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    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Star Trek Online Thank you to the systems design team

    Star Trek Online Thank you to the systems design team

    Thank you to the systems design team

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Right, this morning, I've decided to focus on the positives - I got caught in a bit of a whine about the blog error - and therefore, I'm going to write a post I've been meaning to write for ages. In short, let's hear it for the Cryptic's systems design team.

    Varied Playstles

    While Thomas Marrone and the art team get regular, and well-deserved plaudits for the astounding beauty of their ship designs, the systems design team who work on the actual stats of the ships we fly, have a far more thankless task. Myself included, it's much easier to focus on the areas where balance goes a bit wrong than it is on the the fact that overall ship balance is in the best place it's been in years.

    I mean, what is the best dps type at the moment? Is it cannons? Or torps? Or exotics? Current top ISE parse on SCM is a torp build. Current top HSE is exotics. Current top ISA is cannons. While I don't think top end, highly nannied runs are the be all and end all of game balance, the fact we can even ask the question of which playstyle is top is - in my five year in game experience - an unprecedented state of affairs in STO's history. That we have three top end playstyles with different ones being better in different circumstances is a huge testament to the health of the game. I distinctly remember when top end Elites TFOs were just five players fighting for aggro in FBP Threat Tanks.

    Even within those damage types, there are debates on which is better. Has the Altamid lobi set pushed plasma to the top of the pile? Or are spiral wave disruptors still too good? What about phasers' multiple small advantages from prolonged to the trilithium 2 piece to the small Cat 1 from DOMINO?

    Do you prefer your exotics with a side order of ETM torp spewing or as "pure science"? Fancy overdosing on clickies or a slab of exotic particle focussers and crit boosts?

    (Note: I would comment on torp builds, but I know nothing about torp builds.)

    And it's not even as if beams are completely out of use. Beam Overload builds can be very nice for eliminating single targets and many high end runs use Beam Fire at Will tanks to protect the glass cannon dpsers.

    Now, I will admit there are issues with the current meta in that a lot of top-end options are now hugely more expensive than comparable builds in the past, as symbolised - but certainly not restricted to - the Vaadwaur Juggernaut being in a promo pack. But that is absolutely nothing to do with the systems design team and is very much a top-end managerial decision.

    10th Anniversary Legendary Bundle

    Okay, I'm in dangerous territory here, so let me start by saying that I hate that this bundle was FOMO. I think it was a very poor decision by Cryptic's management, but once again, that has nothing to do with systems design. On the contrary, I think they did an incredible job of managing a very difficult brief:

    You must design ten ships that the players will really enjoy flying, which must be sufficiently different from the existing ships that many players own and they must not be overpowered because the bundle is only temporary.

    Now, we don't know for certain they were even given that last instruction by management. It might be they made there own choices on that one. But think about it... Imagine that Overpowered and Overgunned was as powerful as many first feared. Imagine a top tier meta trait being locked behind a $200 pack that wasn't even up for sale anymore. The systems design team had a fricking needle to thread here. The ships needed to be good and the traits needed to be good... but not too good.

    And in my opinion, they managed it gloriously. One brilliant decision was to include all traits and consoles of ships that shared the same hull. To unlock preferential targeting, point defense bombardment warhead, cannon scatter volley, terran machinations, weaponised helical torsion, super charged weapons, made the pack an outstanding offer to new players, even before the inclusion of solidly "B" grade traits like Overpowered and Overgunned, and The Best Diplomat.

    But the ships are where I solidly fell in love. The Legendary Defiant has just been an absolute joy. 5/3, warship mastery and pilot maneuvers. It's not meta shifting. It's not even that much better than an Ajax. But it's the joy of flying a very, very good ship - with unique selling points - which looks like a hero ship. I love the decision to give it a truck tonne of hull. It makes it, quite simply, a "tough little ship" in a way that no other pilot maneuver ship has ever come close to. I own a Juggernaut on my Defiant toon and I am never ever going back to it. After all, some things matter more than max deeps.

