretty much the lore behind the names chosen for practically any other ship trait, but I'm at a loss as to what piece of the mythos it is linking to?

    Does anybody kno?

    submitted by /u/WoodyManic
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    Is there a way to get different music to play in sector space?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:52 AM PST

    When I first started my Romulan alt, I know that a few times that I was in sector space, the New Romulus theme (that really calming, kind of haunting melody that you hear played sometimes on the surface?) played. It really, really fit well - much better than the (IMO) rather annoying and kind of tuneless "drums and synthesized woman yawning" music that plays the rest of the time.

    Was that brief interlude where the other music played just associated with starting a new Romulan character? There isn't any way to make the game play that theme in sector space all the time, is there?


    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Whats the best energy weapon for ships?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    Like the title says gonna start making a new klingon toon for the anniversary and like to know which type of energy weapon is the best before i create a toon.

    Oh and its gonna be a science officer

    submitted by /u/FriendlyAide
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    I wish there where more fasa ships in the game like the Federation Class dreadnought and its sub classes

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:30 PM PST

    PC FED looking for an Armada

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:47 AM PST

    Hello all - my friend and I have recently begun rebuilding a fleet. We've been able to get the Star Base to tier 3 and the dilithium mine to tier 1. We would love to find an Armada that would welcome us as we build up.

    We're currently a fleet level of 10 with five unique players. The Red Alert event has helped us quite a bit in terms of leveling and we're working through our first sets of discounts.

    Anyone looking? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ds80cmh
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    Possible to change default marks for event rewards?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:12 AM PST

    I work from home in front of my xbox. This morning after completing my run of Synth Wave, I got distracted by a work email before I was able to choose my reward. When I got done and checked, I found that STO had defaulted to Fleet Marks. I'm not even in a fleet. Is there any way to change the default so that in a similar situation it would give me marks I can actually use?

    submitted by /u/ScubaTrek
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