    The Legendary Crossfield has also been very well designed. Full temporal spec, but removing a weapon slot to compensate. This makes it sufficiently different from other two Crossfields while still being a top end science ship. I love the inclusion of a Flight Deck Carrier, with once more, a small nerf in switching Miracle Worker spec out for Temporal, so that owners of the promo ship don't complain. And Miracle Worker versions of the Connie and the Sovereign are a right boon, albeit once more, with the choice to keep them both 4/4 in weapon slots in order to keep their power levels in check.

    Are there things we could complain about in the pack? Of course, there is. I'd have kept the Constitution 5/3 and the less said about the Galaxy, the better. But that's actually at the core of my point. It's easy to spot the things we disagree with, but it's sometimes less easy to spot what system designers do well.

    Take a moment to imagine if they'd got the balance wrong in this pack. If the Legendary Defiant had had a Lt Comm Miracle Worker seat on top of pilot maneuvers and was now the new meta - or close to it - and people were posting top of the table scores on ships that required $200 to get access to and were now no longer available. In my opinion, the system design team did a cracking job of dodging a bullet with this pack and pitched the majority of the ships just right.

    To sum up

    Thanks, system guys. You have played a massive roll in crafting an incredible game: a game many of us sad losers need more than ever now we're stuck in our houses all day. Though we may moan and grump about this and that being over or underpowered, it doesn't change the fact that you lot are unsung heroes, and that without your tireless and professional approach, this game would be in a very sorry place indeed.

    submitted by /u/Forias
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    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    I'm not the biggest fan of the Voyager series but hearing it's theme sprinkled in while flying round the Delta Quadrant is flipping awesome

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Catching up on the last century and a half at Starfleet Academy. That Kirk was always so... human. Peace with Klingons?Fascinating! ...

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Can Engineer captain be viable in a science vessel with EPG/Torps buid?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    So, my main is an Eng captain I've put some effort (reps, fleet credits, etc.) and money into. But recently I've got too fascinated by the 'space magic' scientists do. So can Eng captain be any good with EPG/torp build? (I don't aim for Elite difficulty) Or should I reroll anyway?

    P.S. English is not my native language so don't get too hard on me, please.

    submitted by /u/Sol_Bellator
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    Two glitches 1. Transfer to bajor sector doesnt work. 2. Commander Rojal at romulan command for completing reinforcement duty officer mission

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    low tier dilithium ships reclaimability and packs.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    So several packs like legacy of romulous come with a variety of tier 1 to tier 4 ships. I have not seen any mention how they are effected or how reclaiming previous zen purchases are effected. Basically so the packs will still have reclaimable versions meaning they are zen purchasable still? Will they still show up in the zen store to reclaim or is reclaim going to be somewhere else?

    submitted by /u/dofffman
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    question about the mission mind game.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    is the mission scripted for you to inevitably give in or is there a a trick to resist that i'm not seeing?

    i ask this because i noticed achievements/accolades based around whether or not you resisted.

    submitted by /u/xsoultillerx
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    Those T1 - T4 dilithium prices were a mistake. Here's the correct prices -- much higher.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    whats the best weapon loadout for my ship?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    i am a vice admiral using the enterprise B excelsior refit as my main ship what are the best weapon loadouts not to fond of the phasers? i deff want a turrent for the rear what other beam or cannon weapons should i use for my ship busy fighting the voth in dyson sphere but just wanna know what weapons to use for my ship

    submitted by /u/kaitlin4599
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    Looking for a Star Fleet RP group to ride out quarantine with!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Hi I'm looking for Star Fleet to group to play with while stuck in quarantine and beyond, I have always believed in star fleets way of life, I grew up with Star Trek, it's sort of my religion, if any like minded souls wish to go on some adventures let me know!

    submitted by /u/Buff-Fresh
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    Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Raider fun times - or "I am a fighter wing unto myself"

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I know I'm probably not the first to think this... but since I'm having such a good time with it I figure I'd share since other folks might want an option to have something to just... well screw around with.

    I'll mention up front - this is not optimal, you aren't going to top the meters or anything like that - this is primarily for solo/easy content and just having a good time doing something a bit goofy.

    Anyway, enough preamble:

    So, the Jem'hadar Vanguard have the unique bonus of having a couple little wingmen buddies in Jem'hadar Vanguard Heavy Raiders, yeah? Pretty nice, makes any of those ships feel awesome because you've got a little fleet with you. Also pretty potent in their own right, especially being able to heal you or scatter volley huge swathes.

    Now get yourself into a JVHR yourself... suddenly you aren't one lone tiny raider, you're a starfighter wing unto yourself. Combine that with Piloting spec for added maneuverability and defense (and Rock and Roll because c'mon, you need that to do this properly...) and basically you have a nice little strike wing of fighters that can sweep in, obliterate a target from behind, and then burn out of there with Evasive Manuevers or Rock and Roll only to come back and repeat.

    Now, in terms of actual practicality? Not really the best (though definitely not shabby either imo) - but in terms of just outright fun for goofing around with friends or doing easy stuff? It is an absolute blast. There's something about diving into a formation of ships, picking one or two off on the pass, picking up a frigate tailing you and ordering your Wingmen to pick them off while you jet away that is... *mwah*.

    I love big ship combat mind - mostly I fly carriers or the very large cruisers - but this is a wonderful way to freshen things up. So, I know this is a bit silly, isn't really a pro-tip or strategy or anything, but... if you've got a JVHR sitting around unused, try setting yourself up as your own little fighter wing, you might find yourself listening to the Star Wars score or Danger Zone on repeat.

    Just wanted to share this odd thing since well, it's fun and someone else might get a kick out of it too.

    So yeah, be safe, have fun, and stay on target!

    submitted by /u/mistformsquirrel
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    The new Picard ships and STO

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    I wonder how long if ever they may finally make an appearance with the game.

    Unlike Discovery, I am surprised CBS didn't use STO as a promo platform for the show other than 7 of 9 appearing in that event with Michael Burnham and Abe Lincoln --- which is where the first time I heard of the Fenris Rangers before it was mentioned on screen.

    The ships in the series I have listed so far:

    1. Antique Romulan Warbird. This version of the Warbird has some differences to the T'Liss, like on the skin material and nacelles. I would like to see this on game.
    2. La Sirena. Its a light transport technically but the size and the way it combats makes it like an escort.
    3. Fenris Ranger fighter. Used by 7 of 9 one time, this reminds me of the Tholian Meshweaver in size and appearance.
    4. Narek's Romulan Snakehead. Probably another Meshweaver sized ship. I really want to see this ship.
    5. Synth Bombers. These are the ships that attacked Mars and destroyed the Utopia Planitia. They remind me of modern combat UAV drones used in the battlefield.
    6. Borg Artifact Cube. The surface design and texture of this Cube has been different from previous Cubes, and it has this awesome regeneration feature.
    7. Zhat Vash Warbird. Another all new original Romulan warbird design for the series. I am not sure if this Warbird design is exclusive to the Zhat Vash, Tal Shiar or the general standard Warbird of the Romulan fleet at this time.
    8. Commodore Oh's Warbird. A variation of #7 meant for command purposes. Has a modified design from the other Zhat Vash warbirds.
    9. Space Orchids. I am not sure how this is playable however.

    With the last episode soon coming, new ships may be introduced, or not.

    submitted by /u/YorkMoresby
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    Please tell me how to get this armor? This is the coolest shit I’ve ever seen!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    T1 - T4 ships, what would be best investment for buying with Zen before the change?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    For a person who has not bought any T1 - T4 ships, are any so good that buying now for account onlock would be a wise investment? If so can you list any that are.

    submitted by /u/Mykawa
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    How do I get Disruptor Quad Cannons on a fed aligned rom?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    If I buy the ship in the zen store, can I reclaim them from the reclaim tab of the dil store?

    If I had a kdf alt, and wait to purchase the ship with dil, would it have the same effect?

    submitted by /u/refugeeinaudacity
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    This is Pretty Freaking Annoying

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    So Andoria is roughly the size of a medium-sized starship. Sure, why not.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:17 AM PDT

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